35 research outputs found
Cryoprotectant combination ethylene glycol and propanediol on mice blastocyst viability post vitrification
The best method to store embryo is vitrification using cryoprotectant, but so far, the viability of the embryo after warming process is decreasing. This objective of this research was to know the effect combination ethylene glycol and propanediol as intracellular cryoprotectant on mice blastocyst viability. The experimental animals were female mice strain Balb/C which was super ovulated using Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). The oocyte collected from the ampulla of tuba fallopian. In Vitro Fertilization was done by placing the sperm and the oocyte in the same medium then cultured until became blastocyst. The blastocyst was classified into: T1: ethylene glycol 30%, T2: propanediol 30%, T3: ethylene glycol 20% and propanediol 10%, and T3: ethylene glycol 10% and propanediol 20%. Each group was vitrified for a week then warmed immediately. Examination of the viability of blastocyst was done using an inverted microscope after warming process. The statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between single cryoprotectant and combination cryoprotectant group p<0.05. The best cryoprotectant combination was ethylene glycol 10% and propanediol 20
Ilmu Reproduksi Ternak
Pemahaman tentang ilmu reproduksi ternak diperlukan karena merupakan ilmu yang mendasari perkembangbiakan ternak. Buku ini membahas anatomi dan fisiologi alat reproduksi ternak jantan dan betina, endokrinologi, siklus reproduksi, kebuntingan dan kelahiran serta fisiologi kelenjar susu dari beberapa jenis ternak. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu acuan bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan, Kedokteran Hewan, Sarjana Peternakan, Dokter Hewan dan semua pihak yang berminat dalam mempelajari reproduksi terna
Determination of Born Calves' Sex Based on Insemination Time in Dairy Cows
Former researchers found that there are differences of shape, cap size, motility ability, age, electricity and chemical characters between Y and X chromosome bearing sperm. Y sperm moves f aster, has smaller size but shorter life time within f emale reproduction tract. In opposite, X sperm is 3% fatter and has more round shape. Concerning its bigger shape, X sperm moves slower, but has longer life time in f emale reproductive tract. Based on that matter, this research was conducted to find out the sex of born calves depend on insemination time, early to inseminate, best time to inseminate and late to insem.inate. This research used 40 head of cows, divided by four groups; each group consists of 10 head. Control group was inseminated by sexed semen, first, second, third and forth group was inseminated by unsexing semen, respectively on early, the best and late time of insemination. Successfully pregnancy was obtained from the best time insemination, both by sexing and unsexing semen. While born calves sex were not significant different, meant almost the same, from. both semen. Research result showed insemination by both sexing and unsexing semen which was done in early time to inseminate will tend yield female calve
Characterization of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein as a Biomarker of Pregnancy in Etawa Crossbred Goat
Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein (PAG) is secreted by the placenta, which is produced in mononucleate and binucleate trophoblast cells. The current research was conducted to find out a substance for diagnosing early pregnancy in Etawa crossbred goats. Six Etawa crossbred goats (not pregnant, three months pregnant and four months pregnant) were subjected in the present study from Livestock Government Institution Breeding in Singosari, Malang. The research methods consisted of sample collection, identification PAG with sodium dodecyl sulfate– polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the determination of concentration with Biuret method and specificity test with Western Blot assay. The obtained results showed that the molecular weight of PAG from pregnant Etawa crossbred goats was 55.85 kDa. The average concentrations of PAG in the goats of non-pregnant, three months pregnant, and four months pregnant were 1.83±2.98, 3.79±2.72 and 4.36±2.63, respectively. The results of the specificity test with the Western Blot molecular revealed a molecular mass of PAG was 55 kDa. The findings of the present study demonstrated PAG in Etawa crossbred goats can be used as an indicator of pregnanc
Effect of Caffeine on Motility of Epididymis Spermatozoa of Bali Bull in Slaughterhouse Cibinong
Abattoir is the place to get meat but also a source of potential genetic sperm. Sperm from a slaughterhouse has low motility. Sperm motility can be improved by adding caffeine to the thinner before being used for fertilization. Caffeine is an alkaloid compound that can increase energy through a cAMP cycle. The method used is the testis of 12 cows Bali taken from a slaughterhouse Cibinong and do frozen sperm. Frozen sperm is analyzed using a computer-assisted sperm Analyzed (CASA) who had been treated caffeine 0, 2, 4, and 6 mg/ml. Fertility frozen epididymis sperm was tested using in vitro fertilization. Results were analyzed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments unidirectional pattern three repetitions. The results showed that the treatment with the addition of caffeine to the thinner of the yolk tris egg yolk epididymis sperm, there was no difference in motility, recovery rate, Curvilinear velocity (VCL), average path velocity (VAP), and straight-line velocity (VSL)
The Induction of Twinning Birth in Fatty Tail Ewes by Using Low Dose of PMSG
The aims of the research were to know the effect of low dose of PMSG for inducing twinning birth in Fatty Tail ewes. Thirty ewes were divided into two groups, each ewe of the first group (control, n=15) was given 5 mg PGF2α by intramuscular injection. Another 15 ewes in the second group were given combination of 100 IU PMSG and 5 mg PGF2α intramuscular each. The results showed that 100% of ewes in second group revealed estrus in 33.95±9.45 hours after injection and had 2-3 lambs twinning pregnancies. The ewes in the first group showed that only 80% revealed estrus in 36.51±10.25 hours after injection and 83.35% of those had 1-2 lambs twinning pregnancies
Key words: Fatty tail sheep, PMSG, PGF2α, Estrous, Lam
Pengaruh Umur dan BCS terhadap Bobot Ovarium dan Jumlah serta Kualitas Sel Telur Sapi Betina Lokal
Pemotongan sapi betina di Rumah Potog Hewan sulit dkegalo. Salah ~tu upaya
penyelamatan sapi betina tersebut yaitu dengan memanfaatkan ovarium sapi betina yang telah
dipotong sebagai sumber sel telur yang bennanfaat bagi pengembangan teknik FertiJisasi In Vitro
fFIV). Teknik FIV dapat menunjang peningkatan populasi temak pada masa yang akan datang.
