13 research outputs found

    Increased lateral microtubule contact at the cell cortex is sufficient to drive mammalian spindle elongation

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    The spindle is a dynamic structure that changes its architecture and size in response to biochemical and physical cues. For example, a simple physical change, cell confinement, can trigger centrosome separation and increase spindle steady-state length at metaphase. How this occurs is not understood, and is the question we pose here. We find that metaphase and anaphase spindles elongate at the same rate when confined, suggesting that similar elongation forces can be generated independent of biochemical and spindle structural differences. Furthermore, this elongation does not require bipolar spindle architecture or dynamic microtubules. Rather, confinement increases numbers of astral microtubules laterally contacting the cortex, shifting contact geometry from “end-on” to “side-on.” Astral microtubules engage cortically anchored motors along their length, as demonstrated by outward sliding and buckling after ablation-mediated release from the centrosome. We show that dynein is required for confinement-induced spindle elongation, and both chemical and physical centrosome removal demonstrate that astral microtubules are required for such spindle elongation and its maintenance. Together the data suggest that promoting lateral cortex–microtubule contacts increases dynein-mediated force generation and is sufficient to drive spindle elongation. More broadly, changes in microtubule-to-cortex contact geometry could offer a mechanism for translating changes in cell shape into dramatic intracellular remodeling

    The Trapped Proton Environment in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

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    Energetic proton flux maps of the differential flux intensity in the medium-Earth orbit (MEO) regime (altitudes ~ 7000-15,000 km) are developed from measurements taken by detectors aboard the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES), HEO-F1, HEO-F3 and ICO satellites. Measurement errors have been estimated by cross-calibrating to a standard sensor aboard the GOES satellite during solar proton events. Spectral inversion techniques were employed to derive differential flux spectra from the HEO and ICO integral channel dosimeters. Two methods for combining the four different satellite data sets on a standard energy and coordinate grid are presented and the ramifications due to limited spatial and temporal coverage are explored. Comparison to the NASA AP-8 models shows the new model median flux maps to be of approximately equivalent or lower magnitude in the slot region while new model 95th percentile maps are always higher. Implications for the proton dose received by MEO satellites are discussed.United States. Air Force (Contract FA8721-10-C-0007

    Assessment of Radiation and Plasma Environment Modeling Capabilities

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    In order to make space weather environment models more useful to engineers and the user community throughout different phases of a satellite lifecycle (mission concept/planning/design/build, launch, operation and anomaly resolution) or assessing radiation effects at aviation altitudes, it is important to track their performance over time with well-defined, user-focused metrics and to maintain active, ongoing communication channels in order to understand each other’s needs. To this end, working with experts in both science and engineering areas and the community in general, CCMC has launched the International Forum for Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment (https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/assessment/). In this presentation, we will report the progress made from our Space Radiation and Plasma Effects Working Team. Two sets of metrics/physical quantities have been chosen with one set that are outputs of space environment models (constituting critical physical parameters/inputs directly relevant to effects quantification) and the other relevant to engineering models of effects. The initial results and follow-on activities will be discussed

    Space Radiation and Plasma Effects on Satellites and Aviation: Quantities and Metrics for Tracking Performance of Space Weather Environment Models

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    The Community Coordinated Modeling Center has been leading community‐wide space science and space weather model validation projects for many years. These efforts have been broadened and extended via the newly launched International Forum for Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment (https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/assessment/). Its objective is to track space weather models' progress and performance over time, a capability that is critically needed in space weather operations and different user communities in general. The Space Radiation and Plasma Effects Working Team of the aforementioned International Forum works on one of the many focused evaluation topics and deals with five different subtopics (https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/assessment/topics/radiation‐all.php) and varieties of particle populations: Surface Charging from tens of eV to 50‐keV electrons and internal charging due to energetic electrons from hundreds keV to several MeVs. Single‐event effects from solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays (several MeV to TeV), total dose due to accumulation of doses from electrons (>100 keV) and protons (>1 MeV) in a broad energy range, and radiation effects from solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays at aviation altitudes. A unique aspect of the Space Radiation and Plasma Effects focus area is that it bridges the space environments, engineering, and user communities. The intent of the paper is to provide an overview of the current status and to suggest a guide for how to best validate space environment models for operational/engineering use, which includes selection of essential space environment and effect quantities and appropriate metrics