31 research outputs found

    Agro by-Product Fermentation Product as Poultry Feedstuffs

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    Feed is the main component in livestock industry, and contributes 70% of the total farming cost. Agriculture by-product is one of the alternative feed ingredients for poultry feed, but unfortunately they have low in nutritive value and high fiber contents that inhibit metabolism process. Fermentation technology is one of the methods to improve the nutritive value and to decrease fiber content of agriculture by-product. This paper explains the process of technology fermentation process and the effect of fermented product on poultry. Fermented agriculture by-product can be offered 5 to 30% depend on substrates and species of poultry without causing death. Fermentation process is not difficult to do, therefore agriculture by-product fermentated product are potential as poultry feedstuffs.   Key words: Agriculture by-product, technology of fermentation, fermented products, poultr

    Efforts to Improve the Quality of Palm Kernel Cake through Fermentation Technology and Enzyme Addition for Poultry

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    Palm kernel cake (PKC) with the protein content 14-21% and crude fiber about 17.63% is a by product of palm kernel oil. Utilization of PKC as source of protein for poultry feed is still limited. While demand of feed is getting increased. Therefore, the technology to improve PKC quality is needed to optimalize using PKC. This paper inform any efforts to improve the quality of PKC through fermentation technology and addition of enzymes and their utilization as poultry feed ingredient. Fermentation process of PKC can be done using single bacteria, mold or combination of them. By fermentation technology, the protein of PKC increased up to 88% (from 13-15% to 16-28%) and crude fiber decreased by 28% (from 17 to 12.21%). Palm kernel cake after fermentation can substitute soybean meal up to 18%, can be used up to 21% in broiler ration, and up to 25% in layer ration. Enzyme addition could increase metabolisable energy. Fermented PKC and enzyme addition can improve feed efficiency and feed conversion, and reduce abdominal fat in the broiler. Fermentation technology and addition of enzyme to PKC could improve the nutritional quality of PKC

    PELUANG ZAT BIOAKTIF TANAMAN SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF IMBUHAN PAKAN ANTIBIOTIK PADA AYAM / The Opportunities of Plants Bioactive Compound as an Alternative of Antibiotic Feed additive on Chicken

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    Bioactive compounds (phenols, tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, curcumin, saponins, phyllanthin) have the ability as an antibacterial or antifungal. Feed additives are feed raw materials that do not contain nutrients, however, it may increase productivity, quality of livestock products (meat, eggs, milk, skin, feathers), the feed efficiency and to improve animal health or resistance of disease. Feed additives that are widely used in the livestock industry include antibiotics, antioxidants, antifungals, emulsifiers, and binders. The aim of using antibiotics is to reduce the population of pathogenic microbes or disturbing microbes in the digestive tract. Antibiotics have been banned for used because it can cause resistance to pathogenic bacteria or intestinal microflora which has a negative impact on consumers. To improve feed efficiency in poultry and to produce higher quality products, healthy and safe for consumption, the antibiotic could be replaced with plant bioactive compound. The aims of this review is to describe the role of plant bioactive compounds as feed additive to replace antibiotic for chickens. Some of plant bioactive substances that can be used as feed additives include phenols, curcumin, saponins, tannins, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids. Bioactive substances from plants have several functions including inhibiting the growth of bacteria or fungi, increasing endurance, as an adjuvant, and preventing fat oxidation. It can be concluded that bioactive substances from plants have potential as feed additives which have the ability as antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, immunostimulator, and adjuvant.Keywords: bioactive compound, plants, feed additives, chicken  Abstrak Zat bioaktif (fenol, tanin, flavonoid, minyak atsiri, curcumin, saponin, phyllanthin) memiliki kemampuan sebagai antibakteri atau antifungi. Imbuhan pakan adalah bahan baku pakan yang tidak mengandung nutrisi, namun dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas produk ternak (daging, telur, susu, kulit, bulu), efisiensi penggunaan pakan dan meningkatkan kesehatan hewan atau ketahanan terhadap penyakit. Imbuhan pakan yang banyak digunakan dalam industri peternakan termasuk antibiotik, antioksidan, antifungi, pengemulsi, dan pengikat (binder). Tujuan penggunaan antibiotik adalah untuk mengurangi populasi mikroba patogen atau mikroba yang mengganggu di saluran pencernaan. Antibiotik telah dilarang untuk digunakan karena dapat menyebabkan resistensi terhadap bakteri patogen atau mikroflora usus yang memiliki dampak negatif pada konsumen. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pakan pada unggas dan menghasilkan produk berkualitas tinggi, sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi, antibiotik dapat diganti dengan zat bioaktif tanaman. Tujuan dari ulasan ini adalah untuk menggambarkan peran zat bioaktif tanaman sebagai pengganti imbuhan pakan antibiotik pada ayam. Beberapa zat bioaktif tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai imbuhan pakan termasuk fenol, kurkumin, saponin, tanin, fenol, flavonoid, alkaloid. Zat bioaktif dari tanaman memiliki beberapa fungsi antara lain menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri atau jamur, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, sebagai bahan adjuvan dan mencegah oksidasi lemak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa zat bioaktif dari tanaman berpotensi sebagai imbuhan pakan yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai antibakteri, antifungi, antioksidan, imunostimulator, dan adjuvant.Kata kunci: Zat bioaktif, tanaman, imbuhan pakan, ayam

