79 research outputs found

    Limited diversity of epibiont bdelloid rotifers and no pattern of codiversification with the highly diverse endemic amphipods of a coastal zone of Lake Baikal

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    An extreme radiation of hundreds of species of different groups of animals occurred in Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia; among them, amphipods represent one of the most remarkable groups of invertebrates with about 350 endemic species. Amphipods host associated epibiont rotifers, and the aim of the study is to explore the possibility that bdelloid rotifers living as epibionts on amphipods in Lake Baikal coevolved with their hosts and diversified with species-specific host–epibiont associations. We sampled 148 individual amphipods belonging to 16 species and isolated all epibiont bdelloids from them, discovering that only one bdelloid species, Embata parasitica, lives associated with at least six amphipod species belonging to three different families. Similar to what is known in most other bdelloid species, the morphospecies Embata parasitica from Lake Baikal is likely to be a complex of cryptic species, as suggested by the high genetic diversity we found in one mitochondrial marker sequenced from several animals. Yet none of the divergent genetic lineages seemed to be associated to only one or a few amphipod species. In addition, nine bdelloid species were found living in the lake, increasing the known diversity of the area to 12 bdelloid species

    Laser Therapy in Correction of Optimization of Surgical Endointoxication

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    The problem of endointoxication remains one of the most urgent in modern surgery. The severity of the intoxication syndrome is determined not only by the intensity of the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream from the lesion focus, but also by the adequacy of the functioning of the main mechanisms of detoxification - elimination of toxins. Clinical and laboratory studies of 62 patients with acute peritonitis were performed. To this end, daily sessions of laser therapy with “Matrix” were conducted for 5 days after the operation, using a head of KLO3 (radiation with a wavelength of 635 nm, 2 mW). Laser irradiation of blood through the skin in the projection of the ulnar vein was performed for 30 minutes. Using laser therapy for patients with acute peritonitis led to the reduction of the endogenous intoxication severity. The level of medium-mass molecules (λ = 280 nm) decreased by 13.3-26.2% compared to the control, the level of average-weight molecules (λ = 254 nm) decreased by 15.5-32.6% (p <0.05) against the background of laser therapy. Thus, the use of laser therapy in patients with acute peritonitis has led to a decrease in the severity of endogenous intoxication. One of the significant components of this treatment is its ability to improve microcirculation and, as a result, to correct lipid peroxidation and hypoxia, which reduces catabolic phenomena (one of the sources of endogenous intoxication). Clinical and laboratory studies have established that the effectiveness of such treatment decreases with severe forms of peritonitis

    Rapid ecological change in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal (East Siberia): Is the site of the world\u27s greatest freshwater biodiversity in danger?

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    Ecological degradation of the benthic littoral zone is an emerging, urgent problem at Lake Baikal (East Siberia), the most species-rich lake on Earth. Within the last five years, multiple changes have occurred in the nearshore benthos where most of the lake\u27s endemic species reside. These changes include proliferation of benthic algae, deaths of snails and endemic sponges, large coastal wash-ups of dead benthic algae and macrophytes, blooms of toxin-producing benthic cyanobacteria, and inputs of industrial contaminants into parts of the lake. Some changes, such as massive coastal accumulations of benthic algae, are currently shared with the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGLs); however, the drivers of these changes differ between Lake Baikal and the LGLs. Coastal eutrophication from inputs of untreated sewage is causing problems at multiple sites in Lake Baikal, whereas in the LGLs, invasive dreissenid mussels redirect pelagic nutrients to the littoral substrate. At other locations in Lake Baikal, ecological degradation may have different causes including water level fluctuations and the input of toxic industrial contaminants. Importantly, the recent deterioration of the benthic littoral zone in both Lake Baikal and the LGLs has occurred while little change has occurred offshore. This highlights the necessity of monitoring both the littoral and pelagic zones of large lakes for assessing ecosystem health, change and conservation

    Низкоинтенсивное лазерное облучение крови в коррекции церебральной дисфункции у пациентов с механической желтухой неопухолевого происхождения

