52 research outputs found

    The challenge of sustainable development goal reporting: The first evidence from italian listed companies

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    This research investigates the extent to which the voluntary disclosure of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), assumed to be the most recent innovation in social disclosures and corporate sustainability reporting, is diffused among Italian listed companies through different instruments of disclosure (voluntary or non-voluntary). Our findings reveal that SDGs awareness amongst the business community is high and that the majority of highly-traded, liquid, and highly-capitalized Italian companies have introduced SDGs in their disclosure and story-telling practices, while the exact nature and requirements of the SDGs, and the definitions of specific key performance indicators (KPIs) related to those goals, are still missing. Italian companies prefer using non-financial statements and sustainability reports to disclose information about their commitments to SDGs, and most of them started to report information about SDGs in 2016. Additionally, this research seeks to identify the significant differences between SDG reporters in different sectors, under the assumption that operating in a specific sector could significantly affect a company's decision to disclose information on their SDGs. This research highlights, following the recent evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure and sustainability reporting, the increasing relevance of SDGs in Italian companies' disclosure practices and, at the same time, the gaps to be covered for their effective implementation

    Energy performance contracting and public-private partnership: how to share risks and balance benefits

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    Public private partnerships (PPPs) are a well-known instrument used worldwide by public administration (PA) to build public infrastructure using private knowhow and financial resources, and sharing risks. In recent years, PPPs have been widely adopted to develop energy efficiency projects between public and private sectors. In this context, a successful project requires a contractual arrangement based on energy performance contracting (EPC) that balances the interests of the two parties. This paper aims to answer two questions: how to share the benefits between the contractual parties and reach an optimal long-term contractual agreement; and which type of contract ensures a consistent risk transfer to the private partner, allowing the PA an "off balance"accounting treatment. The research questions are answered through the development of a mathematical equation able to calculate the optimal percentage of benefits sharing between partners in a long-term contractual agreement. The results are tested with a simulation based on a case study about the energy efficiency project of an Italian hospital. The paper is innovative because it provides suggestions to improve the EPC-PPP contractual structure and realize a balanced agreement between the public and private partners. Moreover, it analyzes the different allocation of risks in EPC contracts to identify the implication for the PA in terms of on-off balance accounting treatment in energy efficiency investment. We show how a successful long-term EPC-PPP can benefit from a mixed contractual structure in which profit-sharing percentage changes during the contract's life to ensure the same net present value (NPV) to both public and private partners. This paper supports public decision making in order to choose contracts that are able to transfer energy and management risks. Moreover, it helps to understand the balance between public and private interests in a long-term EPC-PPP contract

    Who Uses Financial Reports and for What Purpose? Evidence from Capital Providers

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    Considerazioni sparse intorno a Europa e autonomia processuale, tra tradizione e innovazione

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    L'A. esamina le modalità con cui l’Europa governa il diritto processuale civile italiano, ne domina i principi e ne plasma le regole, impone i ritmi, le accelerazioni, i ritardi

    Riflessioni sull'art. 2953 c.c. - Intorno a un saggio in materia di diritto civile

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    Traendo spunto dalle riflessioni svolte da Bonanno all’interno di un saggio sugli effetti della cosa giudicata sostanziale sulle prescrizioni brevi, l’A. esamina la logica sottesa all’art. 2953 c.c. nel pensiero dei processualisti e in quello dei civilisti.Drawing inspiration from Bonanno’s essay on the effects of res iudicata on short limitation period, the Author examines ratio of art. 2953 of the Italian Civil Code

    La riforma Cartabia del processo civile Commento al d.lgs. 10 ottobre 2022, n. 149

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    Il volume offre un commento sistematico della riforma del processo civile realizzata con il d.lgs. n. 149/2022, attuativo della legge delega n.206/2021

    I provvedimenti decisori senza accertamento

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    L'autrice indaga il tema dell’accertamento del fatto nei procedimenti con struttura sommaria delimitandone i confin

    FRANCESCO PAOLO Luiso, Diritto processuale civile, decima edizione, Volume III, Il Processo Esecutivo, Milano, Giuffrè, 2019, pp. XXII-351.

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    Recensione al terzo volume del Manuale del Prof. Luiso, giunto alla sua decima edizion
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