29 research outputs found

    Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL: Towards Climate-Smart Sustainable Management of Agricultural Soils

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    peer-reviewedhis article belongs to the Proceedings of TERRAenVISION 2019Our planet suffers from humankind’s impact on natural resources, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. Intensive modern agriculture with inappropriate inputs of fertilisers, pesticides and fossil fuel –based energy has increasingly added to human pressure on the environment. As a key element of our natural capital, soils are also under threat, despite being essential to provide food, feed, fibre and fuel for an increasing global population. Moreover, soils play a key role in carbon, water and energy cycles, highlighting their importance for biomass provision and the circular bioeconomy. Evidently, these new and complex challenges cannot be resolved effectively with existing knowledge and experience alone. These challenges require scientific research, interdisciplinary collaboration and networking to find context-specific and tailored solutions addressing societal issues of our time and facilitating the adoption of these solutions. The most effective approaches are based on the involvement of multiple actors from science, policy, economy, civil society and farming that have the same goal, work on the same societal issue, but have complementing backgrounds, expertise and perceptions. The European Joint Programme (EJP) SOIL is a European network of research institutes in the field of soil science and agricultural soil management that will provide science-based advice to practitioners and policymakers, at local, national and European level. The EJP SOIL aims to align and boost research, training and capacity building through joint programming activities co-funded by the European Commission and national research programs. This will reduce current fragmentation and help to find synergies in order to make a leapfrog in research on good agricultural soil management in three main areas: climate change mitigation and adaptation, production capacity in healthy food systems, and environmental sustainability. By joint programming, training and capacity building, EJP SOIL will also take into account the need for effective policy solutions, as well as the socio-economic conditions of all stakeholders in the agricultural value chain. Thus, a key focus of the EJP SOIL is to build and strengthen a framework for an integrated community of research groups working on related aspects of agricultural soil management. As part of this effort, EJP SOIL will co-construct with stakeholders a roadmap for agricultural soil research. To develop a structured roadmap, EJP SOIL works with a version of the knowledge management framework of Dalkir (2005). The EJP version uses four compartments: (i) Knowledge development, (ii) knowledge harmonisation, organisation and storage (iii) knowledge sharing and transfer, and (iv) knowledge application. The four segments are part of a cyclic process to enhance the development and use of knowledge on agricultural soils. Knowledge development comprises assessing new knowledge needs to achieve the expected impacts of EJP SOIL. Therefore, by involving multiple stakeholders, knowledge gaps across Europe will be identified to work towards the adoption of Climate-Smart Sustainable Agricultural Soil Management (CSSASM). Within the knowledge sharing and transfer compartment, the capacity of scientists, advisors, policy makers, farmers and other stakeholders will be strengthened. EJP SOIL will work to support networks and co-creation of new knowledge with stakeholder groups, stimulating innovation in CSSASM. The knowledge harmonization, organization and storage compartment of the knowledge framework ensures linkages with all stakeholders to guarantee data harmonization and standardization. The last compartment, application of knowledge, will be facilitated by creating better guidelines, awareness and capacity for Climate-Smart Sustainable Agricultural Soil Management adoption and by strengthening science-to-policy processes at EU and Member State level

    Roadmap for the European Joint Program SOIL: Towards Climate-Smart Sustainable Management of Agricultural Soils

