1,852 research outputs found
Automated Runout Measurement Tool
A new measurement process and tool is to be developed to improve the existing method for measuring runout on the commutators of brushed DC product.
After an armature is manufactured, the commutator is inspected by placing the completed rotor assembly in one of several non-standard measurement fixtures. An indicator is then positioned on the commutator. A trained operator proceeds to rotate the armature while taking runout and bar-to-bar measurement at various positions along the length of the commutator.
This existing process is slow, costly, and unreliable. For these reasons, there is substantial economic pressure to develop a superior method for measurement. The new method will need to be consistent, operate quickly, and produce readings that are more reliable.
Upon completion and implementation, the new process and associated tooling will significantly reduce the production delays and costs associated with the existing method
Kundenzufriedenheit im SGB II: Arbeitsvermittler im Urteil der ALG-II-EmpfÀnger
Das SGB II rĂ€umt dem Dienstleistungsgedanken in der Arbeitsvermittlung einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Mit intensiver Beratung und Betreuung sollen bessere Integrationserfolge erzielt werden. Das IAB legt nun Ergebnisse einer reprĂ€sentativen Untersuchung vor, in der drei Jahre nach EinfĂŒhrung der Reform Arbeitslosengeld(ALG)-II-EmpfĂ€nger zu ihren Erfahrungen im Umgang mit den Mitarbeitern der SGB-II-TrĂ€ger befragt wurden
Neuroplasticity following pallidal stimulation for dystonia.
Dystonia is a disabling condition characterised by involuntary muscle spasms and abnormal postures. Its pathophysiology is incompletely understood but most lines of evidence point to an underlying defect of basal ganglia function leading to abnormal corticomotor output. Various abnormalities have been shown, including abnormal neuronal activity in basal ganglia output nuclei, defective neural inhibition at the spinal, brainstem, cortical level and sensorimotor misprocessing. More recently, increased neural plasticity has been found in dystonia patients in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) protocols which induce motor cortex plasticity. Excessive plasticity might contribute to dystonia by promoting or reinforcing abnormal patterns of connectivity. The most significant advance in the treatment of generalised dystonia has been the development of globus pallidus internus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS). Interestingly its beneficial effects are progressive over weeks to months rather than immediate. A plasticity effect has been implicated but physiological evidence has been lacking. Furthermore it is unknown what impact GPi DBS has on the underlying pathophysiology such as defective inhibition or excessive plasticity. The aim of the present work was to examine the impact of GPi DBS on underlying pathophysiological features such as disinhibition and abnormal motor cortical plasticity. In this thesis, studies in a consecutive series of dystonia patients, mainly those with primary generalised dystonia, who underwent bilateral GPi DBS, are presented. Patients were studied in a prospective, longitudinal manner with both clinical assessment of dystonia using a validated rating scale and electrophysiological studies including blink reflex excitability and forearm H-reflex reciprocal inhibition. In addition, once stable improvement had been achieved, the impact of GPi DBS on motor cortex plasticity was studied using TMS paired associative stimulation (PAS). The clinical study of these patients confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of GPi DBS and provided direct evidence of the superiority of the posteroventral globus pallidus as the optimal target. The longitudinal studies of blink and H-reflex, showed progressive normalisation of brainstem and spinal excitability, which correlated with the time-course of clinical improvement. These data provide the first evidence of reversal of underlying dystonia pathophysiology by GPi DBS and are compatible with progressive long-term neural reorganisation (plasticity) playing a role in the mechanism of action of GPi DBS. Furthermore, the result of TMS PAS experiments demonstrated that GPi DBS reduces the short-term plasticity of the motor cortex, the magnitude of this effect also correlated with therapeutic effect. This result is compatible with the concept that excessive plasticity promotes dystonia and reversal of these abnormalities may be another mechanism by which GPi DBS acts. In conclusion, work presented in this thesis provides the first electrophysiological correlates of clinical improvement in dystonia after GPi DBS, which collectively supports the notion that both long and short-term plasticity within the central nervous system are involved in the mechanism of GPi DBS action
Critical Inquiry in Developmental Mathematics
Critical mathematics literacy is a necessary but often overlooked portion of developmental mathematics. This exploratory study focuses on the experiences of students in a developmental algebra course at a community college in New England. The theoretical framework combined critical pedagogy, teacher research, and critical discourse analysis resulting in a qualitative analysis. The analysis found that students who completed a social-justice oriented developmental algebra course increased their perception of their ability to understand math. The analysis also indicated that developing a sense of solidarity within the classroom was beneficial to students. Other issues for future study that surfaced during the analysis are the problems of deeply engrained learner dependence on the instructor and studentsâ reliance on short term memorization rather than understanding
Comparing the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of STATTIC to Indirubin-E804 in RAW264.7 Macrophages
