283 research outputs found

    Environmental sustainability of forward osmosis: The role of draw solute and its management

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    Forward osmosis (FO) is a promising technology for the treatment of complex water and wastewater streams. Studies around FO are focusing on identifying potential applications and on overcoming its technological limitations. Another important aspect to be addressed is the environmental sustainability of FO. With the aim to partially fill this gap, this study presents a life cycle analysis (LCA) of a potential full-scale FO system. From a purely environmental standpoint, results suggest that significantly higher impacts would be associated with the deployment of thermolytic, organic, and fertilizer-based draw solutes, compared to more accessible inorganic compounds. The influent draw osmotic pressure in FO influences the design of the real-scale filtration system and in turn its environmental sustainability. In systems combining FO with a pressure-driven membrane process to recover the draw solute (reverse osmosis or nanofiltration), the environmental sustainability is governed by a trade-off between the energy required by the regeneration step and the draw solution management. With the deployment of environmentally sustainable draw solutes (e.g., NaCl, Na2SO4), the impacts of the FO-based coupled system are almost completely associated to the energy required to run the downstream recovery step. On the contrary, the management of the draw solution, i.e., its replacement and the required additions due to potential losses during the filtration cycles, plays a dominant role in the environmental burdens associated with FO-based systems exploiting less sustainable draw solute, such as MgCl2

    Organic fouling in forward osmosis: Governing factors and a direct comparison with membrane filtration driven by hydraulic pressure

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    The fouling behavior of osmotically-driven forward osmosis (FO) is widely believed to be superior with respect to hydraulic pressure-driven membrane applications, based on a number of experiments reported in the literature. However, experimental confounders often exist, preventing fair comparison between the different processes, one being the deployment of non-comparable membranes. This study systematically investigates the conditions influencing organic fouling in FO and compares the behavior in FO and in a hydraulic pressure-driven process, under equivalent conditions. The same state-of-the-art polyamide FO membranes were used in the tests, which were run with real feed solutions and under varying conditions to observe the effect of initial flux, draw solution, and feed ionic composition. The results suggest that initial flux and calcium have the strongest influence on the extent of flux decline and recovery. The influence of different draw solutions in FO becomes apparent when the flux is relatively low. Analysis of the fouling indices and of the effective driving force, as well as direct observation of membranes following fouling, support the conclusion that the fouling behavior of the FO process is not necessarily better compared to an analogous hydraulic pressure-driven one, especially under relevant operational conditions and when the two processes work with similar fluxes

    Formation of Halogenated Byproducts upon Water Treatment with Peracetic Acid

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    Peracetic acid has quickly gained ground in water treatment over the last decade. Specifically, its disinfection efficacy toward a wide spectrum of microorganisms in wastewater is accompanied by the simplicity of its handling and use. Moreover, peracetic acid represents a promising option to achieve disinfection while reducing the concentration of typical chlorination byproducts in the final effluent. However, its chemical behavior is still amply debated. In this study, the reactivity of peracetic acid in the presence of halides, namely, chloride and bromide, was investigated in both synthetic waters and in a real contaminated water. While previous studies focused on the ability of this disinfectant to form halogenated byproducts in the presence of dissolved organic matter and halides, this work indicates that peracetic acid also contributes itself as a primary source in the formation of these potentially carcinogenic compounds. Specifically, this study suggests that 1.5 mM peracetic acid may form around 1-10 μg/L of bromoform when bromide is present. Bromoform formation reaches a maximum at near neutral pH, which is highly relevant for wastewater management

    The evaluation of well-being in the functioning-capability space: a new criterion based on refined functionings

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    It is generally agreed that the identification of income wealth does not provide all the relevant information needed to evaluate the quality of life: income is but one component of overall individual wellbeing. Latest economic contributions focus on the multidimensional nature of well-being taking into account a number of life dimensions further than income (e.g. health conditions, educational attainments). Moreover, as recently argued, freedom of choice plays a relevant role in the definition of quality of life. Which criterion could be the most appropriate to allow for the multidimensional nature of well-being? Can freedom of choice be included in such a comprehensive evaluation? This paper concerns a re-examination of the notion of well-being within the functioning-capability approach proposed by A.K. Sen. Following Sen\u2019s framework we re-define the value of achieved functionings in a way that takes note of alternative opportunities. We make operative a freedom-of-choice based refinement procedure by partitioning the population into different groups, homogeneous in some discriminating objective characteristic (e.g. age, sex, location). Our aim is to test whether the fact of showing a certain attribute poses an objective limit to a person\u2019s opportunity to reach or exceed a given value of a functioning

