22 research outputs found

    Employing the model of analyze of variance in the study of regional tourism development in the Black Sea countries

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    All efforts to be made as to analyze the tourism activity on the Black Sea countries are justified by the tremendous potential due to the natural and cultural resources that are largely miscellaneous and of high quality. Those features turn the Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey into attractive destinations for tourists. The main problem that occurs refers to the fact that the existence of some resources is not reason enough to make tourists choose such destinations. The system of the tourism statistic indicators has the purpose to characterize quantitatively and qualitatively, the process of the tourist activity and the causal relation between the factors that influence it. One of the main functions of the tourism indicators system is the characterization of the economic relation of Black Sea countries with other countries, of the efficiency of the cooperation relations in the frame of the international tourism relations. An attempt to draw up a coherent effective strategy for developing the regional tourism in the region of Black Sea in accordance with the market economy must begin with a realistic evaluation and analysis of the actual state of the tourism in the region and must have a starting point in a comparative analysis with the neighbourhood, from central and eastern Europe. A model of bifactorial variance analysis with regard to the issue of international tourism development in these countries is important for the economic and social policy, by sustaining the hypotheses about the existence of differences in average number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments between countries. This study aims at performing such evaluation using the data offered by the CESTAT Statistical Bulletin and the indicator selection and interpretation have taken into account the facilities of the actual information system. Thus, for such an analysis, data are depicted in a bidimensional matrix with r x s size and with xij elements which describe the average number of nights spend by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments, when one factor is on level i, i= (countries) and another on level j, j= (years). On the one hand, we analyze whether the differences recorded over the mentioned countries in the average number of night spend in hotels have statistic significance or not. In the other hand, we study whether the differences recorded over the years have statistic significance. A research into this issue can use the absolute total number of overnight stays of foreign tourists, but in order to ensure comparability of data and because there are differences between countries in number of bed-places, we proceed to turn absolute total figures in average figures. After computation for four years (1997-2000), for the countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Republic of Slovenia and Slovak Republic and for a type I error probability a=0.05, we find the values for Fisher-Snedecor test for statistic significance of the differences between countries: Fr-1;(r-1)(s-1)=F5;15=71.776>Ftab 0.05;5;15=4.62 and between years: Fs-1;(r-11)(s-1)=F3;15=0.02


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    Culture is a powerful tool to communicate values and to promote objectives of public interest that are broader than wealth creation. The economy of culture entails both cultural and creative sectors. It has to be noted that, along with the development of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, the contribution of culture to the economy has gradually been acknowledged, in particular with the development of the cultural industries. One way of measuring the economy of culture focuses on the value added to the economy. Also, we present several statistical indicators that quantify the dimension of the cultural-creative field, and identify an econometrical multiple model that reveals the relationship between some of them. In the article it is applied the analysis of variance method in order to identify the existence of significant differences between geographical and between linguistic-cultural European regions, according to the values of some of the statistical indicators.economy of culture, cultural-creative sector, value-added, cultural employment, cultural consumption expenditure, households' cultural expenditure, publishing turnover in manufacturing


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    The purpose of the article is to illustrate the importance of the output gap in analysing macroeconomic stability in general and business cycle dynamics in particular. Ten EU countries are considered, with five old members and five new members. For all ten countries the data for the period 1999-2014 is used, but for four countries, namely France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain additional data is available that goes back to 1965, such that the whole period 1965-2014 is covered, which allows for a particular analysis. An empirical analysis is performed with regard to the behaviour of the output gap for different countries over time. The results obtained allow for relevant comparisons and highlight the usefulness of this indicator as a tool in the study of business cycles

    Internal and International Migration: Is a Dichotomous Approach Justified?

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    AbstractPopulation migration has two components, domestic and international, those are often analyzed separately. This paper attempts to seek out what are the theoretical and empirical relationships between them, and lays the foundations of a unified based on the similarities of both migratory phenomena. A review of the contributions that discussed the existing dichotomy between the two types of migration and attempted to carry out an integrated analysis is complemented with a review of the most common research approaches for both types. An empirical analysis of net internal and international migration is carried out for several OECD countries, which validates this approach and assesses both the similarities, and the degree of divergence between them that requires a distinct approach

    Quality of distribution in the european retail

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    After the second World War, the classic supermarket innovated with the introduction of self service. Since then the notions of ā€žsupermarketā€ and ā€žself-serviceā€ have become synonymous in the mind of large sections of the population. The corner shops have, in the mean time, developed into modern points of sale, close to the consummer. The tradeā€™s statistics show a constantly widening range of goods on offer: in 1958 an average store carried only 998 articles. In 1979 it already amounted to 3.997 items and in 2000 to 9.058 articles. The introduction of products requiring explanation was often supported by personnel from service deparments. The service-counter concepts complemented the self-service shelves. In some cases in recent years this has also developed into convenience isles.Retail trade; Concentration; Diversification; Vertical integration; Retail network.

    Adapting CRISP-DM for Social Sciences

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    The growth of available data in the social sciences led to numerous knowledge discovery projects being launched over the years. Even if the volume and the speed of data are increasing, in social sciences data has an important limitation in terms of methodological process that drives the conceptual and analytical questions posed to the data. Social sciences domain experiences several challenges in their desire of extracting useful and implicit knowledge due to its inherent complexity and unique characteristics, as well as the lack of standards for data mining projects. The aim of this research is to bring Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology as a standardization in analyzing large volumes of unstructured data to generate analytical insights for wellbeing and social sciences topics in general. Also, taking into consideration that for a data scientist, the most time-consuming activity is data preparation step, we are trying to make more efficient this process using a clear methodology and tasks. Conclusion is that using a strong methodology with well-defined steps in research can increase productivity in terms of time and enhance the quality of the research

    FDI and Performance: An Investigation of EU Manufacturing Industries

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    This paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the performance of companies in low- and high-technologically intensive industries in the manufacturing sector in EU member countries, using datasets covering the period between 2010 and 2020. The industries were selected according to the EU High-tech classification of manufacturing industries based on NACE Rev.2 at 2-digit codes. The performance of companies in our study was measured based on turnover. We used a set of independent variables, such as inward and outward FDI stocks, imports and exports of goods and services, gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices, real effective exchange rate, gross domestic expenditure on research and development, and gross fixed capital formation. On applying the panel data methodology, our findings indicated that inward FDI stocks, imports of goods and services, and real effective exchange rates have a significant impact on the performance of companies in high-technologically intensive industries. For low-tech companies, exports of goods and services are important driving factors behind their performance. Keywords: high-tech industries, low-tech industries, foreign direct investment, performance, European Unio

    Classification and Visualization of Neural Patterns Using Subspace Analysis Statistical Methods

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    The size and complexity of neural data is increasing at a dramatic pace due to rapid advances in experimental technologies. As a result, the data analysis techniques are shifting their focus from single-units to neural populations. The goal is to investigate complex temporal and spatial patterns, as well as to present the results in an intuitive way, allowing for detection and monitoring of relevant neural patterns