60 research outputs found

    Green Peach Aphid

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    NYS IPM Type: Vegetables IPM Fact SheetThe green peach aphid (GPA) is distributed worldwide and has a host range of over 400 species of plants. In the United States, green peach aphid is a serious pest of vegetables and potatoes. Economic damage results from direct removal of plant nutrients or through transmission of viruses causing plant disease. The green peach aphid is a vector of over 100 diseases in important crops including beans, citrus, crucifers, cucurbits, potato, tomato, sugar beet, and sugar cane

    Potato Leafhopper

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    NYS IPM Type: Vegetables IPM Fact SheetThe potato leafhopper (PLH) is a serious pest of vegetable, forage, and fruit crops in the eastern and midwestern United States. PLH does not overwinter in the northern portion of its infestation range, since the insect can survive year-round only in certain areas of the southern United States where the frost-free period exceeds 260-270 days/year. Adults move northward each year in a mass migration in late April or early May. The first migrants are primarily females, and over half of these have been fertilized prior to migration. The number of annual generations in northern states varies from l-6, depending on time of arrival, host availability, and temperature
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