15 research outputs found

    Longitudinal PLP area.

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    <p>Progression of myelin content over time, estimated from PLP stained tissue. Lateral in the corpus callosum (red ), medial in the corpus callosum (green ), in the deep gray matter (blue ) and in the cerebral cortex (black ).</p

    NOGO-A count correlated to MTR value.

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    <p>Correlation between oligodendrocyte density, estimated from NOGO-A stained tissue, and MTR values. Dots represent animals, with MTR measurement taken imediately before the animal was sacrificed for histological staining.</p

    Longitudinal NOGO-A density.

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    <p>Progression of oligodendrocyte density over time, estimated from NOGO-A stained tissue. Lateral in the corpus callosum (red ), medial in the corpus callosum (green ), in the deep gray matter (blue ) and in the cerebral cortex (black ).</p

    PLP area correlated to MTR value.

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    <p>Correlation between myelin content, estimated from PLP stained tissue, and MTR values. Dots represent animals, with MTR measurement taken imediately before being sacrificed for histological staining.</p

    Longitudinal MTR values fitted with LMER.

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    <p>LMER regression of the difference in MTR values between cuprizone exposed animals and control animals over time. Dots represent single measures and the gray shaded area standard deviations of the LMER fit. A: The corpus callosum. B: The deep gray matter. C: The olfactory bulb. D: The cerebellum. E: The cerebral cortex.</p

    Tissue sections.

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    <p>Regions of the mouse brain where tissueimmunohistochemically analyzed for content of myelin (PLP) and oligodendrocytes (NOGO-A) were analyzed.</p

    Histological evaluations of tumour characteristics and spread of disease.

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    <p>Organs were fixed in formaldehyde, sectioned and stained with HE to confirm presence of tumour tissue and for histological characterization of tumour. Sections from a representative mouse depict a large tumour mass in the left uterine horn (A) with necrotic tissue in the centre. Normal uterine morphology is seen in the right uterine horn with endometrial glands and normal stroma and myometrium. Detail of tumour in the left uterine horn (B) reveals solid growing tumour, resembling a grade 3 endometrioid endometrial cancer. Solid tumour masses were also detected in ovaries (C). Inguinal lymph node, macroscopically suspected to be metastatic, was confirmed to represent a metastasis (D), however, without visible surrounding lymphoid tissue. Solid tumour components are depicted in the pancreas (E) with tumour tissue infiltrating surrounding fat tissue. Metastasis is observed on the outer surface of the liver (F), and tumour tissue is also detected in blood vessels of the lung (G), the latter indicating hematogenous spread.</p