105 research outputs found

    Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Capped Silver Nanoparticle Inhibits Infection of Carbapenem-Resistant Strain of Acinetobacter baumannii in the Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cell

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    Acinetobacter baumannii, an opportunistic ESKAPE pathogen, causes respiratory and urinary tract infections. Its prevalence increases gradually in the clinical setup. Pathogenicity of Acinetobacter is significantly influenced by its ability to infect and survive in human pulmonary cells. Therefore, it is important to study the infection of A. baumannii in human pulmonary host cell (A-549), monitoring surface interacting and internalized bacteria. It was found that during infection of A. baumannii, about 40% bacteria adhered to A-549, whereas 20% got internalized inside pulmonary cell and induces threefold increase in the reactive oxygen species production. We have synthesized polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-capped AgNPs using chemical methods and tested its efficacy against carbapenem-resistant strain of A. baumannii. PVP-capped silver nanoparticles (PVP-AgNPs) (30 µM) have shown antibacterial activity against carbapenem-resistant strain of A. baumannii and this concentration does not have any cytotoxic effect on the human pulmonary cell line (IC50 is 130 µM). Similarly, PVP-AgNPs treatment decreases 80% viability of intracellular bacteria, decreases adherence of A. baumannii to A-549 (40 to 2.2%), and decreases intracellular concentration (20 to 1.3%) of A. baumannii. This concludes that PVP-AgNPs can be developed as a substitute for carbapenem to control the infection caused by carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent and mechanism anti-cancer drug-loaded liposomes using wheat germ agglutinin as a guiding molecule. Methods: For the drug-loaded liposome synthesis, the thin film hydration method was used and the drug cisplatin was loaded during the synthesis and followed by the surface modification using wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) lectin. The developed system was confirmed based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), particle size (PS) analyzer, polydispersity index and Zeta Potential analyzer. Results: The results showed the surface modified by liposomes had the particle size 200±5 nm. The wheat germ agglutinin coated on the surface to liposome led to a reduction in zeta potential and drug entrapment efficiency while particle size increased. Plain liposomes containing cisplatin had less effect than WGA modified liposome on MCF-7 cell lines. Conclusion: The MTT studies indicated that the drug molecules were initially get delivered to the inside the cell. This formulation offered new simple approach and effectively kill the cells via targeting the nucleus


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    In traditional systems of medicine along with holistic approach, different parts of basil (Ocimum spp.) have been prescribed for the treatment of various ailments. Morphological and anatomical characters play a vital role in plant based crude drug identification and standardization. This study aimed to characterize the morphological and anatomical structure of four different species of Ocimum such as Ocimum basilicum var thyrsiflora L. commonly named as Thai basil; Ocimum tenuiflorum L. as Holy or sacred basil; Ocimum gratissimum L. as Shrubby basil or Clove basil and Ocimum viride Willd. as Temple basil or Fever plant of Sierra Leone. This study is useful to correct identification judging the authencity of the plant and to differentiate these species from each other’s while undertaking pharmacognostical characterization and evaluation. Key words: Basil, Anatomical, Morphological, Medicinal crude drugs

    Clinico-pathological correlation of ovarian tumors and tumor like lesions with role of CA125 and HE4 as biomarkers for discrimination of benign and malignant ovarian tumors

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    Background: Ovarian tumors and tumor like lesions of ovary frequently form pelvic masses and are associated with hormonal manifestations. Clinically or surgically they can mimic malignancy but pathologically they could be benign tumors or tumor like lesions.Methods: The aim of present study is to do clinico-histopathological correlation of ovarian tumors and tumor like lesions of ovary and also evaluate the role of serum CA125, HE4 and calculate risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA), for differentiation of benign and malignant ovarian tumors.233 cases of ovarian tumors and tumor like lesions were studied. Tumors were classified according to WHO classification. Clinical and histological findings were compiled on proforma and subjected to analysis.Results: In present study, out of total 233 cases, 41.2% were ovarian tumors and 58.8% tumor like lesions of ovary. Among tumor like lesions, follicular cyst was commonest lesion while among ovarian tumors, benign serous surface epithelial tumor was commonest. In patients with ovarian tumors, blood samples were collected, before and after the treatment for analysis of CA125, HE4 and ROMA.Conclusions: Serum values of CA125and HE4 as well as ROMA were highly elevated in women with malignant epithelial tumors as compared to women with benign lesions. Also, all the parameters i.e. HE4, CA125 and ROMA showed significant difference before and after surgery. Hence measuring serum HE4 and CA125 along with ROMA calculation may provide higher accuracy for detecting malignant epithelial ovarian tumor

    Ecological system with fear induced group defence and prey refuge

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    In this study, we investigate the dynamics of a spatial and non spatial prey-predator interaction model that includes the following: (i) fear effect incorporated in prey birth rate; (ii) group defence of prey against predators; and (iii) prey refuge. We provide comprehensive mathematical analysis of extinction and persistence scenarios for both prey and predator species. To better explore the dynamics of the system, a thorough investigation of bifurcation analysis has been performed using fear level, prey birth rate, and prey death rate caused by intra-prey competition as bifurcation parameter. All potential occurrences of bi-stability dynamics have also been investigated for some relevant sets of parametric values. Our numerical evaluations show that high levels of fear can stabilize the prey-predator system by ruling out the possibility of periodic solutions. Also, our model Hopf bifurcation is subcritical in contrast to traditional prey-predator models, which ignore the cost of fear and have supercritical Hopf bifurcations in general. In contrast to the general trend, predator species go extinct at higher values of prey birth rates. We have also found that, contrary to the typical tendency for prey species to go extinct, both prey and predator populations may coexist in the system as intra-prey competition level grows noticeably. The stability and Turing instability of associated spatial model have also been investigated analytically. We also perform the numerical simulation to observe the effect of different parameters on the density distribution of species. Different types of spatiotemporal patterns like spot, mixture of spots and stripes have been observed via variation of time evolution, diffusion coefficient of predator population, level of fear factor and prey refuge. The fear level parameter (k) has a great impact on the spatial dynamics of model system