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    Our planet suffers from humankind’s impact on natural resources, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. Intensive modern agriculture with inappropriate inputs of fertilisers, pesticides and fossil fuel –based energy has increasingly added to human pressure on the environment. As a key element of our natural capital, soils are also under threat, despite being essential to provide food, feed, fibre and fuel for an increasing global population. Moreover, soils play a key role in carbon, water and energy cycles, highlighting their importance for biomass provision and the circular bioeconomy. Evidently, these new and complex challenges cannot be resolved effectively with existing knowledge and experience alone. These challenges require scientific research, interdisciplinary collaboration and networking to find context-specific and tailored solutions addressing societal issues of our time and facilitating the adoption of these solutions. The most effective approaches are based on the involvement of multiple actors from science, policy, economy, civil society and farming that have the same goal, work on the same societal issue, but have complementing backgrounds, expertise and perceptions. The European Joint Programme (EJP) SOIL is a European network of research institutes in the field of soil science and agricultural soil management that will provide science-based advice to practitioners and policymakers, at local, national and European level. The EJP SOIL aims to align and boost research, training and capacity building through joint programming activities co-funded by the European Commission and national research programs. This will reduce current fragmentation and help to find synergies in order to make a leapfrog in research on good agricultural soil management in three main areas: climate change mitigation and adaptation, production capacity in healthy food systems, and environmental sustainability. By joint programming, training and capacity building, EJP SOIL will also take into account the need for effective policy solutions, as well as the socio-economic conditions of all stakeholders in the agricultural value chain. Thus, a key focus of the EJP SOIL is to build and strengthen a framework for an integrated community of research groups working on related aspects of agricultural soil management. As part of this effort, EJP SOIL will co-construct with stakeholders a roadmap for agricultural soil research. To develop a structured roadmap, EJP SOIL works with a version of the knowledge management framework of Dalkir (2005). The EJP version uses four compartments: (i) Knowledge development, (ii) knowledge harmonisation, organisation and storage (iii) knowledge sharing and transfer, and (iv) knowledge application. The four segments are part of a cyclic process to enhance the development and use of knowledge on agricultural soils. Knowledge development comprises assessing new knowledge needs to achieve the expected impacts of EJP SOIL. Therefore, by involving multiple stakeholders, knowledge gaps across Europe will be identified to work towards the adoption of Climate-Smart Sustainable Agricultural Soil Management (CSSASM). Within the knowledge sharing and transfer compartment, the capacity of scientists, advisors, policy makers, farmers and other stakeholders will be strengthened. EJP SOIL will work to support networks and co-creation of new knowledge with stakeholder groups, stimulating innovation in CSSASM. The knowledge harmonization, organization and storage compartment of the knowledge framework ensures linkages with all stakeholders to guarantee data harmonization and standardization. The last compartment, application of knowledge, will be facilitated by creating better guidelines, awareness and capacity for Climate-Smart Sustainable Agricultural Soil Management adoption and by strengthening science-to-policy processes at EU and Member State level202

    Using three-dimensional ultrasound in predicting complex gastroschisis:A longitudinal, prospective, multicenter cohort study

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    Objective: To determine whether complex gastroschisis (ie, intestinal atresia, perforation, necrosis, or volvulus) can prenatally be distinguished from simple gastroschisis by fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Methods: This multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2015. Of seven university medical centers, we included the four centers that performed longitudinal 3D ultrasound measurements at a regular basis. We calculated stomach volumes (n = 223) using Sonography-based Automated Volume Count. The shortest stomach-bladder distance (n = 241) was determined using multiplanar visualization of the volume datasets. We used linear mixed modelling to evaluate the effect of gestational age and type of gastroschisis (simple or complex) on fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance. Results: We included 79 affected fetuses. Sixty-six (84%) had been assessed with 3D ultrasound at least once; 64 of these 66 were liveborn, nine (14%) had complex gastroschisis. With advancing gestational age, stomach volume significantly increased, and stomach-bladder distance decreased (both P <.001). The developmental changes did not differ significantly between fetuses with simple and complex gastroschisis, neither for fetal stomach volume (P =.85), nor for stomach bladder distance (P =.78). Conclusion: Fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, measured during pregnancy using 3D ultrasonography, do not predict complex gastroschisis

    Ultrasound markers for prediction of complex gastroschisis and adverse outcome: longitudinal prospective nationwide cohort study

