3 research outputs found

    Liječenje običnih bradavica u narodnoj medicini

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    Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are the most common complaint in routine dermatological practice. Warts can be painful on pressure and are often an aesthetic problem, but they are not a major threat to the personā€™s general health. Treatment options are symptomatic and do not eradicate the causative agent. Dermatological surgery procedures such as cryotherapy, electrocauterization and excochleation can be painful, with common recurrences. These are the most important reasons for revival of the treatment procedures and remedies based on traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is still commonly practiced as a form of self-healing. This paper presents the most commonly used wart remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, along with various magic practices. We emphasize that this paper is written from the viewpoint of physicians, practitioners of dermatology, not as a study in the history or culture. The main objective of the study was to explore various substances and methods people use as home remedies for warts. We performed a case study survey among the general population by interviewing 147 adult participants using a simple preliminary questionnaire inquiring about preferred treatment and knowledge about common warts.Obične bradavice su najčeŔći problem u rutinskoj dermatoloÅ”koj praksi. One nisu značajna zdravstvena poteÅ”koća niti utječu na opće zdravstveno stanje, ali mogu biti bolne, naročito na pritisak i mogu biti estetski problem. Liječenje je simptomatsko i njime se ne utječe na eliminaciju uzročnika. DermatokirurÅ”ki postupci kao Å”to su krioterapija, elektrokauterizacija i ekskohleacija su bolni, a recidivi česti. Ovo su najvažniji razlozi zbog kojih se u svrhu samoliječenja oživljavaju prakse iz narodne medicine. Ovaj rad predstavlja najčeŔće koriÅ”tene pripravke biljnog, životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla zajedno s različitim magijskim postupcima. NaglaÅ”avamo da je ovaj rad učinjen sa stajaliÅ”ta liječnika, dermatologa praktičara, a ne povjesničara ili etnologa. Glavni cilj studije bio je istražiti tvari i metode koje su ljudi koristili za samoliječenje bradavica. Proveli smo istraživanje anketiranjem 147 odraslih ispitanika iz opće populacije koristeći jednostavan upitnik o osnovnoj informiranosti o bradavicama i izboru liječenja

    AlcalĆ” 1975

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    Importance ff Educational Intervention and Parental Knowledge on Atopic Dermatitis in Children

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing, inflammatory skin disease. Failure to treat AD successfully can often be directly linked to poor treatment adherence as a result of the lack of information about the disease and basic principles of treatment. Several studies have found that making patients active participants in their care through information and education is a successful treatment strategy in AD. The aim of this study was to evaluate parental knowledge on AD and to stress the importance of therapeutic educational program in long-term management and control of the disease. We carried out a short questionnaire-based study among 238 parents of children with AD regarding their knowledge on the etiology and treatment of AD. Our results showed that 21% of the participants reported corticophobia and were concerned about systemic absorption affecting the child's growth and development even after short application. In children with AD who have food hypersensitivity, 14% of parents thought that a small amount of food allergen could be beneficial in achieving tolerability. The role of interdisciplinary educational program is to explain the epidemiology and pathogenesis of AD, as well as concomitant atopy related diseases and to teach parents about the importance of appropriate skin care