3 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang : Pada masa sekarang ini data dari Indonesia dan luar negeri menunjukkan pasien anak dengan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) semakin meningkat. Prevalensi ASD yang meningkat, kesadaran orang tua akan perlunya penegakan diagnosis secara dini, edukasi, penatalaksanaan maupun pelayanan kesehatan bagi anak dengan ASD menjadi meningkat pula. Anak dengan ASD lebih mudah belajar dengan penglihatan (visual learner) dan memiliki kemampuan memori visual yang lebih baik dan bertahan lama. Oleh karena itu visual support merupakan salah satu pilihan terapi untuk anak dengan ASD. Visual Support merupakan metode sebuah rangkaian proses penyampaian informasi atau pesan kepada pihak lain dengan penggunaan gambar benda atau bagian dari benda, foto dari suatu benda, tulisan kata yang terbaca oleh indra penglihatan. Metode visual support yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini telah disesuaikan dengan budaya Indonesia. Tujuan : Membuktikan pengaruh penggunaan visual support terhadap perbaikan klinis anak dengan ASD. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah suatu studi observasional, untuk menilai pengaruh penggunaan visual support terhadap perbaikan klinis anak dengan ASD di UPTD ABK Sidoarjo. Penelitian dilakukan selam 3 bulan atau 12 kali visual support, yang dilakukan mulai bulan Maret sampai dengan Juni 2018. Tehnik pengambilan subyek penelitian secara Consecutive sampling, dilakukan pre-test dan post-test design. Alat ukur menggunakan CARS versi Bahasa Indonesia yang sudah dilakukan validasi. Hasil : Didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara visual support dan perbaikan gejala klinis (Nilai CARS) dengan nilai p<0,001. Simpulan : Pemberian visual support berpengaruh bermakna terhadap perbaikan klinis interaksi sosial, komunikasi (non verbal) dan psikomotor (terutama motorik kasar). Tidak untuk kesan umum dan tingkat konsistensi respon intelektual

    The Relationship of Visual Support Toward The Clinical Improvement In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Background: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased in the last 30 years from 0.04 to 0.50. This condition increase the parents’ awareness and understanding in early diagnosis, education, management and health services for children with ASD. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the uses of visual support for clinical improvement of children with ASD. Method: This study is an observational analytic study. The research was conducted at UPTD ABK Sidoarjo from March to June 2018. The research subjects in this study were four to seven years children with ASD condition. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling and was accomplished during the pre-test and post-test design. The measurement tool for using the Indonesian version of childhood autism rating scale (CARS) that has been validated. Management of visual support has been done for 120 minutes in three months (12 times) consisted of six activities, each activity for 20 minutes with one-one technique (one subject with one therapist). Results: There was no relationship improvement of the CARS based on the pre and post visual support management for three months (12 times) on general impression data, level, and consistency of intellectual responses. The results of paired t-test on the pre and post visual support management for three months (12 times) showed decreasing value of CARS. This result means that social, communication and psychomotor interactions have p<0.01. Conclusion: Management of visual support is associated with clinical improvement in social interaction, communication (non-verbal) and psychomotor (especially gross motoric)

    The Relationship of Visual Support Toward The Clinical Improvement In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Background: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased in the last 30 years from 0.04 to 0.50. This condition increase the parents’ awareness and understanding in early diagnosis, education, management and health services for children with ASD. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the uses of visual support for clinical improvement of children with ASD. Method: This study is an observational analytic study. The research was conducted at UPTD ABK Sidoarjo from March to June 2018. The research subjects in this study were four to seven years children with ASD condition. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling and was accomplished during the pre-test and post-test design. The measurement tool for using the Indonesian version of childhood autism rating scale (CARS) that has been validated. Management of visual support has been done for 120 minutes in three months (12 times) consisted of six activities, each activity for 20 minutes with one-one technique (one subject with one therapist). Results: There was no relationship improvement of the  CARS based on the pre and post visual support management for three months (12 times) on general impression data, level, and consistency of intellectual responses. The results of paired t-test on the pre and post visual support management for three months (12 times) showed decreasing value of CARS. This result means that social, communication and psychomotor interactions have p<0.01. Conclusion: Management of visual support is associated with clinical improvement in social interaction, communication (non-verbal) and psychomotor (especially gross motoric)