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     BACKGROUND The liver’s function is impaired above all others in the mechanical jaundice, which leads to the progression of endogenous intoxication and the damage of different organs and systems, including the brain. The development of hepatic encephalopathy undoubtedly aggravates the course of the disease, which requires its timely management.AIM OF STuDy: to evaluate the effcacy of the low-intensity laser therapy when managing the cerebral dysfunction in mechanical jaundice of non-tumor origin.MATERIAL AND METHODS A comprehensive study of 60 patients with obstructive jaundice of non-tumor origin was performed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: I (comparison) — the standard therapy (n=30); II (studied) group — inclusion of low-intensity laser irradiation of blood (n=30). On check dates (day 1 and 7), the severity of cerebral dysfunction was assessed in all patients using the psychometric tests (“Point in Circle, “Labyrinth”). The microcirculation was assessed with LACC 02 device (Russia). The coagulation/lysis system of blood was studied with TEG 5000 thrombelastograph (USA).RESULTS In patients with obstructive jaundice, disorders of the functional state of the liver were noted, which resulted in the growth of total bilirubin, alanine and aspartic aminotransferases, and toxic products. All this was accompanied by cerebral dysfunction, which was shown by results of the psychometric study and extended performance of tests, in particular (“Point in Circle”, “Labyrinth”). Signifcant changes and disorders of the hemostatic system were revealed in patients. The complex treatment of obstructive jaundice, which included laser therapy, allowed a relatively rapid recovery of the functional state of the brain to be observed, as evidenced by the shortening of the test time for the tests being studied. The positive effect of this kind of therapy was accompanied by a decrease in the severity of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication, improved microcirculation and hemostasis.CONCLUSION The presence of pancreatic obstructive jaundice lead to the development of florid syndrome of endogenous intoxication, which was reflected in the growth of ALT, AST, amylase, and total bilirubin. During the entire period of the study, a decrease in studied blood parameters was observed in patients who had underwent low-intensity laser therapy sessions. Conducting a psychometric study in the initial periods revealed some violations, such as extended performance of tests (“Point in Circle”, “Labyrinth”).АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ При механической желтухе в первую очередь страдает функциональное состояние печени, что ведет к прогрессированию эндогенной интоксикации и, как следствие, поражению различных органов и систем, в том числе головного мозга. Развитие печеночной энцефалопатии, безусловно, отягощает течение болезни, что требует своевременной ее коррекции.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Оценить эффективность низкоинтенсивного лазерного облучения крови в коррекции церебраль ной дисфункции при механической желтухе неопухолевого происхождения.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Проведено комплексное обследование 60 больных механической желтухой неопухолевого происхождения. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: I (сравнения) — больным проводилась стандартная терапия (n=30); II (основная) группа — проводилась комбинированная терапия с включением низкоинтенсивного лазерного облучения крови (n=30). В контрольные сроки у исследуемых оценивали выраженность церебральной дисфункции с помощью тестов психометрического тестирования («Точка в круге», «Лабиринт»). Определяли выраженность механической желтухи, нарушений функционального состояния печени, изменения микроциркуляции и коагуляционнолитической системы крови.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ У пациентов с механической желтухой отмечены расстройства функционального состояния печени, что выражалось в увеличении в крови уровня общего билирубина, активности аланиновой и аспарагиновой аминотрасфераз и повышении содержания в ней токсичных продуктов. Это сопровождалось наличием у больных церебральной дисфункции, о чем свидетельствуют результаты проведенного психометрического исследования, в частности выявлено увеличение продолжительности выполнения тестов («Точка в круге», «Лабиринт»). У больных диагностированы значительные нарушения микроциркуляции и изменения в системе гемостаза. При комплексном лечении механической желтухи, включающем внутривенную лазеротерапию, отмечено ускорение восстановления функционального состояния головного мозга, о чем свидетельствовало укорочение времени выполнения исследуемых тестов. Положительный эффект такого рода терапии сопровождался уменьшением выраженности синдрома эндогенной интоксикации, улучшением микроциркуляции и коррекцией показателей гемостаза.ВЫВОДЫ При механической желтухе неопухолевого происхождения развитие печеночной энцефалопатии сопровождается выраженным эндотоксикозом, развивающимся на фоне существенных нарушений микроциркуляции и коагуляционно-литических изменений. Применение низкоинтенсивного лазерного облучения крови позволяет уменьшить выраженность печеночной энцефалопатии. В основе улучшения функционального состояния головного мозгла при действии лазеротерапии лежит ее способность уменьшать выраженность эндогенной интоксикации за счет улучшения микроциркуляции и коррекции состояния коагуляционно-литической системы

    Low-intensive Laser Therapy for Management of Cerebral Dysfunction in Patients with Obstructive Jaundice of Non-tumor Origin

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    BACKGROUND The liver’s function is impaired above all others in the mechanical jaundice, which leads to the progression of endogenous intoxication and the damage of different organs and systems, including the brain. The development of hepatic encephalopathy undoubtedly aggravates the course of the disease, which requires its timely management.AIM OF STuDy: to evaluate the effcacy of the low-intensity laser therapy when managing the cerebral dysfunction in mechanical jaundice of non-tumor origin.MATERIAL AND METHODS A comprehensive study of 60 patients with obstructive jaundice of non-tumor origin was performed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: I (comparison) — the standard therapy (n=30); II (studied) group — inclusion of low-intensity laser irradiation of blood (n=30). On check dates (day 1 and 7), the severity of cerebral dysfunction was assessed in all patients using the psychometric tests (“Point in Circle, “Labyrinth”). The microcirculation was assessed with LACC 02 device (Russia). The coagulation/lysis system of blood was studied with TEG 5000 thrombelastograph (USA).RESULTS In patients with obstructive jaundice, disorders of the functional state of the liver were noted, which resulted in the growth of total bilirubin, alanine and aspartic aminotransferases, and toxic products. All this was accompanied by cerebral dysfunction, which was shown by results of the psychometric study and extended performance of tests, in particular (“Point in Circle”, “Labyrinth”). Signifcant changes and disorders of the hemostatic system were revealed in patients. The complex treatment of obstructive jaundice, which included laser therapy, allowed a relatively rapid recovery of the functional state of the brain to be observed, as evidenced by the shortening of the test time for the tests being studied. The positive effect of this kind of therapy was accompanied by a decrease in the severity of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication, improved microcirculation and hemostasis.CONCLUSION The presence of pancreatic obstructive jaundice lead to the development of florid syndrome of endogenous intoxication, which was reflected in the growth of ALT, AST, amylase, and total bilirubin. During the entire period of the study, a decrease in studied blood parameters was observed in patients who had underwent low-intensity laser therapy sessions. Conducting a psychometric study in the initial periods revealed some violations, such as extended performance of tests (“Point in Circle”, “Labyrinth”)