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    Objectives: To identify antenatal ultrasound markers that can differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis and assess their predictive value. Methods: This was a prospective nationwide study of pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis that underwent serial longitudinal ultrasound examination at regular specified intervals between 20 and 37 weeks' gestation. The primary outcome was simple or complex (i.e. involving bowel atresia, volvulus, perforation or necrosis) gastroschisis at birth. Fetal biometry (abdominal circumference and estimated fetal weight), the occurrence of polyhydramnios, intra- and extra-abdominal bowel diameters and the pulsatility index (PI) of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) were assessed. Linear mixed modeling was used to compare the individual trajectories of cases with simple and those with complex gastroschisis, and logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the strength of association between the ultrasound parameters and outcome. Results: Of 104 pregnancies with isolated fetal gastroschisis included, four ended in intrauterine death. Eighty-one (81%) liveborn infants with simple and 19 (19%) with complex gastroschisis were included in the analysis. We found no relationship between fetal biometric variables and complex gastroschisis. The SMA-PI was significantly lower in fetuses with gastroschisis than in healthy controls, but did not differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis. Both intra- and extra-abdominal bowel diameters were larger in cases with complex, compared to those with simple, gastroschisis (P < 0.001 and P < 0.005, respectively). The presence of intra-abdominal bowel diameter ≥ 97.7th percentile on at least three occasions, not necessarily on successive examinations, was associated with an increased risk of the fetus having complex gastroschisis (relative risk, 1.56 (95% CI, 1.02–2.10); P = 0.006; positive predictive value, 50.0%; negative predictive value, 81.4%). Conclusions: This large prospective longitudinal study found that intra-abdominal bowel dilatation when present repeatedly during fetal development can differentiate between simple and complex gastroschisis; however, the positive predictive value is low, and therefore the clinical usefulness of this marker is limited

    Soil mapping, digital soil mapping and soil monitoring over large areas and the dimensions of soil security – A review

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    Soil Security includes dimensions, soil capability, soil condition, soil capital, soil connectivity and soil codification (the “five C's”). This article provides a short review on how soil mapping, digital soil mapping and soil monitoring systems (SM, DSM and SMS) over large areas contribute to these five C's at scales ranging from country to globe. Changes and the evolution in aims of SM, DSM and SMS were driven both by main issues related to policy priorities and associated advances in science and technology. This review shows that SM, DSM and SMS can provide the basis for assessing soil capability and condition over large areas, especially if we assume that capability mainly depends on rather stable soil attributes. Repeated DSM or SMS are appropriated tool to monitor changes in soil condition at these scales. They may even allow mapping changes in soil capability. However, broad-scale SM, DSM and SMS have not yet fully achieved the provision of information concerning the delivery of some soil functions and soil-based ecosystem services. Although significant progress in estimating the capital dimension of soil security has been achieved, there is need to progress monitoring changes in soil capital. Broad-scale SM, DSM and SMS has great potential to increase soil connectivity. The main challenge is adapting our language and our communication to the target audience. There are encouraging initiatives to enhance soil codification. Codification issues are largely driven by the political agenda, there is still an urgent need to increase soil connectivity, especially towards citizens, NGOs and policy-makers

