7 research outputs found

    Makna Simbol Andung (Ratapan) dalam Upacara Pemakaman Adat Batak Toba di Pekanbaru

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    The Meaning of Symbols in Funeral Customs Batak Toba in Pekanbaru. Cultural is a skill which owned by a group of people to recognize, interpret, and produce signs with the someway. Every culture has a certain characteristics, from the event or ritual that uccurs while the ceremony took place. Culture became the most important thing, because of identity that shows of the character of every person who owns it. Consequently, culture is the foundation of communication. When diverse cultures, its also diverse practice of communication.Toba society is a society that respect customany norms inherited by ancestor to them abo ut nuptial as well as funereal ceremony. They prove about loyalty on the customany practice with division of big energy to Toba society customany practice, particulary about andung at funereal ceremony.Andung is lamentation or funereal song on funeral or misfortune. Generally, andung contains about sadness or suffering life. From of misfortune are sadness and grief when parents, family members died. This is a lamentation song in Batak Toba people, content of andung is about life stories of people who died and song in front of his body. While do andung, people who came absolutely know about his character during his lifetime. Andung is one of cultural heritage that ever lived and powerful role in Batak Toba society that still used to this day. Only a certain parents can mastering hata andung and only those who can performing it with use hata andung properly.Because phenomena happened in funeral customs on Batak Toba society, so author can take this thesis with the title The Meaning of Symbols in Funeral Customs Batak Toba in Pekanbaru.Keyword : Andung, The meaning of symbols, Funera

    Pola Komunikasi Orangtua dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Berkomunikasi Anak Autis (Studi pada Orangtua Anak Autis di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis Anak Mandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Today the symptoms of children with autism increasingly found. Autism has asense as the conditions experienced by a person which can affect the berhubunagn andcommunicate, especially in interpersonal communication. Autism is not a disease, butrather aimed at a genetic disorder that is associated with the development of the brainbefore, during, and even after birth.This study was conducted in an Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis AnakMandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru. Subjects in this studyconsisted of teachers, parents, and students. While the object of research is the ParentCommunication Patterns in Autistic Children Communicate Overcoming Adversity(Studies in Autistic Children Parents in Sekolah Dasar Swasta Khusus Autis AnakMandiri Jalan Kutilang No. 5 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru.Holders important role in dealing with cases of autism, particularly in children,are the parents themselves. Parents are the ones who determine whether children withautism can develop properly or it gets worse. Parents are encouraged to think two timesmore astute in dealing with children with autism.Methods This study used a descriptive method with data collection interview.Therefore, it will be obtained a picture of the interpersonal communication betweenchildren with autism with parents.This study resulted in the conclusion that, parents who have children withautism experience many obstacles in her life dealing with autism. Parents havedifficulty in communicating both verbally and non-verbally, as well as interpersonalcommunication. Therefore, the role and support of parents is necessary in dealing withchildren with autism and the key word is merely a consequence.Keyword : Parents who have children with autism,Autism, Helping Autism

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Game Online Terhadap Perilaku Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Riau Pekanbaru

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    Online game or electronic game is a game played using net ( LAN or internet). This game has already achieved a great progress. Todays game is not like it was. High technology, especially internet connection makes this game can be played by more than 100 people in same time. This game makes university students distracted and change the way of students in interacting with others.The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of online game into attitude of Islamic university of Riau Pekanbarus students and also to find out the influencing factor in using this such game among them. This is a quantitative survey. Data is collected using questionaire, documentation, and observation. To find out the influence, writer used simple linear regression analysis. X variable is game online, Y variable is students of UIR. There are 30 people acting as sample, taken based on criteria that meet research requirement, or accidental sampling. Data was processed SPSS verse 16.0.Result shows that there is influence of online game using into attitude of UIR Pekanbarus students. It can be seen from data analysis; Y=140,11+0,6997 X with t hitung 6,212 bigger than t table 0,68304 and significancy level 0,700 smaller than a, got from N= 30 and a= 0,05. So, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted because there is significant influence between online game using into students of UIR Pekanbaru. Factors that influence the attitude is technology, easy internet access, and environment.Keyword : Internet, Game online, Attitud

    Opini Masyarakat Batak pada Program Acara Horas di Rantau pada Rtv (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Tanjung Rhu Kecamatan Lima Puluh Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Program is one means of communication to influence the audience. The number of program aired on television show that make the audience think watching what message content delivered in each program of the event. Overseas program Horas in a Batak music program, the program is packed with interesting events that can affect the audience and making the changes. This study aims to determine public opinion on the Batak in Rantau Horas Program on Rtv in the Village District of Tanjung Rhu Fifty Pekanbaru City and the factors that Influence the formation of public opinion Village Subdisrict Tanjung Rhu Fifty Pekanbaru City.This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and dokumentansi. The data obtained is then processed to be reduced, resulting presented to a general conclusion. Informants in this study amounted to 12 based on snowball sampling method that researchers use. While for checking the validity of the data the researcher used triangulation techniques and extension participation.The results showed that public opinion Batak village of Tanjung Rhu Fifty Pekanbaru City District of the program event at Rantau Horas is very interesting, because it has educational value that can increase knowledge and positive learning to watch. Factors that influence the formation of public opinion Batak, because that show is very entertaining program and describe social reality in the city of Pekanbaru.Keywords: Public Opinion, Horas di Rantau, Program Event

    Pengaruh Motif Penggunaan Media Internal Excellence terhadap Kepuasan Informasi Karyawan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to provide an understanding about motive in using Excellence (an internal media) to the employee information satisfaction at Bank Riau-Kepri Pekanbaru Branch, and also to find out the favourite category for Excellence readers. Corporate Secretary; as a part of editorial team; has important role in engaging communication to the all employees that are widely spread at Riau and Kepulauan Riau Province. Moreover, Corporate Secretary should also have knowledge about reader motives so that Excellence can deliver appropriate content that can give information satisfaction to the readers. Quantitative research method was used to find out: (a) significant relation between motives in using Excellence to the employee satisfaction at Bank Riau-Kepri Pekanbaru Branch, and (b) Excellence reader favourite category. In order to meet these objectives, two approaches were followed; questionnaire and library studies. Later, data gathered from these questionnaires were then analysed by Simple Linear Regression method using commercial statistical software SPSS version 16.0. Result revealed that there was a significant correlation between motive and the use of Excellence to the employee satisfaction at Bank Riau-Kepri Pekanbaru Branch. With amount of observation (N)=70, simple Linear Regression analysis resulted a formulation of Y=20.439+0.433X. Included in this output were be (a) t=3.221, which was higher than that of constant in the SPPS output t=1.668, and (b) significant (a)=0.002 which was less than that of constant SPSS output a=0.1. It was concluded that correlation between motive and the use of Excellence was at low level, 13.2%. Regarding to the categories in Excellence, survey showed that 81% of respondent population chose photo gallery as their most favourite one. Keywords: Media Internal, Motif, Kepuasa