3 research outputs found

    Component-level residential building material stock characterization using computer vision techniques

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    Residential building material stock constitutes a significant part of the built environment, providing crucial shelter and habitat services. The hypothesis concerning stock mass and composition has garnered considerable attention over the past decade. While previous research has mainly focused on the spatial analysis of building masses, it often neglected the component-level stock analysis or where heavy labor cost for onsite survey is required. This paper presents a novel approach for efficient component-level residential building stock accounting in the United Kingdom, utilizing drive-by street view images and building footprint data. We assessed four major construction materials: brick, stone, mortar, and glass. Compared to traditional approaches that utilize surveyed material intensity data, the developed method employs automatically extracted physical dimensions of building components incorporating predicted material types to calculate material mass. This not only improves efficiency but also enhances accuracy in managing the heterogeneity of building structures. The results revealed error rates of 5 and 22% for mortar and glass mass estimations and 8 and 7% for brick and stone mass estimations, with known wall types. These findings represent significant advancements in building material stock characterization and suggest that our approach has considerable potential for further research and practical applications. Especially, our method establishes a basis for evaluating the potential of component-level material reuse, serving the objectives of a circular economy

    Mapping material stocks of buildings and mobility infrastructure in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

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    Understanding the size and spatial distribution of material stocks is crucial for sustainable resource management and climate change mitigation. This study presents high-resolution maps of buildings and mobility infrastructure stocks for the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland (IRL) at 10 m, combining satellite-based Earth observations, OpenStreetMaps, and material intensities research. Stocks in the UK and IRL amount to 19.8 Gigatons or 279 tons/cap, predominantly aggregate, concrete and bricks, as well as various metals and timber. Building stocks per capita are surprisingly similar across medium to high population density, with only the lowest population densities having substantially larger per capita stocks. Infrastructure stocks per capita decrease with higher population density. Interestingly, for a given building stock within an area, infrastructure stocks are substantially larger in IRL than in the UK. These maps can provide useful insights for sustainable urban planning and advancing a circular economy

    Can a circular economy make the construction industry sustainable?

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    The construction industry is responsible for 40% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Dr Danielle Densley Tingley of the University of Sheffield’s Department of Civil and Structural Engineering in the UK is investigating how to make buildings more sustainable by reusing and recycling everything in them