415 research outputs found

    Partial polarizer filter

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    A birefringent filter module comprises, in seriatum. (1) an entrance polarizer, (2) a first birefringent crystal responsive to optical energy exiting the entrance polarizer, (3) a partial polarizer responsive to optical energy exiting the first polarizer, (4) a second birefringent crystal responsive to optical energy exiting the partial polarizer, and (5) an exit polarizer. The first and second birefringent crystals have fast axes disposed + or -45 deg from the high transmitivity direction of the partial polarizer. Preferably, the second crystal has a length 1/2 that of the first crystal and the high transmitivity direction of the partial polarizer is nine times as great as the low transmitivity direction. To provide tuning, the polarizations of the energy entering the first crystal and leaving the second crystal are varied by either rotating the entrance and exit polarizers, or by sandwiching the entrance and exit polarizers between pairs of half wave plates that are rotated relative to the polarizers. A plurality of the filter modules may be cascaded

    Operators manual for the magnetograph program (section 2)

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    This manual for use of the magnetograph program describes: (1) black box use of the programs; (2) the magtape data formats used; (3) the adjustable control parameters in the program; and (4) the algorithms. With no adjustments on the control parameters this program may be used purely as a black box. For optimal use, however, the control parameters may be varied. The magtape data formats are of use in adopting other programs to look at raw data or final magnetograph data

    The Lockheed alternate partial polarizer universal filter

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    A tunable birefringent filter using an alternate partial polarizer design has been built. The filter has a transmission of 38% in polarized light. Its full width at half maximum is .09A at 5500A. It is tunable from 4500 to 8500A by means of stepping motor actuated rotating half wave plates and polarizers. Wave length commands and thermal compensation commands are generated by a PPD 11/10 minicomputer. The alternate partial polarizer universal filter is compared with the universal birefringent filter and the design techniques, construction methods, and filter performance are discussed in some detail. Based on the experience of this filter some conclusions regarding the future of birefringent filters are elaborated

    Operators manual for microdensitometer control program densitometer model PDS-1010G (modified). Program trace version 3B (section 3)

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    The PDS-1010G microdensitometer is run under the control of a PDP-11 program called TRACE. This program gives the operator vary flexible control over the machine functions. Most commands are passed to the computer through either the Tektronix 4010 terminal or the teletype, as selected by the position of the LOCAL/LINE rocker switch above the 4010 keyboard. (LINE places the 4010 in control; LOCAL transfers control to the teletype. In general, the teletype is used when the operator desires a permanent record of the operator-computer dialogue.) A small number of control functions are requested by setting switches on the computer front panel

    The spectra spectroheliograph system, section 1

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    A system capable of producing maps of the magnetic field straight from spectra was created. The theory of the extraction of magnetic field information by Fourier transform techniques is discussed. Contour maps of a high gradient magnetic field region are presented

    On the Dynamics of Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Elements

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    We report on the dynamics of the small-scale solar magnetic field, based on analysis of very high resolution images of the solar photosphere obtained at the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope. The data sets are movies from 1 to 4 hr in length, taken in several wavelength bands with a typical time between frames of 20 s. The primary method of tracking small-scale magnetic elements is with very high contrast images of photospheric bright points, taken through a 12 A bandpass filter centered at 4305 A in the Fraunhofer 'G band.' Previous studies have established that such bright points are unambiguously associated with sites of small-scale magnetic flux in the photosphere, although the details of the mechanism responsible for the brightening of the flux elements remain uncertain. The G band bright points move in the intergranular lanes at speeds from 0.5 to 5 km/s. The motions appear to be constrained to the intergranular lanes and are primarily driven by the evolution of the local granular convection flow field. Continual fragmentation and merging of flux is the fundamental evolutionary mode of small-scale magnetic structures in the solar photosphere. Rotation and folding of chains or groups of bright points are also observed. The timescale for magnetic flux evolution in active region plage is on the order of the correlation time of granulation (typically 6-8 minutes), but significant morphological changes can occur on timescales as short as 100 S. Smaller fragments are occasionally seen to fade beyond observable contrast. The concept of a stable, isolated subarcsecond magnetic 'flux tube' in the solar photosphere is inconsistent with the observations presented here

    Do quasi-regular structures really exist in the solar photosphere? I. Observational evidence

