88 research outputs found

    Immunologic glomerulopathies-diagnostic role of immunofluorescence study of renal biopsies

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    Background: The kidney is a structurally complex organ that has evolved to subserve a number of important functions: excretion of the waste products of metabolism, regulation of body water and salt, maintenance of appropriate acid balance, and secretion of a variety of hormones and autacoids. Some clinical disorders affect more than one structure. In addition, the anatomic interdependence of structures in the kidney implies that damage to one almost always secondarily affects the others. Thus, severe glomerular damage impairs the flow through the peritubular vascular system, conversely, tubular destruction, by increasing interglomerular pressure, may induce glomerular atrophy. Thus, whatever the origin, there is a tendency for all forms of chronic renal disease ultimately to destroy all four components of the kidney, culminating in chronic renal failure and what has been called end-stage contracted kidneys. The functional reserve of the kidney is large, and much damage may occur before functional impairment is evident. The circulating immune complexes play a very major role in various types of glomerular nephropathies.Methods: The present study was conducted on renal biopsies referred to Pathology Department of G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur and Regency Hospital Ltd., Kanpur. Frozen section of renal biopsy was taken for IF studies. Renal biopsy tissue was received in IF fluid containing Ammonium sulphate, N-ethyl malcimide, Magnesium sulphate.Results: The lgG class of immunoglobulins was found to be most fatal to the G13M, the 1gM and IgA were also found to cause glomerular damage. This mechanism was seen responsible for most cases of ICGN. In the present study, fluorescent study of renal biopsy tissue was also done using Hollande’s fixative and it was observed that a better diagnosis could be done when used with routine H & E and immunofluorescent studies.Conclusions: The immunofluorescence microscopy proved to be very useful and essential, for proper diagnosis and therapy of a renal disease. IFM comes out to be a very good indicator of the deposition site and class of immunoglobulin involved in the Immune-complex deposit

    Salvaging of Hopeless Tooth by an Interdisciplinary Approach

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    Hemisection means removal of one root with accompaning crown portion of decayed mandibular molar. Hemisection saves the tooth instead of extraction. This article is about 15 years old boy with deep furcation involvement of mandibular molar treated by hemisection procedure

    Diversity of water-borne conidial fungi in some freshwater bodies of Kumaun Himalaya in district Nainital (Uttarakhand), India

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    The aquatic ecosystem harbours a variety of micro-organisms, among which water-borne conidial fungi occupy an important place. Their occurrence in freshwater habitat has great significance in the decomposition of submerged plant materials, nutrient release and productivity. Their occurrence and frequency to extreme temperatures and pH may have a profound effect on fungal community composition and metabolic activities. The present paper deals with the diversity of conidial aquatic fungi from different unexplored freshwater bodies flowing through different elevations (1000-1500 m) in district Nainital, Kumaun Himalaya. Comparative study of species composition in different seasons, sporulation temperatures and pH conditions was also carried out. In all, 18 species of conidial fungi belonging to 14 genera were recorded, out of which maximum species (11 species) were recorded in both rainy (July to September) and winter seasons (November to December). Anguillospora crassa, Beltrania rhombica, Campylospora chaetocladia, Cylindrocarpon aquaticum, Helicomyces roseus and Tetracladium setigerum were isolated only during rainy season; Alatospora acuminata, Clavariopsis aquatica, Clavatospora tentacula, Lemonniera pseudofloscula, L. terrestris and Tetrachaetum elegans were isolated only during winter season while Lunulospora curvula, L. cymbiformis, Setosynnema isthmosporum, Tetracladium marchalianum and Triscelophorus acuminatus were isolated in both rainy and winter seasons. The preferred pH and the sporulation temperature ranged from 6-7 and 15-20 °? respectively. The results of the present study are clearly indicating fungal species composition variations along pH, temperature, seasonal and altitudinal gradients and the sites selected for this exploratory investigation are being undertaken for the first time


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    Introduction: Primary open-angle glaucoma is a silent predator of sight, killing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), and leads to characteristic optic nerve head (ONH) changes and visual field (VF) defects. The conventional methods of diagnosis include clinical examination and perimetry. However, by these at the time of diagnosis, a substantial loss of RGCs has already occurred. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) allows quantitative measurements of various parameters of the retina. This tool may be utilized for selective measurement of macular parameters to make an early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Methods: In 6 months of study, a total of 81 eyes of 51 subjects underwent SD-OCT measurements, that is, 49 eyes of 35 POAG subjects and 32 eyes of 16 age-matched healthy subjects, to record all measurable macular parameters, namely, macular thickness (MT)-central, average, in all sectors of the inner and outer circle of early treatment of diabetic retinopathy study (ETDRS) macular map; macular volume, ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GC-IPL) thickness-in all sectors; succeeded by statistical calculations using the unpaired t-test to calculate two-tailed p-value which is significant when its value is <0.05. Results: As an observation the average MT, MT in the inferior and temporal sector of the inner circle of the ETDRS macular map, that in the inferior sector of the outer circle, minimum GC-IPL thickness, and GC-IPL thickness in all sectors were all significantly reduced in POAG eyes than healthy eyes. Whereas central MT, average GC-IPL thickness, macular volume, and MT in few sectors of the inner and outer circle of the ETDRS macular map proved to bear an insignificant change of POAG. Conclusion: In this study, the greatest impact of POAG on macula was discovered in the GC-IPL layer and MT in the inferior sector of inner and outer ring which might serve the purpose of diagnosis of POAG apart from the established parameters of RNFL and ONH