    Remote sensing of soils

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    Global environmental changes are currently altering key ecosystem services that soils provide. Therefore, it is necessary to have up to date soil information on local, regional and global scales to monitor the state of soils and ensure that these ecosystem services continue to be provided. In this context, digital soil mapping (DSM) aims to provide and advance methods for data collection and analyses tailored towards detailed large-scale mapping and monitoring of soil properties. In particular, remote and proximal sensing methodologies hold considerable potential to facilitate soil mapping at larger temporal and spatial scales as feasible with conventional soil mapping methods [Mulder, 2013]. Existing remote and proximal sensing methods support three main components in DSM: (1) Remote sensing data support the segmentation of the landscape into homogeneous soil-landscape units whose soil composition can be determined by sampling. (2) Remote and proximal sensing methods allow for inference of soil properties using physically-based and empirical methods. (3) Remote sensing data supports spatial interpolation of sparsely sampled soil property data as a primary or secondary data source [Mulder, 2013]. Overall, remote and proximal sensed data are an important and essential source for DSM as they provide valuable data for soil mapping in a time and cost efficient manner. This document provides general insights into diverse aspects of soil related remote sensing, including DSM, remote sensing technologies and soil properties. In this context, we present the underlying concept of DSM and introduce approaches to predict the spatial distribution of soil properties. Furthermore, we introduce remote and proximal sensing technologies and the methodologies to extract soil properties in support of DSM. In this overview we consider established techniques within active, passive, optical and microwave remote sensing as well as proximal sensing that use key soil properties as proxies for soil conditions and characteristics. In addition, we discuss the opportunities, progress and limitations of remote and proximal sensing data in support of DSM and conclude by a gap analysis of current remote sensing technologies and products. Proximal sensing has been successfully used to derive quantitative and qualitative soil information [Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006b]. Most reported studies revealed the high potential of proximal sensing to estimate soil properties based on clear absorption features at the laboratory and local scale [Ben-Dor et al., 2008]. However, for large-scale mapping of soil properties, methods need to be extended beyond the plot scale. Important qualitative and, to a lesser extent, quantitative soil information can be obtained from remote sensing data. Airborne and spaceborne remote sensing provides qualitative information on soil properties having clear diagnostic absorption features at a regional to global scale. However, remote sensing-derived information has a lower accuracy and feasibility to obtain information compared to proximal sensing. The main limiting factors are (1) the coarse spatial and spectral resolution, (2) the low signal-to-noise ratio of high-resolution remote sensing data and (3) the bands of multispectral satellite sensors have not been positioned at diagnostic wavelengths. Future improvement to detect soil properties on a regional to global scale with high accuracy can be expected from recently launched Sentinel-1 and upcoming Sentinel-2, SWAP, and EnMAP missions. Despite the large potential of using proximal and remote sensing methods in support of DSM, advances are necessary to fully develop large-scale methodologies and soil products. Currently, DSM-studies make limited use of existing analysis and geostatistical methods to exploit the full potential of proximal and remote sensing data [Ben-Dor et al., 2009; Dewitte et al., 2012]. Improvements may be expected in the fields of developing more quantitative methods, enhanced geostatistical analysis that allow working with large remote sensing datasets. Further research priorities involve the development of operational tools to quantify soil properties, multiple sensor integration, spatiotemporal modelling and improved transferability of soil mapping approaches to other landscapes. This will allow us in the near future to deliver more accurate and comprehensive information about soils, soil resources and ecosystem services provided by soils at regional and, ultimately, global scale

    Pregnancy in women with pre-existent ischaemic heart disease: a systematic review with individualised patient data

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    Introduction Studies on pregnancy risk in women with ischaemic heart disease (IHD) have mainly excluded pregnancies in women with pre-existent IHD. There is a need for better information about the pregnancy risks in these women and their offspring. Methods We performed a systematic review searching the PubMed/MEDLINE public database for pregnancy in women with pre-existent IHD analysing the cardiac, obstetric and fetal/neonatal outcome of pregnancy in women with pre-existing IHD. Individual patient data were requested from large series. The primary outcome endpoints was a composite of ischaemic complications including maternal death, acute coronary syndrome and ventricular tachycardia. Results 116 women with pre-existent IHD had 124 pregnancies including one twin pregnancy. They had a 21% chance of having an uncomplicated pregnancy (completed pregnancy without cardiovascular, obstetric or fetal/neonatal complications, n=26). Primary (ischaemic) endpoints occurred in 9% (n=11). Women with atherosclerosis had more cardiovascular complications compared with pregnancies in women with other underlying pathology for IHD (50% vs23%, P=0.02) but no significant difference in occurrence of primary endpoints (13% vs 9%, P=0.53). There were two maternal cardiac deaths (2%), one of which occurred in the 18th week of pregnancy and the other postpartum. Obstetric complications occurred in 58% (n=65) of pregnancies and fetal/neonatal complications in 42% (n=47). Conclusion Pregnancies in women with pre-existing IHD are high-risk pregnancies. These women have a high risk of ischaemic cardiovascular complications including 2% maternal mortality. The risk of ischaemic complications is especially high among women with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease