12 research outputs found

    Status terumbu karang dan ikan karang di perairan Sidodadi dan Pulau Tegal Provinsi Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis status terumbu karang dan ikan karang di perairan Sidodadi dan Pulau TegalProvinsi Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan di enam lokasi yang berbeda. Setiap lokasi mewakili berbagai aktivitas yang adadi wilayah tersebut. Stasiun 1 dan 2 mewakili aktivitas keramba jaring apung (KJA), Stasiun 3 mewakili aktivitas rekreasidan KJA, Stasiun 4 mewakili aktivitas rekreasi pantai, Stasiun 5 sebagai tempat persinggahan kapal-kapal nelayan, danStasiun 6 sebagai lokasi pengeboman ikan. Kondisi terumbu karang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode transek garisdan data ikan karang diperoleh dengan metode pengamatan visual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitaspenangkapan ikan yang merusak merupakan penyebab utama kerusakan terumbu karang yang terjadi di perairan tersebut.Kerusakan terumbu karang berkorelasi positif dengan keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dan dominansi ikan karang.Keberadaan keramba jaring apung (KJA) di Stasiun 2 dan 4 merupakan langkah positif dalam hal perlindungan terhadapekosistem terumbu karang oleh para pekerja melalui pengawasan terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang karena keberadaanmereka tersebut

    Survival Rate and Food Utilization Rate of the Red Nila Fish (Oreochromis sp) Utilizing synthetic feed additives Seaweed (Gracilaria sp)

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    In the fish farming business, feed is the highest operational cost, which reaches more than 60% of the total production cost. Therefore, the fish feed can be processed independently to reduce production costs in aquaculture businesses. This study aimed to determine the survival rate and feed efficiency of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp) fed artificial feed with the addition of seaweed (Gracilaria sp). This research was carried out from June to September 2021 at the Integrated Laboratory of Khairun University. This study used four treatments, and each treatment was repeated three times. The treatment tried is A (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 10 gr); B (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 20 gr; C (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 30 gr); and D (Artificial feed without the addition of Gracilaria sp.). The research variables included calculating the survival rate (SR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and observing water quality during the study. The highest survival value was in treatment B at 97.78%, while the lowest was in treatment A at 73.33%. The highest feed conversion ratio was in treatment D, 1.97, followed by treatments A and B, 1.48, and the lowest in treatment C, 0.64. The results of water quality measurements during the study, namely DO, range from 6-6.8 in all treatments, pH ranged from 7-7.6, and temperature ranged from 28-290C. The best survival rate (SR) of red tilapia-fed artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp seaweed was best in treatment B, 97.78%, and the best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was in treatment C, which was 0.64 g

    Conditions of Coral Reef and Target fish in Waters of Maitara Islands

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    This research was carried out with a survey method during August 2019 with the aim of knowing the biodiversity of target fish and their potential in the coral reef ecosystem in the waters of Maitara Island, North Maluku Province by collecting primary and secondary data in the form of coral reef conditions (lifeform), fish conditions (diversity, uniformity and dominance) as well as environmental parameter data in the form of temperature, salinity, current velocity, and brightness. The collection of data on the condition of coral reefs and fish was carried out simultaneously, namely 1 dive at each station. Visual census method is used for reef fish data. The results of visual observation of reef fish in the waters of Maitara Island found that there were 13 familyes included in the major fish group consisting of 7 familyes, 1 family of indicator fish and 5 target fish groups. The reef fish found at the observation location of station 1 consisted of 59.3% major fish groups, 24.2% target fish and 16.5% indicator fish and at station 2 reef fish consisted of 62.1 major fish groups. %, target fish is 23.8% and indicator fish is 4.1%. Overall, the results of the visual observations of reef fish showed that major fish were the most dominant, found as much as 66.7% of the target fish groups were 23.9% and indicator fish groups were 9.4%. The lack of presence of indicator fish groups shows that the fertility of the coral reef ecosystem in the waters of Maitara Island is no longer in good condition, because the indicator fish group is a type of fish that indicates good and bad parameters of coral reef conditions in the waters

    The Relationship of Chlorophyll-A to Mackerfish Captures In The Waters of Ternate City

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    Chlorophyll-a is an indicator of the abundance of phytoplankton in waters which plays a role in the process of photosynthesis. Phytoplankton plays a crucial role in determining primary productivity in waters. Organic carbon production during photosynthesis is defined as direct or net primary productivity (Net Primary Productivity). Ternate Island waters are part of the province of North Maluku and as one of the waters that play a vital role in contributing to the production of capture fisheries, especially pelagic and demersal fish. This research was carried out from January to June 2020, located in the waters of the City of Ternate. This research data was obtained by downloading the detected image/Aqua MODIS. This image data is available on the internet (http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov)

    Freshwater Fish Cultivation Innovation and Its Development Potential in Fitu Village Ternate City, North Maluku Province

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    Budikdamber is cultivating fish and vegetables in one bucket, which is an aquaponic system. Usually, the aquaponics system developed so far requires pumps and filters, requiring electricity, ample land, expensive and complicated costs. The concept is simple and does not require significant capital, and it does not need a large room or pool to be an added value of this technology. The Budikdamber technique can be one of the community's solutions to innovate fish and vegetable cultivation at once in one container. In addition, with the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, Budikdamber activities can be a solution for family food security. Community service was carried out in Fitu Village, South Ternate District, in June 2021. The objectives of this community service are Providing information to the public on how to use the narrow land on the terraces and yards for fish and vegetable cultivation in buckets so that people can maintain food security during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Budikdamber (Fish Cultivation in Buckets) cultivates fish and vegetables in one bucket: an aquaponics system (fish and vegetable polyculture) as a community solution in providing food needs COVID-19 pandemic. It could use as a business opportunity to help the family economy

    Counseling on Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Using the Biofloc Method to Communities in Dowora Village, Tidore Kepulauan City

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    The purpose of carrying out this community service is to provide information and understanding to the community in the Dowora Village, East Tidore District about vannamei shrimp farming using the biofloc method. The community service was carried out in August 2022, at the Office of the Office of Food Security, City of Tidore Islands. The counseling method is carried out in the form of lectures, discussions and questions and answers. Materials from this counseling include management of vannamei shrimp cultivation; feed management; water use and water quality parameters; vannamei shrimp farming with the biofloc system, and introduction to the types of ponds that can be used for vannamei shrimp farming activities with the biofloc system. During the extension activities, the community of prospective vannamei shrimp cultivators was very active in asking questions and discussing the material provided. The conclusion that can be drawn from this PKM activity is that the community is able to understand the material presented about vannamei shrimp farming using the biofloc method, the material presented is acceptable and then pond repairs will be carried out in preparation for cultivation

    Status Terumbu Karang Dan Ikan Karang Di Perairan Sidodadi Dan Pulau Tegal Provinsi Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat status terumbu karang dan ikan karang di periaran sidodadi dan tegal provinsi lampung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan mei sampai juli tahun 2010 di 6 stasiun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda sensus visual dan line intersep transek (transek garis). Jumlah ikan yang ditemukan sebanyak 684 ekor yang mewakili 14 suku, yaitu; Pomacentridae (10 jenis), Pomachantidae (3 jenis), Caesio (1 jenis), Scaridae (3 jenis), Labridae (8 jenis), Apongidae (6 jenis), Chaetodontidae (3 jenis), Chelmon (1 jenis), Serranidae (2 jenis), Siganidae (2 jenis), Lutjanidae (1 jenis) Acanhuridae (5 jenis) dan Haemulidae (2 jenis). Naik turunnya indeks keanekaragaman, keragaman dan dominansi dapat menjadi indikator kualitas terumbu karang dan famili Chaetodontidae paling baik digunakan sebagai idikator. Keanekaragaman (H-) berkisar antara 0.28-1.38 dan persentase tutupan karang hidup antara 47,94% sampai 67,14%. Status terumbu karang secara umum dalam kondisi baik, namun kegiatan antropogeik pada beberapa lokasi akan mempercepat degradasi terumbu karang, terutama tanpa adanya pengawasan. Rusaknya kondisi lingkungan tersebut menyebabkan persentase atau kehadiran ikan-ikan karang yang ditemukan di lokasi penelitian lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan lokasi-lokasi lainnya di Indonesia

