344 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Kepadatan Populasi Manusia dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad di SMP

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    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in human population density material in class VII B SMP Negeri 2 Putussibau. Forms of research conducted is a Class Action Research (Classroom Action Research) in class VII B SMP Negeri 2 Putussibau on students totaled 27 students consisting of 13 female students and 14 male students. The instrument used is written in the form of multiple choice test with 10 questions for any number of cycles. Based on the analysis of data, obtained an average student learning outcomes after implementation of cooperative learning model STAD in the first cycle are 71.48 and 80.00 second cycle. Completeness student learning outcomes in the first cycle of 74.07% and in the second cycle of 96.29%. Implementation of learning using cooperative learning model STAD in human population density material in the first cycle of 100% and a second cycle of 100%.The results of data analysis showed that student learning outcomes of each cycle has reached the expected performance indicators

    Kelayakan Poster Kandungan Gizi Melon pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan

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    This study aim to determine the feasibility poster nutrient content of melon which were sold in Pontianak as a medium learning on sub material about nutrient in class XI SMA. This study form was descriptive with questionnaire as non test collection data technique. Validation was done by 2 Biology Education lectures and 3 biology high school teachers in Pontianak. The validation results were analyzed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR). From the analysis of data showed that the poster nutrient content of melon which were sold in Pontianak city feasible to use as a learning medium in sub material about nutrient in class XI SMA with all the criteria scores of 0.99 and has been with a minimum value of CVR Lawshe

    Pembibitan Secara Stek-mini Tanaman Melati [Jasminum Sambac (L.) Aiton]

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    The experiment aimed at maximizing the speed growth and number of plants obtained by the mini-steck of jasmine (Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton) cv. Emprit. Changes in benzylaminopurine (BAP), indolebutiric acid (IBA), and “rooton” concentration.were evaluated. Branchs were used as the plant material source, which consisted of axillary buds obtained after careful excision of the leaves. The following treatments were tested: solid media (soil : sand = 1 : 1) with different BAP concentrations (0.1, 3 and 5 mg/kg), IBA (0, 100, 200 and 300 ppm/kg), and “rooton” (0, 100, 200 and 300 ppm/kg) The results showed that shoots growth slowly in the media suplemented with BAP, however, IBA 200 ppm/kg media is better. Rooton with 300 ppm/kg media showed best results for rooting induction

    Kelayakan Media Buku Saku Submateri Manfaat Keanekaragaman Hayati di Kelas X SMA Mandor

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    This research aimed to show the feasibility of learning medium in the form of pocket book on biodiversity submaterial in 10th Grade of SMA. Pocket book medium was tested its feasibility by five validators, they were two lecturers of FKIP UNTAN Biology Education Study Program and three High School Biology Teachers. Research instrument was used validation sheet and school partner selection technique was used purposive sampling, those selected schools were SMA Negeri 1 Mandor, SMA Negeri 3 Mandor, and SMA Bina Setia Sekilap. There were three aspects on which the validators assigned, those were format aspect, content aspect, and language aspect. From validation result, the pocket book was stated as valid and feasible to use with the average score of 3,6

    Etnobotani di Desa Beringin dan Implementasinya dalam Pembuatan Film Dokumenter Manfaat Keanekaragaman Hayati

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    This research aimed at knowing kinds of plants that were utilized by the society of Desa Beringin Kecamatan Sajad Kabupaten Sambas and how to process the plants. The researcher created a learning medium, which was a documentary, as the implementation of the result of ethnobotany research. The form of this research was qualitative with descriptive as the method and purposive sampling as the technique of sampling. The data were collected by using interview, observation, and documentation with 30 informants. The finding revealed that there were 127 species of plants that could be utilized in daily life including 44 species used as food ingredients, 7 species used as construction materials, 6 species used as dyes, 6 species used as natural cosmetics, 9 species used as craft materials, 16 species used as culture materials, and 67 species used as herbs. The result of the research was implemented into a medium, which was a documentary. Based on the validation assessment, the documentary was categorized as valid with the score 3.43 and acceptable to be used as a learning medium for the benefit of biodiversity sub material

    Hubungan Hasil Belajar Materi Archaebacteria dan Eubacteria dengan Sikap Peduli terhadap Kesehatan di SMA

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    This research aims to determine relationship between learning result of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria with students' attitude toward health care in grade X SMAN 7 Pontianak West Borneo. This type of research is correlational with research design one way relationship. The sample used two classes, that are X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 4. Instruments of data collection are multiple choice written test and attitude scale questionnaire non test. Data were analyzed using linear regression. The results of research showed that student learning result were high category with the percentage of 74.19%, while the students' attitude toward health care were positive category with the percentage of 67.74%. Based on the results of this research concluded that there is a significant relationship between learning result with students' attitude toward health care of 0.699 is sufficient or moderate category. Relationship that are formed can be drawn from the results of the linear regression equation =57,413+1,638X. The magnitude of the contribution of learning result on students' attitude toward health care of 48.86%

    Pengaruh Tgt Berbantuan Tts Terhadap Hasil Belajar Submateri Plantae Kelas VII SMPN 3 Sungai Raya

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    :This research aims to determine the effect of TGT model aided TTS on submaterial plantae class VII SMPN 3 Sungai Raya. The method used is a form of research Quasy Experimental Design,the research design is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Samples are class VII B ( experimentalgroup) and class VII A (control group) the school year 2015/2016. Instruments used in the form ofmultiple choice tests amounted to 20 questions.The analysis showed average results of student learning using TGT model aided TTS amounted to 13,7 and the average student learning out comes are taught using conventional teaching of 10.4.From the UMann - Whitney test,obtained Zcount< -Ztable ie -3,57<-1,96. Values ​​obtained Effect Size (ES) of 0,9 were high and accounted for 31,59 %, then the model aided TGT TTS positive effect on student learning outcomes in submaterial Plantae class VII SMPN 3 Sungai Ray

    Analisis Strategi Mempertahankan Konsumen Toko Zoya Kudus Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif Islam tentang strategi yang digunakan untuk mempertahankan konsumen di/online shop ZOYA Kudus. Kajian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan ( field research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data penelitian yaitu menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menjalankan strateginya online shop ZOYA memberikan informasi yang jelas dan lengkap kepada konsumen tentang produk-produk di online shop ZOYA Kudus. Jika dilihat dari aspek ekonomi Islamnya, yaitu dapat dilihat dari strategi ZOYA Kudus yang mengedepankan kejujuran dan kepercayaan, bersikap ramah, sopan, adil dan bertanggung jawab kepada setiap konsumennya.Kata kunci: Konsumen, Online, Ekonomi ANALYSIS OF ZOYA ONLINE SHOP'S STRATEGY TO MAINTAIN CUSTOMERS' LOYALTY IN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE This article explains about Islamic perspective on strategy tomaintain customers in Zoya Online-shop of Kudus. This is a field research using descriptive-qualitative. Data are collected through observation, interview and documentation. Results show that Zoya online shop provides clear and complete information about their product. Looking from Islamic perspective, Zoya online shop promotes honesty and trust in every transactions, modest, fairness and responsibility to the customers. Keywrods: Customer, Online, Econom
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