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    Two series of solar-granulation images -- the La Palma series of 5 June 1993 and the SOHO MDI series of 17--18 January 1997 -- are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. New evidence is presented for the existence of long-lived, quasi-regular structures (first reported by Getling and Brandt (2002)), which no longer appear unusual in images averaged over 1--2-h time intervals. Such structures appear as families of light and dark concentric rings or families of light and dark parallel strips (``ridges'' and ``trenches'' in the brightness distributions). In some cases, rings are combined with radial ``spokes'' and can thus form ``web'' patterns. The characteristic width of a ridge or trench is somewhat larger than the typical size of granules. Running-average movies constructed from the series of images are used to seek such structures. An algorithm is developed to obtain, for automatically selected centres, the radial distributions of the azimuthally averaged intensity, which highlight the concentric-ring patterns. We also present a time-averaged granulation image processed with a software package intended for the detection of geological structures in aerospace images. A technique of running-average-based correlations between the brightness variations at various points of the granular field is developed and indications are found for a dynamical link between the emergence and sinking of hot and cool parcels of the solar plasma. In particular, such a correlation analysis confirms our suggestion that granules -- overheated blobs -- may repeatedly emerge on the solar surface. Based on our study, the critical remarks by Rast (2002) on the original paper by Getling and Brandt (2002) can be dismissed.Comment: 21 page, 8 figures; accepted by "Solar Physics

    Measurements of plasma motions in dynamic fibrils

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    We present a 40 minute time series of filtergrams from the red and the blue wing of the \halpha line in an active region near the solar disk center. From these filtergrams we construct both Dopplergrams and summed ``line center'' images. Several dynamic fibrils (DFs) are identified in the summed images. The data is used to simultaneously measure the proper motion and the Doppler signals in DFs. For calibration of the Doppler signals we use spatially resolved spectrograms of a similar active region. Significant variations in the calibration constant for different solar features are observed, and only regions containing DFs have been used in order to reduce calibration errors. We find a coherent behavior of the Doppler velocity and the proper motion which clearly demonstrates that the evolution of DFs involve plasma motion. The Doppler velocities are found to be a factor 2--3 smaller than velocities derived form proper motions in the image plane. The difference can be explained by the radiative processes involved, the Doppler velocity is a result of the local atmospheric velocity weighted with the response function. As a result the Doppler velocity originates from a wide range in heights in the atmosphere. This is contrasted by the proper motion velocity which is measured from the sharply defined bright tops of the DFs and is therefore a very local velocity measure. The Doppler signal originates from well below the top of the DF. Finally we discuss how this difference together with the lacking spatial resolution of older observations have contributed to some of the confusion about the identity of DFs, spicules and mottles.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Accepted in ApJ, see http://www.astro.uio.no/~oysteol for better quality figures and mpg movi

    Sunspot observations from the SOUP instrument on Spacelab 2

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    A series of white light images obtained by the SOUP instrument on Spacelab 2 of active region 4682 on August 5, 1985 were analyzed in the area containing sunspots. Although the umbra of the spot is underexposed, the film is well exposed in the penumbral regions. These data were digitally processed to remove noise and to separate p-mode oscillations from low velocity material motions. The results of this preliminary investigation include: (1) proper motion measurements of a radial outflow in the photospheric granulation pattern just outside the penumbra; (2) discovery of occasional bright structures (streakers) that appear to be ejected outward from the penumbra; (3) broad dark clouds moving outward in the penumbra in addition to the well known bright penumbral grains moving inward; (4) apparent extensions and contractions of penumbral filaments over the photosphere; and (5) observation of a faint bubble or loop-like structure which seems to expand from two bright penumbral filaments into the photosphere

    Development of birefringent filters for spaceflight

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    The critical problem for flight of a birefringent filter is the shock mounting of the calcite. The design presented here bonds the calcite block with silicon rubbers to the calcite holder. The calcite together with its all necessary polarizers and rotating achromatic plates are mounted together in units called a filter module. By using a set of modules containing calcite crystals of differing lengths, a filter can be produced. A description of the modules is given. Also described is a container for the filter modules, which can be used both to hermetically seal the system or contain an index matching oil. The response of a filter element while being controlled by the Lockheed Temperature Control is described and the determination of the wavelength sensitivity to temperature of calcite is explained. Operation of the filter using a software control algorithm instead of a hardware temperature controller is shown. Some radiation considerations of filter systems are given
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