27 research outputs found

    Allan Sandage and the Cosmic Expansion

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    This is an account of Allan Sandage's work on (1) The character of the expansion field. For many years he has been the strongest defender of an expanding Universe. He later explained the CMB dipole by a local velocity of 220 +/- 50 km/s toward the Virgo cluster and by a bulk motion of the Local supercluster (extending out to ~3500 km/s) of 450-500 km/s toward an apex at l=275, b=12. Allowing for these streaming velocities he found linear expansion to hold down to local scales (~300 km/s). (2) The calibration of the Hubble constant. Probing different methods he finally adopted - from Cepheid-calibrated SNe Ia and from independent RR Lyr-calibrated TRGBs - H_0 = 62.3 +/- 1.3 +/- 5.0 km/s/Mpc.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, Submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science, Special Issue on the Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale in the Gaia Er

    The global atmospheric electrical circuit and climate

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    Evidence is emerging for physical links among clouds, global temperatures, the global atmospheric electrical circuit and cosmic ray ionisation. The global circuit extends throughout the atmosphere from the planetary surface to the lower layers of the ionosphere. Cosmic rays are the principal source of atmospheric ions away from the continental boundary layer: the ions formed permit a vertical conduction current to flow in the fair weather part of the global circuit. Through the (inverse) solar modulation of cosmic rays, the resulting columnar ionisation changes may allow the global circuit to convey a solar influence to meteorological phenomena of the lower atmosphere. Electrical effects on non-thunderstorm clouds have been proposed to occur via the ion-assisted formation of ultra-fine aerosol, which can grow to sizes able to act as cloud condensation nuclei, or through the increased ice nucleation capability of charged aerosols. Even small atmospheric electrical modulations on the aerosol size distribution can affect cloud properties and modify the radiative balance of the atmosphere, through changes communicated globally by the atmospheric electrical circuit. Despite a long history of work in related areas of geophysics, the direct and inverse relationships between the global circuit and global climate remain largely quantitatively unexplored. From reviewing atmospheric electrical measurements made over two centuries and possible paleoclimate proxies, global atmospheric electrical circuit variability should be expected on many timescale

    Modelling the response of the thermosphere and ionosphere to geomagnetic storms: Effects of a mid-latitude heat source

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    The UCL-Sheffield coupled thermosphere/ionosphere model has been used to assess the consequences of a heat source from ring current ion precipitation during a geomagnetic storm. Such a source might in principle cause the thermospheric upwelling needed to produce significant changes in the neutral molecular/atomic ratio, and thus in F2 layer electron density, it having been shown that auroral sources probably cannot produce such changes at mid-latitudes. Some alternative explanations of the F2 layer depletions are considered and largely discounted. The computations show that an O+ source of around 4 mW/m2, as has been detected by satellites, could appreciably change the molecular/atomic ratio, notably in the early morning sector. The response qualitatively agrees with a number of satellite observations of composition and airglow, and with observations of NmF2. If increased in duration and intensity, the source may be able to account for the negative storm phenomena