11 research outputs found

    La formation des enseignants du secondaire. Quels enjeux ?

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    The regional teachers' training colleges have, since 1952, undertaken the various professional training of secondary teachers, providing various courses in general education and in specialist subjects. Since 1 980, the scope of these courses has vastly increased. The authors propose to discuss these recent developments in 6 colleges, covering the material of 6 general courses and of specialist course. In order to do this, they have prepared a grid which will enable them to discuss successively : 1. The essential organisation of the course : place, dates and length, meeting place, people taking part. 2. Content : objectives and themes. 3. Progress of the course : methods employed, attitudes of participants.Les Centres Pédagogiques Régionaux assurent depuis 1952 la formation professionnelle des enseignants du second degré en organisant des enseignements de pédagogie générale, une initiation à la didactique des disciplines et une formation pratique à l'aide de différentes formules de stages. Depuis 1980, le volume de ces formations s'est fortement développé. Les auteurs se proposent d'observer ces aménagements récents dans 6 centres, sur 6 formations générales et une formation disciplinaire. Pour ce faire, ils ont élaboré une grille d'observation qui leur permet de décrire successivement : - l'organisation matérielle de la formation : lieu, dates et durée, convocation, intervenants, participants-stagiaires ; - son contenu : objectifs, thÚmes traités ; - son déroulement : méthodes employées, attitudes des participants.Tixeront M., Leselbaum Nelly. La formation des enseignants du secondaire. Quels enjeux ?. In: Recherche & Formation, N°1, 1987. Les professions de l'éducation : recherches et pratiques en formation. pp. 37-49

    Innovation - Changement - RĂ©forme - RĂ©novation

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    Bonne-Dulibine C., Davier J., Grosjean L., Leselbaum Nelly, Rehaut P., Tixeront M. Innovation - Changement - Réforme - Rénovation. In: Recherche & Formation, N°7, 1990. Les professions de l'éducation : recherches et pratiques en formation. pp. 127-133

    Estimation of the Atlantic inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar from climatological and in situ data

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    Atmospheric data from reanalysis, satellite, and experimental observations have been combined to calculate a four‐year time series of the Atlantic inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar. The net flow through the strait, estimated from the Mediterranean water budget, and the Mediterranean outflow, estimated from currentmeter observations in Espartel sill (western Strait of Gibraltar) from October 2004 to January 2009, made it possible to estimate the Atlantic inflow as the sum of both of them. The obtained mean net flow is 0.038 ± 0.007 Sv, with a seasonal cycle of 0.042 ± 0.018 Sv annual amplitude and maximum in September. The Mediterranean outflow shows a seasonal signal with annual amplitude of 0.027 ± 0.015 Sv peaking in April (in absolute value), and a mean value of −0.78 ± 0.05 Sv. The resulting Atlantic inflow has a mean value of 0.81 ± 0.06 Sv and a seasonal cycle with annual amplitude of 0.034 ± 0.011 Sv, peaking in September, and high interannual variability. The inflow seasonal cycle is the result of a barotropic forcing associated with the cycle of the net flow, driven by the evaporative cycle, and a baroclinic forcing linked to the seasonal cycle of the reduced gravity that drives the exchange.Este trabajo se llevĂł a cabo en el marco del proyecto P07‐RNM‐02938, financiado por la Junta de AndalucĂ­a. JSN disfrutaba una beca de doctorado de la ConsejerĂ­a de InnovaciĂłn, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de AndalucĂ­a. TambiĂ©n se recibiĂł apoyo parcial de los proyectos CTM2006‐02326/MAR (INGRES 2) y CTM2009‐05810‐E, del plan nacional de investigaciĂłn