641 research outputs found

    Featured Piece

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    This year the General Editors decided to create a feature piece to show our appreciation for the History Department. We selected four professors from the faculty to answer a question about history: what figure/event/idea inspires your interest in history? Reading their responses helped give us insight into the thoughts of these brilliant minds and further help us understand their passion for the subject we all share a common love and interest in. We hope that you enjoy reading their responses as much as we did. The four members of the faculty we spoke with are Dr. Timothy Shannon, Dr. Ian Isherwood, Dr. Jill Titus, and Dr. Scott Hancock

    Distribution Pattern Variability of Granular VRT Applicators

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    Granular applicators equipped with variable-rate technology (VRT) have gained popularity in recent years as a result of increased interest in variable-rate application. The purpose of this investigation was to characterize distribution patterns at varying rates for different granular applicators. Uniform-rate (UR) tests were conducted to assess the accuracy of variable-rate application from four granular applicators: two spinner-disc spreaders (A and B), and two pneumatic applicators (C and D). Pattern results indicated a consistent triangular pattern for spinner spreader B and consistent patterns for the pneumatic applicators (C and D). However, applicator D produced pattern variations at the center and right side. Simulated overlap analysis generated CVs \u3c 20% for applicators B and C. Applicator A performed well at the two lower rates (CVs \u3c 19%) but not at the highest rate (CV = 27%). Pattern unevenness for applicator D produced CVs between 25% and 34%. The spinner-disc spreaders over-applied, while the pneumatic applicators under-applied at the margins, suggesting an adjustment to the effective swath spacing or spinner-disc speed is needed to improve application accuracy. Further, overlap plots indicated pattern variability even when acceptable CVs were attained for applicators B and C. Therefore, it is recommended that CVs accompany simulated overlap pattern plots to ensure proper calibration of VRT equipment. Swath spacing analysis indicated that three of the four applicator spacings could be changed from the recommended value to improve application uniformity. Pattern comparisons showed that pattern shifts occurred for applicator A (P = 0.0092) with increasing application rate but not for applicators B, C, and D. These results demonstrate potential application errors with VRT and the need for proper calibration to maintain acceptable performance. Further, this investigation demonstrates the need for a VRT equipment testing standard

    Beam tests of a large-scale TORCH time-of-flight demonstrator

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    The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide particle identification in the momentum range 2-10 GeV/c over large areas. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charged particles traversing a 10 mm thick quartz plate. The photons propagate via total internal reflection and are focused onto a detector plane comprising position-sensitive Micro-Channel Plate Photo-Multiplier Tubes (MCP-PMT) detectors. The goal is to achieve a single-photon timing resolution of 70 ps, giving a timing precision of 15 ps per charged particle by combining the information from around 30 detected photons. The MCP-PMT detectors have been developed with a commercial partner (Photek Ltd, UK), leading to the delivery of a square tube of active area 53 ×\times 53mm2^2 with a granularity of 8 ×\times 128 pixels equivalent. A large-scale demonstrator of TORCH, having a quartz plate of dimensions 660 ×\times 1250 ×\times 10 mm3^3 and read out by a pair of MCP-PMTs with custom readout electronics, has been verified in a test beam campaign at the CERN PS. Preliminary results indicate that the required performance is close to being achieved. The anticipated performance of a full-scale TORCH detector at the LHCb experiment is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Paper submitted to Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A - Special Issue VCI 201

    Interactions between state pension and long-term care reforms: an overview

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    In April 2016 major reforms to state pensions and long-term care will be implemented in Great Britain and England respectively. Their combined effects have received little attention despite interactions between the two systems. The long-term effects of both sets of reforms will depend on how details of the systems are set in the intervening years, and on how policies in other parts of the welfare system evolve. We will investigate the long-term impacts of alternative ways in which current pensions and long-term care financing reforms may evolve over the next 40 years to ensure that that there is widespread appreciation of the implications of any changes which may have significant long-term effects

    Care and State Pension Reform - Interactions between state and pension long-term care reforms: a summary of findings

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    In April 2016 major reforms to state pensions were implemented in Great Britain. Reforms to the English long-term care financing system were also to be introduced in 2016 but have been postponed until 2020. The state pension reforms replace the existing two-tier state pension system with a single tier pension set just above the minimum income guaranteed through means-tested benefits. It affects only people reaching State Pension age from April 2016. The long-term care reforms introduce a cap on lifetime liability for care costs. To reach the cap, people will need to have eligible care needs for a considerable period, typically at least three years. The primary objective of the state pension reforms is to provide a clearer foundation for private pension saving and reduce reliance on means-tested benefits in retirement by setting the level of the new State Pension (nSP) above the level of the minimum income guaranteed by the means-tested benefit Pension Credit. The long-term care reforms introduce a lifetime limit on individual liability for care costs to provide protection against the risk that care costs could use up nearly all of an individual’s savings. The long-term effects of both sets of reforms will depend on how details of the systems are set in the intervening years, and in particular how components of the systems are adjusted each year – ‘uprated’ – for inflation. This report summarises the findings from a research project which aims to promote informed debate on how the reforms could evolve, highlighting the interactions between the two systems. Amongst other things, the study has analysed the impact of the reforms to 2030 under uprating assumptions consistent with current policy and under alternative uprating assumptions. A separate more detailed Technical Report of the analysis is available
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