    Molecular Dynamics Insights into the Structural and Water Transport Properties of a Forward Osmosis Polyamide Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membrane Modified with Graphene Quantum Dots

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    An approach combining molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and laboratory experiments was applied to provide new theoretical insights into the chemical structure of polyamide (PA) thin-film composite (TFC) membranes modified with graphene quantum dots (GQDs). Interaction energies, fractional free volumes, mean-square displacements, densities, and water diffusion coefficients were computed for PA and four likely chemical structures of the GQD-embedded PA membranes. These theoretical results aided with experimentally measured water fluxes allowed for determining the most likely structure of the GQD-PA membrane. The compatibility of the GQDs and PA chains was found to be due to the formation of hydrogen and covalent bonds to m-phenylenediamine units. The modified membrane has a higher water diffusivity but a lower overall free volume, compared to the pristine PA membrane. MD simulations in concert with laboratory experiments were found to provide a good understanding of the relationship between the microscopic characteristics and macroscopic transport properties of TFC membranes

    Fe-chitosan complexes for oxidative degradation of emerging contaminants in water: Structure, activity, and reaction mechanism

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    Versatile and ecofriendly methods to perform oxidations at near-neutral pH are of crucial importance for processes aimed at purifying water. Chitosan, a deacetylated form of chitin, is a promising starting material owing to its biocompatibility and ability to form stable films and complexes with metals. Here, we report a novel chitosan-based organometallic complex that was tested both as homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst in the degradation of contaminants of emerging concern in water. The stoichiometry of the complex was experimentally verified with different metals, namely, Cu(II), Fe(III), Fe(II), Co(II), Pd(II), and Mn(II), and we identified the chitosan-Fe(III) complex as the most efficient catalyst. This complex effectively degraded phenol, triclosan, and 3-chlorophenol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. A putative ferryl-mediated reaction mechanism is proposed based on experimental data, density functional theory calculations, and kinetic modeling. Finally, a film of the chitosan-Fe(III) complex was synthesized and proven a promising supported heterogeneous catalyst for water purification

    Unraveling the role of feed temperature and cross-flow velocity on organic fouling in membrane distillation using response surface methodology

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    Understanding the role of operating condition on fouling development in membrane distillation (MD) is critical for the further optimization of MD technology. In this study, organic fouling development in MD was investigated varying the feed inlet temperature from 35 to 65 degrees C and the cross-flow velocity from 0.21 to 0.42 m/s. The fouling layer thickness was estimated at the end of each experiment non-invasively with optical coherence tomography. The set of experiments was mined to model the initial flux decline, the near-stable flux, and the final foulant thickness responses by central composite design, a useful response surface methodology (RSM) tool. The results indicated a linear increment of the fouling thickness by increasing the feed inlet temperatures. Overall, the feed inlet temperature governed both the initial flux decline and the fouling deposition. The benefits in water productivity obtained by increasing the feed temperature were always offset by higher fouling deposition. Higher cross-flow velocities showed a positive effect on the initial flux, which however translated in larger values of the initial flux decline rate. On the other hand, the higher shear stress contributed to a decrease of the final steadystate fouling layer thickness. The proposed approach was proven to be a valuable tool to assess the role of the operating conditions on fouling and process performance in MD

    Toward the Next Generation of Sustainable Membranes from Green Chemistry Principles

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    Large-scale membrane technology has been widely implemented and rapidly growing for roughly 40 years. However, considering its entire life cycle, there are aspects being characterized by low sustainability, and this industry certainly cannot be defined as green. In the membrane manufacturing process, raw materials mainly rely on nonbiodegradable petroleum-based polymers and hazardous solvents. These materials are thus associated with the energy crisis and with disposal burdens at the end of their lifetime, and they pose risks to workers and the environment. Therefore, biobased polymers and green solvents should be employed within the membrane preparation process and replace traditional ones. Moreover, the wastewater generated from membrane fabrication processes contains an important amount of organic solvents and should be efficiently treated or recycled before discharge. The application of artificial intelligence in membrane manufacturing and use processes can also improve efficiency significantly. Finally, a large number of spent membrane elements should also be reused and recovered, rather than landfilled. This review critically evaluates the recent advances in methods to improve the sustainability of membrane technology, specifically emphasizing the progresses made, with regard to the above aspects. This review thus analyzes the needs for membrane industry transformations in the light of circular economy
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