    Status Terumbu Karang Dan Ikan Karang Di Perairan Sidodadi Dan Pulau Tegal Provinsi Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat status terumbu karang dan ikan karang di periaran sidodadi dan tegal provinsi lampung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan mei sampai juli tahun 2010 di 6 stasiun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda sensus visual dan line intersep transek (transek garis). Jumlah ikan yang ditemukan sebanyak 684 ekor yang mewakili 14 suku, yaitu; Pomacentridae (10 jenis), Pomachantidae (3 jenis), Caesio (1 jenis), Scaridae (3 jenis), Labridae (8 jenis), Apongidae (6 jenis), Chaetodontidae (3 jenis), Chelmon (1 jenis), Serranidae (2 jenis), Siganidae (2 jenis), Lutjanidae (1 jenis) Acanhuridae (5 jenis) dan Haemulidae (2 jenis). Naik turunnya indeks keanekaragaman, keragaman dan dominansi dapat menjadi indikator kualitas terumbu karang dan famili Chaetodontidae paling baik digunakan sebagai idikator. Keanekaragaman (H-) berkisar antara 0.28-1.38 dan persentase tutupan karang hidup antara 47,94% sampai 67,14%. Status terumbu karang secara umum dalam kondisi baik, namun kegiatan antropogeik pada beberapa lokasi akan mempercepat degradasi terumbu karang, terutama tanpa adanya pengawasan. Rusaknya kondisi lingkungan tersebut menyebabkan persentase atau kehadiran ikan-ikan karang yang ditemukan di lokasi penelitian lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan lokasi-lokasi lainnya di Indonesia

    Length-weight relationship and stock assessment of tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) in East Halmahera waters

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    The study was conducted in December 2016 to February 2017 in East Halmahera waters with the aim to examine the relationship between the length of weight and potential and the level of utilization of tuna. The results showed that the long frequency distribution of tuna was ranging from 10.0-28.2 cm, with a maximum length value of 29.93 cm, a growth coefficient of 0.74 per month and a measure of fish worth catching for spawning. The relationship between the weight of tuna in East Halmahera waters is W=0.0078L3.2982, where the length of tuna is greater than this weight increase due to environmental conditions and oceanographic parameters that affect the growth of tuna. The results of the MSY analysis or the sustainable resource potential of tuna in East Halmahera waters using the Fox method, found that the MSY value or sustainable potential of tuna was 4,176.54, with a maximum effort level of 8,047 Trips. This utilization rate is still low from the value of MSY and continues to decline this is due to the low value of fishing efforts

    Hubungan antara ikan Chaetodontidae dengan bentuk pertumbuhan karang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterkaitan antara ikan Chaetodontidae dengan persentase tutupan karang hidup di perairan sidodadi dan pulau tegal provinsi lampung. penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2010 di 6 stasiun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sensus visual dan line intercept transect (transek garis) yang ditempatkan sejajar dengan garis pantai. Selama penelitian dijumpaiĀ  sebanyak 115 jenis ikan Chaetodontidae, mewakili 2 genera; yakni Chaetdon (91 jenis), dan Chelmon (24 jenis). Naik turunnya indeks keanekaragaman, keragaman dan dominansi dapt menjadi indikator kualitas terumbu karang. Keanekaragaman (Hā€™) berkisar antara 0.28-1.38 dan persentase tutupan karang hidup antara 47,94% sampai 67,14%. Korelasi antara persentase karang hidup dengan ikan Chaetodontidae bersifat positif, dimana koefisien determinan (R) setiap spesies lebih dari 80 %. Keanekaragaman jenis rendah yang diikuti oleh dominansi individu dari satu jenis Chaetodontidae mencerminkan adanya kerusakan atau degradasi terumbu karang. Analisis makanan menunjukkan kesukaan ikan Chaetodontidae terhadap karang hidup sangat tinggi, dari semua spesiesĀ  yang dianalisis kehadiran zooxanthelae sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan dengan plankton, detritus dan alga. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan Chaetodontidae sangat tergantung pada karang hidup sebagai makanan utamanya. C. trifasialis merupakan spesies yang paling baik digunakan sebagai spesies indikator untuk menggambarkan kondisi terumbu karang dibandingkan dengan 3 spesies lainnya