    Pengaruh kinerja keuangan perusahaan terhadap kinerja sosial perusahaan

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    Kinerja sosial merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan sebagai bentuk dari tanggung jawab sosial. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja sosial perusahaan adalah kinerja keuangan. Kinerja keuangan perusahaan dapat dilihat dari rasio-rasio keuangan. Rasio keuangan yang dianggap sering dilihat oleh investor adalah rasio profitabilitas dan leverage. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kinerja keuangan yang diproksikan dengan ROA, ROE, EPS dan DER terhadap kinerja sosial perusahaan. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan property, real estate dan konstruksi yang berjumlah 48 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi statistik deskriptif, uji kualitas data, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi , dan analisis uji beda menggunakan SPSS 17.0. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan yang diproksikan dengan ROA bepengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja sosial pada periode 2012, namun tidak berpengaruh pada periode 2013. Sedangkan variabel ROE dan EPS tidak berpengaruh positif signifikan dan variabel DER tidak berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja sosial perusahaan pada periode 2012 dan 2013. Untuk lebih melihat secara jelas pengaruh kinerja keuangan pada tiap periode maka peneliti juga melakukan uji beda. Hasil uji beda menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kinerja keuangan pada periode 2012 dan 2013

    Growth rate of rex, satin rabbits and their cross fed with lactosym@ in an intensive raising system

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of breed, level of lactosym and their interaction on the growth performance of three breeds of rabbit, i.e.: Rex, Satin and their Cross. Thirty three-six week old (weaning) rabbits were contribute in a 3 x 3 factorial used of completely randomized design having 3-5 individual replication and fed one out of three levels of lactosym (0, 0.25 and 0.50 ml/head/week). The two factors were: breed and level of lactosym. Result showed that there were no significant differences between breed (P>0,05) for body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. Body weight was affected by the level of lactosym (P<0,05). Increase of lactosym level decreased body weight gain. Feed conversion were not affected by the level of lactosym (P>0,05). Interaction between breed and level of lactosym did not affect body weight gain and feed conversion (P>0,05), but affected feed intake (P<0,05).   Key words: Productivity, rabbits, lactosy

    Utilization of Jatropha curcas Seed Meal and its Limitation as Feed Ingredient

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    One of the alternatives to solve the problem of less fossil energy is to utilize plant as a new source of energy, i.e Jatropha curcas, known as physic nut. This plant has been promoted as a source of energy as its seed contains high level of oil which can be used as biodiesel. The meal produced after pressing the seed will become a by product which contains high level of protein but also contains several anti nutritive factors or toxic compounds. This causes a problem to utilize this seed meal for animal feed. This paper descibes the nutritional quality and anti nutritive factors of jatropha seed meal, detoxification of jatropha seed meal and its utilization as feed ingredient and the problem of its utilization. Jatropha seed meal as a feed ingredient has to go through a combination process of detoxification. There is a need to find a cheap and easy detoxification technology to produce a safe and high nutritional quality of jatropha seed meal for animal.   Key words: Jatropha curcas, anti nutritive factors, detoxification, utilization, proble

    The effect of Aloe vera bioactive and anthraquinone on the performance of laying hens

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    An experiment was conducted to study the use of Aloe vera bioactives as feed additives on the performances of laying hens. The Aloe vera bioactives was prepared as the dry gel (DG) and semi liquid gel (SLG). The Aloe vera was suplemented into the diets with concentration of equal to 0.5 and 1.0 g DG/kg diets. Diets contained commercial anthraquinone, a bioactive compound of Aloe vera with doses equal to 0.5 g DG and 1.0 dg/kg were also prepared. Diets were compared to control diets containing with and without antibiotic. Two hundred of fifty six laying hens strain Isa Brown aged 19 weeks were used for the experiment. Each treatment had 8 replicates with 4 hens in each replicate. The treatments were carried out for 30 weeks and parameters measured were egg production (% hen day/HD), egg weight, feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption, egg quality, and mortality. Results showed that feed consumption was not significantly different (P0.05), however DG 1.0 g/kg and anthraquinone 0.5 g/kg tended to decrease the feed consumption. Egg production was not significantly affected by antibiotic, DG, SLG, or anthraquinone (0.5 g/kg), but anthraquinone 1.0 g/kg had more egg production than control. Higher concentration of DG, SLG, and anthraquinone 1.0 g/kg gave better FCR than those of lower dosage (0.5 g/kg). Haugh unit was not affected by the treatment while yolk weight, egg shell and shell weight was significantly decreased by anthraquinone 0.5 g/kg (P0.05). Mortality from all treatments was only 1.6%. It was concluded that treated by anthraquinone was better than that by Aloe vera, however, they were not significantly different. For the healthy reason, the use of Aloe vera is more saver than the use of anthraquinone.     Key Words: Bioactives, Productivity, Laye

    Biological Evaluation of Some Plant Bioactives as Feed Additives to Replace Antibiotic Growth Promoters in Broiler Feeds

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    Antibiotics (AGP) have been used as feed additives to promote growth and feed efficiency in poultry production. However, many countries include Indonesia now ban the use of AGP and attempts are made to replace the antibiotic to maintain good performances of broilers. Plant bioactives is one of the alternatives that could replace the AGP. An experiment was conducted in an attempt to replace the AGP in broiler feed with a mixture of some plant bioactives (liquid smoke of cashew nutshell, Phyllanthus niruri, and clove leaves). Eight (8) dietary treatments were formulated to have similar nutrients consist of negative control (NC), positive control (NC+AGP), diets supplemented with liquid plant bioactives in 3 levels and diets supplemented with powder plant bioactives in 3 levels.  Each diet was fed to 6 replications of 10 birds each from 1 to 35 days old. The performances and the immune response of the broilers due to the treatments were observed. Results showed that the powder plant bioactives could not improve the performance of broilers. None of the feed additives (AGP or plant bioactives) affect the immune systems of the broilers. However,  liquid plant bioactives in low dose improved the performance of broilers better than the AGP and therefore is suitable to replace the antibiotic as feed additives in broiler diet