6 research outputs found

    PhoneSat In-flight Experience Results

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    Over the last decade, consumer technology has vastly improved its performances, become more affordable and reduced its size. Modern day smartphones offer capabilities that enable us to figure out where we are, which way we are pointing, observe the world around us, and store and transmit this information to wherever we want. These capabilities are remarkably similar to those required for multi-million dollar satellites. The PhoneSat project at NASA Ames Research Center is building a series of CubeSat-size spacecrafts using an off-the-shelf smartphone as its on-board computer with the goal of showing just how simple and cheap space can be. Since the PhoneSat project started, different suborbital and orbital flight activities have proven the viability of this revolutionary approach. In early 2013, the PhoneSat project launched the first triage of PhoneSats into LEO. In the five day orbital life time, the nano-satellites flew the first functioning smartphone-based satellites (using the Nexus One and Nexus S phones), the cheapest satellite (a total parts cost below $3,500) and one of the fastest on-board processors (CPU speed of 1GHz). In this paper, an overview of the PhoneSat project as well as a summary of the in-flight experimental results is presented

    Integration of a MicroCAT Propulsion System and a PhoneSat Bus into a 1.5U CubeSat

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    NASA Ames Research Center and the George Washington University have developed an electric propulsion subsystem that can be integrated into the PhoneSat bus. Experimental tests have shown a reliable performance by firing three different thrusters at various frequencies in vacuum conditions. The three thrusters were controlled by a SmartPhone that was running the PhoneSat software. The subsystem is fully operational and it requires low average power to function (about 0.1 W). The interface consists of a microcontroller that sends a trigger pulses to the PPU (Plasma Processing Unit), which is responsible for the thruster operation. Frequencies ranging from 1 to 50Hz have been tested, showing a strong flexibility. A SmartPhone acts as the main user interface for the selection of commands that control the entire system. The micro cathode arc thruster MicroCAT provides a high 1(sub sp) of 3000s that allows a 4kg satellite to obtain a (delta)V of 300m/s. The system mass is only 200g with a total of volume of 200(cu cm). The propellant is based on a solid cylinder made of Titanium, which is the cathode at the same time. This simplicity in the design avoids miniaturization and manufacturing problems. The characteristics of this thruster allow an array of MicroCATs to perform attitude control and orbital correcton maneuvers that will open the door for the implementation of an extensive collection of new mission concepts and space applications for CubeSats. NASA Ames is currently working on the integration of the system to fit the thrusters and PPU inside a 1.5U CubeSat together with the PhoneSat bus into a 1.5U CubeSat. This satellite is intended to be deployed from the ISS in 2015 and test the functionality of the thrusters by spinning the satellite around its long axis and measure the rotational speed with the phone byros. This test flight will raise the TRL of the propulsion system from 5 to 7 and will be a first test for further CubeSats with propulsion systems, a key subsystem for long duration or interplanetary CubeSat missions

    Modular Pulsed Plasma Electric Propulsion System for Cubesats

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    Current capabilities of CubeSats must be improved in order to perform more ambitious missions. Electric propulsion systems will play a key role due to their large specific impulse. Compared to other propulsion alternatives, their simplicity allows an easier miniaturization and manufacturing of autonomous modules into the nano and pico-satellite platform. Pulsed Plasma Thrusters (PPTs) appear as one of the most promising technologies for the near term. The utilization of solid and non-volatile propellants, their low power requirements and their proven reliability in the large scale make them great candidates for rapid implementation. The main challenges are the integration and miniaturization of all the electronic circuitry into a printed circuit board (PCB) that can satisfy the strict requirements that CubeSats present. NASA Ames and the George Washington University have demonstrated functionality and control of three discrete Micro-Cathode Arc Thrusters (CAT) using a bench top configuration that was compatible with the ARC PhoneSat Bus. This demonstration was successfully conducted in a vaccum chamber at the ARC Environmental Test Laboratory. A new effort will integrate a low power Plasma Processing Unit and two plasma thrusters onto a single printed circuit board that will utilize less than 13 U of Bus volume. The target design will be optimized for the accommodation into the PhoneSatEDISON Demonstration of SmallSatellite Networks (EDSN) bus as it uses the same software interface application, which was demonstrated in the previous task. This paper describes the design, integration and architecture of the proposed propulsion subsystem for a planned Technology Demonstration Mission. In addition, a general review of the Pulsed Plasma technology available for CubeSats is presented in order to assess the necessary challenges to overcome further development