    Impact of Tourism on Livelihoods

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    Wildlife tourism is gaining popularity day by day. With the increase in the number of tourist influx in Protected Areas (PA), new facilities to satisfy their needs are coming in the villages around the PA. Tourism has both negative and positive impacts in these rural areas. To know the impacts of tourism, a study was conducted in two villages namely Khatia and Mocha which are situated near Kanha National Park (KNP).  The main aim of study was to identify the change in the lives of those villagers who have sold their land to resort/lodge owners.  A survey was conducted of villagers who had sold their land in the last five years. Data was obtained regarding change in land use, use of income obtained from sale, reasons for selling the land, change in livelihood patterns etc. It was found out that the main reasons for selling the land included exasperation due to crop raiding by wild ungulates and the attractive price offered by the resort owners. The land use pattern changed drastically leading to a complete change in landscape from one dominated by agricultural fields to one choked by construction of posh resorts. The use of money realized from sale was majorly done to purchase land holdings in other villages or gypsies to be used for tourism purposes. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test shows that there is a significant increase in the income of villages after the sale although many marginal farmers are working as laborers on the same piece of land they once owned

    Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy

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    Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count of <150x109/l. It is the second most common hematological abnormality during pregnancy. We present a case series of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate thrombocytopenia in pregnancy at tertiary care center, Bhopal and to identify, treat and assess the maternal complications and neonatal outcome. In a year, 10 cases were evaluated out of which the diagnosis of 3 cases was immune thrombocytopenic purpura, 3 cases of gestational thrombocytopenia, 3 cases of thrombocytopenia associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and 1 case of HBV induced chronic liver disease associated with thrombocytopenia.

    Reproductive potential of ecdysone hormone in rice-moth, Corcyra cephalonica Staint. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    The present study was designed and conducted to evaluate the influence of methoxyfenozide on the reproductive potential of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars larvae, as a safe and suitable alternative for the conventional organic insecticide. Results showed that the highest concentration i.e. 15 ppm of methoxyfenozide caused maximum reduction in fecundity i.e. 118.43 ± 6.08 eggs laid/ female and hatchability i.e. 31.52 ± 1.18% when both males and females were crossed emerged from treated culture in case of 1st instar exposed larvae. Such pairs showed maximum sterility also when emerged from 15 ppm concentration of food in 1st instar exposure. Fecundity, fertility and sterility comparatively decreased in 2nd, 3rd and 4thinstar larvae due to their comparatively poor exposure duration. Such knowledge may offcourse be beneficial for the effective control of rice-moth in particular and lepidopterous pest in general in eco-friendly way

    Clinical bleeding patterns and management of abnormal uterine bleeding in non-pregnant women: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Around 10 to 15 percent of women go through instances of unusual bleeding from their uterus at some point during their reproductive years. Additionally, up to one-third of women may come across irregular menstrual cycles. These irregularities often occur during two crucial phases in a woman's life: firstly, at the beginning of menstruation, which is known as menarche, and secondly, during the transition leading up to menopause, referred to as perimenopause. Aim of study was to determine the clinical bleeding patterns in nonpregnant women and its management. Methods: During the study period spanning from November 2021 to December 2022, a cross-sectional study examined non-pregnant females aged 15 to 55 experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding (AUB) who provided consent. However, certain exclusion criteria were established to ensure that the study's findings remained pertinent to the target population. Females exhibiting vaginal bleeding attributed to pregnancy or pregnancy-related factors were excluded from the study, as were those with vaginal bleeding stemming from vaginitis, cervical benign, premalignant, or malignant conditions, or traumatic causes. Descriptive statistics were employed in the study. Results: Structural causes [PALM] accounts for 71 (61%) of cases whereas non-structural causes of chronic AUB account for 44 (39%) of cases. AUB-L, 45 (39.2%) was the most frequent finding in females with AUB. The second most common causes are AUB-O 23 (20%) followed by AUB-A 14 (12.2%), AUB-C 08(7%), AUB-M 07 (6.1%), AUB-E 06 (5.2%), AUB-P and AUB-I in 05 (4.3%) each and AUB-N 02 (1.7%). Conclusions: Focusing on Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB), it was observed that AUB-L, attributed to leiomyomas, emerged as the most prevalent cause among affected females. Subsequently, AUB-O, arising from ovulatory dysfunction, and aub-a, linked to adenomyosis, ranked as the second and third most common causes, respectively. Among the clinical manifestations of AUB, prolonged bleeding was identified as the most frequent symptom, followed closely by heavy bleeding.
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