Penelitian mengenai ··rengaruh Umur dar. Body Condition Score Tert.adap Bobot Ovarium dan
Jumlah sena Kualitas Sel Telur Sapi Betina Lokal" dilakukan untuk mengetahui kriteria sapi yang
dapat menghasilkan bobot ovarium dan jumlah serta kualitas sel telur terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan
secara eksperimental. data kuantitatif diolah menggunakan Rancangan Tersarang dengan tiga
perlakuan yakni sapi dengan umur dua tahun. tiga tahun. dan 'empat tahun. Masing-masing perlakuan
memiliki riga sub-perlakuan terdiri dari BCS kurus, sedang. dan gemuk. Setiap perlakuan diulang
tiga kali. Guna mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan, data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Beda Nyata
Terkecil (BNT). Data kualitatif diolah menggunak.an Uji Chi-Kuadrat dengan membandingkan
kualitas sel telur sapi yang memiliki umur sama dengan BCS berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa bobot ovarium terberat dihasilkan oleh sapi dengan umur empat tal10n ( 15.06 gram) dan
jumlah sel telur total ter-banyak dihasilkan oleh sapi dengan umur tiga tahun t29.56 buah). Dari hasit
penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Umur dan BCS berpengaruh terhadap bobot ovarium dan jumlah
sel telur total. narnun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas sel telur.
Katd Kunci : bobot ovarium, body condition score, jumlah seltelur total. lcualitas sel telur. umur sap
The Success of Embryo Transfer in Dairy Cattle Recipient Using Beef Cattle Embryos
A field research on “The Success of Embryo Trans
fer in Dairy Cattle Recipient using Beef
Cattle Embryos” has been conducted. Prior to the
research, selection of dairy cow recipients has
been done. It has been selected, from three different farm locations i.e. Bendul Merisi Farm: 9
head; Teaching Farm 5 head and Wonocolo 6 had. The 20 recipients have been estrous synchronized prior to embryos transferred. Blood samples were collected three times i.e.: at onset of estrous, at receiving embryo (day 7) and day 21 after estrous, to measure the concentration of progesterone as the parameters. Further parameters were non return rate and pregnancy rate. Pregnancy detection was done by rectal explorati
on on day 90 after transferred of embryos. Result
shows 11 head (55%) dairy cow recipients get
pregnant. They are 3 heads from Teaching Farm
(60%), 4 heads (44.44%) from Bendul Merisi Farm and 4 heads (66.66%) from Wonocolo Farm In conclusion, dairy cow recipients can accept embryos derived from beef cattle.
Key words
: Embryo Transfer, Beef Cattle Embryo, Dairy Cattle Recipien
Kualitas Semen Cair Dingin Domba Garut Pada Tiga jenis larutan Pengencer
Penggunaan pengencer dalam pengolahan semen domba Garut masih sangat terbatas di kalangan masyarakat, sehingga ketersediaan baik semen cair maupun semen beku masih sedikit. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan pengencer Tris susu sapi, Tris kuning telur, dan Tris sari kedelai terhadap daya tahan hidup dan abnormalitas spermatozoa domba Garut yang disimpan dalam suhu 5ºC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu semen segar yang ditambahkan Tris susu sapi, Tris kuning telur, dan Tris sari kedelai dengan pengulangan masing-masing sebanyak 6 kali. Data dianalisis lebih lanjut
menggunakan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh perlakuan terhadap daya tahan hidup spermatozoa berbeda nyata (P<0,05). Daya tahan hidup spermatozoa pada Tris kuning telur 79 jam, Tris air susu sapi 68 jam, dan Tris sari kedelai 59 jam. Sedangkan pengencer Tris sari kedelai menunjukkan presentase abnormalitas terendah (5%) yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dari Tris susu sapi (7%) dan Tris kuning telur (6%). Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Triskuning telur adalah pengencer yang memberikan pengaruh terbaik terhadap daya tahan hidup, sedangkan Tris sari kedelai adalah pengencer yang memberikan abnormalitas spermatozoa terendah dibandingkan pengencer lain
Kata Kunci : Semen Domba Garut, Pengencer Semen, Kualitas Seme