    Micro Cathode Arc Thruster for PhoneSat: Development and Potential Applications

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    NASA Ames Research Center and the George Washington University are developing an electric propulsion subsystem that will be integrated into the PhoneSat bus. Experimental tests have shown a reliable performance by firing three different thrusters at various frequencies in vacuum conditions. The interface consists of a microcontroller that sends a trigger pulse to the Pulsed Plasma Unit that is responsible for the thruster operation. A Smartphone is utilized as the main user interface for the selection of commands that control the entire system. The propellant, which is the cathode itself, is a solid cylinder made of Titanium. This simplicity in the design avoids miniaturization and manufacturing problems. The characteristics of this thruster allow an array of CATs to perform attitude control and orbital correction maneuvers that will open the door for the implementation of an extensive collection of new mission concepts and space applications for CubeSats. NASA Ames is currently working on the integration of the system to fit the thrusters and the PPU inside a 1.5U CubeSat together with the PhoneSat bus. This satellite is intended to be deployed from the ISS in 2015 and test the functionality of the thrusters by spinning the satellite around its long axis and measure the rotational speed with the phone gyros. This test flight will raise the TRL of the propulsion system from 5 to 7 and will be a first test for further CubeSats with propulsion systems, a key subsystem for long duration or interplanetary small satellite missions

    Micro-Cathode Arc Thruster for PhoneSat Propulsion

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    The George Washington University (GWU) has developed a CubeSat-class thruster called the Micro-Cathode Arc Thruster (ìCAT). The ìCAT is a high Isp (2000-3500s), solid metal fueled, low average power (\u3c 0.1 W when operating) micro-thruster of small cross section (5 mm), with a mass of less than 200g, and no pressurized tanks. Electric current forms a plasma discharge between a concentric cathode-anode configuration. Thrust is produced through arc discharge, eroding some of the cathode material in a uniform manner, to exit at high velocity, during which it is accelerated through the nozzle by a Lorentz force. Thrust can be controlled by varying the frequency of pulses, with a demonstrated range to date of 1-50 Hz, (1 μN - 0.05 mN). The ìCAT design achieves uniform electrode erosion, and has demonstrated over two months of continuous operation during trials. The system operates at low voltage, accepting unregulated DC power from the spacecraft bus. The corresponding exhaust plume is 99% percent ionized, with near zero backflux. NASA Ames Research Center and GWU are investigating applications of ìCAT sub-systems for attitude and orbit correction of a PhoneSat spacecraft

    Microhard MHX2420 Orbital Performance Evaluation Using RT Logic T400CS

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    A major upfront cost of building low cost Nanosatellites is the communications sub-system. Most radios built for space missions cost over 4,000perunit.Thisexceedsmanybudgets.OnepossiblecosteffectivesolutionistheMicrohardMHX2420,acommercialoff−the−shelftransceiverwithaunitcostunder4,000 per unit. This exceeds many budgets. One possible cost effective solution is the Microhard MHX2420, a commercial off-the-shelf transceiver with a unit cost under 1000. This paper aims to support the Nanosatellite community seeking an inexpensive radio by characterizing Microhard’s performance envelope. Though not intended for space operations, the ability to test edge cases and increase average data transfer speeds through optimization positions this radio as a solution for Nanosatellite communications by expanding usage to include more missions. The second objective of this paper is to test and verify the optimal radio settings for the most common cases to improve downlinking. All tests were conducted with the aid of the RT Logic T400CS, a hardware-in-the-loop channel simulator designed to emulate real-world radio frequency (RF) link effects. This study provides recommended settings to optimize the downlink speed as well as the environmental parameters that cause the link to fail