9 research outputs found

    Hanford Waste Physical and Rheological Properties: Data and Gaps

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    The Hanford Site in Washington State manages 177 underground storage tanks containing approximately 250,000 m3 of waste generated during past defense reprocessing and waste management operations. These tanks contain a mixture of sludge, saltcake and supernatant liquids. The insoluble sludge fraction of the waste consists of metal oxides and hydroxides and contains the bulk of many radionuclides such as the transuranic components and 90Sr. The saltcake, generated by extensive evaporation of aqueous solutions, consists primarily of dried sodium salts. The supernates consist of concentrated (5-15 M) aqueous solutions of sodium and potassium salts. The 177 storage tanks include 149 single-shell tanks (SSTs) and 28 double -hell tanks (DSTs). Ultimately the wastes need to be retrieved from the tanks for treatment and disposal. The SSTs contain minimal amounts of liquid wastes, and the Tank Operations Contractor is continuing a program of moving solid wastes from SSTs to interim storage in the DSTs. The Hanford DST system provides the staging location for waste feed delivery to the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of River Protection’s (ORP) Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP). The WTP is being designed and constructed to pretreat and then vitrify a large portion of the wastes in Hanford’s 177 underground waste storage tanks

    Retrieval and pipeline transfer assessment of hanford tank 241 an 105 waste

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    This study assesses five steps for Tank 241-AN-105 waste retrieval and subsequent pipeline transfer: 1. Remove supernatant liquid waste from AN-105 and transfer it through a pipeline with inline dilution with water (1st liquid waste transfer). 2. Add water (as a diluent) to Tank AN-105. 3. Mix the saltcake waste and water with mixer pumps to dissolve soluble solids. 4. Let undissolved solids settle to the tank bottom. 5. Remove the resulting supernatant liquid waste from Tank AN-105 (2nd liquid waste transfer). To assess these five steps for waste retrieval and pipeline transfer, AN-105 waste rheology was measured and solids identified with bright field image, select area diffraction, and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. By combining available in situ and laboratory data, an AN-105 specific viscosity model was developed that can change from several centiPoise of viscosity to tens of millions of centiPoise as a function of strain rate and solid concentration. This viscosity mo del was implemented into the AN-105 computer model to simulate pump jet mixing. The report also evaluates AN-105 slurry waste transfer to AP-102 and AP-104 through a 3-inch (0.07-m) pipeline. Document type: Repor

    Deposition Velocities of Non-Newtonian Slurries in Pipelines: Complex Simulant Testing

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    One of the concerns expressed by the External Flowsheet Review Team (EFRT) is about the potential for pipe plugging at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP). Per the review’s executive summary, “Piping that transports slurries will plug unless it is properly designed to minimize this risk. This design approach has not been followed consistently, which will lead to frequent shutdowns due to line plugging.” To evaluate the potential for plugging, deposition-velocity tests were performed on several physical simulants to determine whether the design approach is conservative. Deposition velocity is defined as the velocity below which particles begin to deposit to form a moving bed of particles on the bottom of a straight horizontal pipe during slurry-transport operations. The deposition velocity depends on the system geometry and the physical properties of the particles and fluid. An experimental program was implemented to test the stability-map concepts presented in WTP-RPT-175 Rev. 01. Two types of simulant were tested. The first type of simulant was similar to the glass-bead simulants discussed in WTP-RPT-175 Rev. 0 ; it consists of glass beads with a nominal particle size of 150 ”m in a kaolin/water slurry. The initial simulant was prepared at a target yield stress of approximately 30 Pa. The yield stress was then reduced, stepwise, via dilution or rheological modifiers, ultimately to a level of <1 Pa. At each yield-stress step, deposition-velocity testing was performed. Testing over this range of yield-stress bounds the expected rheological operating window of the WTP and allows the results to be compared to stability-map predictions for this system. The second simulant was a precipitated hydroxide that simulates HLW pretreated sludge from Hanford waste tank AZ-101. Testing was performed in a manner similar to that for the first simulant over a wide range of yield stresses; however, an additional test of net-positive suction-head required (NPSHR) was performed at each yield stress condition. Unlike the previous simulant, the sizes and densities of the particles that can deposit in the piping are a result of the simulant precipitation process; there is expected to be a complex mixture of particles of various sizes and densities that make it difficult to predict a stability map. The objective of the testing is to observe whether behavior consistent with the stability-map concept occurs in complex simulants with mixtures of different sizes and densities