    Effects of a multi route (oral and nasal) application of Lasunadya Ghrita (An ayurvedic formulation) in cases of primary depression: Inferences from a Non Randomized open label clinical trial

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    Mental diseases are rising globally. Depression is one among the most common mental disorders with an alarmingly high incidence in India. Mental health care in general is suboptimal in India on account of inadequate resources and lack of awareness. Pluralistic health care delivery model of India including its traditional health care services is less explored in case of mental health for its possibility of adding value to the net mental health care delivery. The objective of the study was to explore the efficacy of an ayurvedic formulation Lasunadya Ghrita (LG) in a multimodal application form in cases of depression and to compare its efficacy with conventional care composed of Escitalopram, Etizolam and Zolpidem (EEZ) provided in an allopathic psychiatric health care setting. Total 52 patients of depression allocated non randomly to Ayurveda LG group and to Allopathy EEZ group were followed up for 4 weeks and evaluated on the basis of HAM-D and SF-36 mean score changes of the participants on a pre and post basis and also for their intergroup comparisons. Statistically significant changes in mean HAM-D and SF-36 Score were observed in a pre-post comparison in both the groups. An intergroup comparison was non- significant for majority of HAM-D domains, barring a few showing the comparable effects of two treatment approaches. Ayurvedic treatment was effective in work and energy domain and gastrointestinal symptoms. Pre and post mean changes in HAM-D and SF-36 Score in two groups have shown significant changes in both the groups suggestive of their individual efficacy. Insignificant difference in most domain scores of HAM-D and SF-36 in an inter group comparison was suggestive of comparable efficacy of LG multi route application with EEZ allopathy care

    Effects of a multi route (oral and nasal) application of Lasunadya Ghrita (An ayurvedic formulation) in cases of primary depression: Inferences from a non randomized open label clinical trial

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    618-628Mental diseases are rising globally. Depression is one among the most common mental disorders with an alarmingly high incidence in India. Mental health care in general is suboptimal in India on account of inadequate resources and lack of awareness. Pluralistic health care delivery model of India including its traditional health care services is less explored in case of mental health for its possibility of adding value to the net mental health care delivery. The objective of the study was to explore the efficacy of an ayurvedic formulation Lasunadya Ghrita (LG) in a multimodal application form in cases of depression and to compare its efficacy with conventional care composed of Escitalopram, Etizolam and Zolpidem (EEZ) provided in an allopathic psychiatric health care setting. Total 52 patients of depression allocated non randomly to Ayurveda LG group and to Allopathy EEZ group were followed up for 4 weeks and evaluated on the basis of HAM-D and SF-36 mean score changes of the participants on a pre and post basis and also for their intergroup comparisons. Statistically significant changes in mean HAM-D and SF-36 Score were observed in a pre-post comparison in both the groups. An intergroup comparison was non- significant for majority of HAM-D domains, barring a few showing the comparable effects of two treatment approaches. Ayurvedic treatment was effective in work and energy domain and gastrointestinal symptoms. Pre and post mean changes in HAM-D and SF-36 Score in two groups have shown significant changes in both the groups suggestive of their individual efficacy. Insignificant difference in most domain scores of HAM-D and SF-36 in an inter group comparison was suggestive of comparable efficacy of LG multi route application with EEZ allopathy care

    Unraveling Electronic and Vibrational Coherences Following a Charge Transfer Process in a Photosystem II Reaction Center

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    A reaction center is a unique biological system that performs the initial charge separation within a Photosystem II (PSII) multiunit enzyme, which eventually drives the catalytic water-splitting in plants and algae. The possible role of quantum coherences coinciding with the energy and charge transfer processes in PSII reaction center is one of the active areas of research. Here, we study these quantum coherences by using a numerically exact method on an excitonic dimer model, including linear vibronic coupling and employing optimal parameters from experimental two-dimensional coherent spectroscopic measurements. This enables us to precisely capture the excitonic interaction between pigments and the dissipation of the energy from electronic and charge-transfer (CT) states to the protein environment. We employ the time nonlocal (TNL) quantum master equation to calculate the population dynamics, which yields numerically reliable results. The calculated results show that, due to the strong dissipation, the lifetime of electronic coherence is too short to have direct participation in the charge transfer processes. However, there are long-lived vibrational coherences present in the system at frequencies close to the excitionic energy gap. These are strongly coupled with the electronic coherences, which makes the detection of the electronic coherences with conventional techniques very challenging. Additionally, we unravel the strong excitonic interaction of radical pair (PD1 and PD2) in the reaction center, which results in a long-lived electronic coherence of >100 fs, even at room temperature. Our work provide important physical insight to the charge separation process in PSII reaction center, which may be helpful for better understanding of photophysical processes in other natural and artificial light-harvesting systems
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