Natural products containing derivatives of the basic indole backbone have gained significant interest in the use against cancer cells, inflammation, and a multitude of disorders in the human body. The indole backbone is present in several endogenous hormones such as serotonin and melatonin. Additionally, the indole-containing amino acid tryptophan is the starting structure for many endogenous metabolites controlling natural physiological homeostasis such as circadian rhythms, healthy gut microbiota, and gut health. Natural indirubin is a deep red bis-indole isomer of indigo blue, both of which are biologically active ingredients used to treat neoplasia, chronic inflammation, and enhance xenobiotics\u27 detoxification. Naturally derived indirubins and other indole-containing compounds have been shown to have anti-proliferative effects, mainly attributed to the inhibition of the cell cycle-related kinases, such as cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3 ) with varying degrees of potency. Many indirubins are also aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonists, with AHR-associated activities covering a wide range of potencies, depending on molecular structure. The AHR is a ligand-activated transcription factor that promotes drug-metabolizing enzymes leading to the degradation of these indirubins in an AHR-dependent manner. Our lab previously described the anti-inflammatory properties of indirubin-3\u27-(2,3 dihydroxypropyl)-oximether (E804), a novel indirubin derivative with potent STAT3 inhibitory properties, in murine RAW264.7 macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This study compared the effects of a novel STAT3 inhibitor, 6-nitrobenzo[b]thiophene 1,1-dioxide (STATTIC), which is structurally designed as an indole backbone to E804, on LPS-stimulated macrophage functions. I also determined if the effects of both STATTIC and E804 on these macrophage functions are modified by the AHR antagonist, 6,2â,4â-trimethoxyflavone (TMF). Initial studies using AHR reporter transactivation assays show that E804, but not STATTIC or TMF, is an AHR agonist, which further corroborates early studies showing that E804 induces the drug-metabolizing monooxygenases (CYP1A1 and CYP1B1). Additionally, I demonstrate that STATTIC is more potent than E804 in suppressing LPS-induced IL-6 secretion, iNOS protein expression, and nitric oxide production. Macrophage intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) naturally generated during LPS-stimulation was suppressed by low levels of STATTIC but not by higher levels. In contrast, similar concentrations of E804 suppress ROS production. STATTIC completely inhibited phagocytosis, and less so by E804. When examined alone, TMF has anti-inflammatory properties as well, and when combined with E804 and STATTIC, further enhanced these compoundsâ effects. Collectively, these results indicate that E804 and STATTIC are potent modulators of pro-inflammatory profiles in LPS-treated macrophages. Additionally, these results suggest that AHR antagonism by TMF may antagonize the degradation of E804 and prolong its anti-inflammatory properties. Since STATTIC did not bind the AHR, any treatments using this novel small molecule may not require co-treatment such as TMF
Retail associates are encountering customer conflict at an ever-increasing rate. Mistreatment by customers includes insults, name-calling, threats, and violence. Job satisfaction for associates is on the decline as a result. This Capstone project proposes retail associates are not trained in managing customer conflict. Forty-six retail associates completed a 22-question survey and watched five embedded video microlessons (lessons between one and three minutes). The video showed retail associates how to recognize, assess, and manage customer conflict through self-awareness and mindful engagement. Through grounded theory and qualitative research methods, this study confirms that retail associatesâ job satisfaction can improve with conflict management training as well as using video as a sufficient means of training. These findings provide an actionable alternative to the âtips and tricksâ of dealing with customers that will improve the well-being of associates at work and beyond
Erwerbseinstieg und bisheriges Erwerbsleben der deutschen Babyboomerkohorten 1959 und 1965: Vorarbeiten zu einer Kohortenstudie
Mit einer zunehmend Ă€lter werdenden Erwerbsbevölkerung gewinnt der Zusammenhang von Arbeit und Arbeitsbelastungen mit individueller Gesundheit und ArbeitsfĂ€higkeit vermehrt an öffentlichem Interesse. Die Studie lidA- leben in der Arbeit untersucht eben diesen Zusammenhang, beispielhaft fĂŒr die Geburtskohorten 1959 und 1965. Beide Kohorten gehören zu den geburtenstarken JahrgĂ€ngen, die wĂ€hrend der wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungphase nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland geboren wurden. Derzeit stehen sie an der Schwelle zum höheren Erwerbsalter. Der vorliegende Bericht fasst einige Vorarbeiten zur lidA-Studie zusammen und beschreibt ausfĂŒhrlich den Erwerbseinstieg und die bisherige Erwerbsbeteiligung der beiden betrachteten Geburtskohorten. Auch wenn die beiden Kohorten unter sehr Ă€hnlichen institutionellen Gegebenheiten heranwuchsen, zeigt sich, dass sie bereits wĂ€hrend ihres Erwerbseinstieges mit unterschiedlichen Chancen und Risiken konfrontiert waren. WĂ€hrend beide Geburtskohorten zunĂ€chst von der Bildungsexpansion profitieren konnten, wurde ihr Ăbergang ins Berufsleben insbesondere durch die Arbeitsmarktkrise der 1980er Jahre erschwert. Im weiteren Erwerbsverlauf zeigt sich, dass die Mehrheit beider Kohorten gut in den Arbeitsmarkt integriert ist. Unterschiede in der Art der Erwerbsbeteiligung und in deren Umfang sind im Besonderen zwischen MĂ€nnern und Frauen und zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Regionen zu erkennen.With an ageing German work force, the relationship between work and workload with individual health and workability is of increasing public interest. The German Cohort Study on Work, Age and Health 'lidA - leben in der Arbeit' is designed to further investigate precisely this relationship, examining the birth cohorts of 1959 and 1965 exemplarily. Both cohorts were born during the German baby boom following the Second World War. Currently, they are on the threshold to higher working age. This report summarizes some preparatory work to the lidA-study and provides a detailed description of the labor market entry and labor participation of both cohorts considered in the lidA-study. Although growing up under similar institutional settings, members of the two birth cohorts have been confronted with different opportunities and constraints. While both cohorts have benefited from the educational expansion, their labor market entry was also determined by the labor market crises of the 1980s which affected them at different times of their labor-market entry phase. Nevertheless, the majority of the two cohorts was able to establish their careers later on. Rather, differences in labor force participation are seen in particular between men and women and between East and West German regions
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