17 research outputs found


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    Afin d'obtenir un faisceau de deutérons polarisés, une source cryogénique "Polaris" a été développée dans le cadre du programme de recherche du synchrophasotron de Dubna/1/. La source est raccordée à une borne haute-tension du préaccélérateur linac. Un faisceau de deutérons est accéléré dans le synchrophasotron/2/. Cette source est actuellement à l'essai. Un polarimÚtre à cibles 3He et 4He a été conçu afin de mesurer la polarisation du faisceau aprÚs le linac. Les résultats de ces mesures sont publiés dans ce rapport.To obtain a beam of polarized deuterons, a cryogenic source "Polaris" has been developed according to the program of research at the Dubna synchrophasotron/1/. The source is installed on a high-voltage terminal of the linac preaccelerator. A beam of deuterons from the source is accelerated in the synchrophasotron/2/. At present the source is being improved. A polarimeter with 3He and 4He targets has been developed to measure the polarization of the beam of deuterons after the linac. Results of this work are presented in the report

    In children with bronchial asthma: Causal, complicated, unspecified, reverse

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    The review, based on modern literature data and the results of many years of research conducted by the authors, highlights the problem of comorbidity (multimorbidity) in children with bronchial asthma (BA). There is a grouping of concomitant diseases in children with asthma depending on the type of comorbidity (causal, complicated, unspecified, reverse). Based on epidemiological data, observational and cohort studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, information on the frequency of BA in children with various comorbid diseases and comorbid diseases in children with BA was summarized. Scientific, theoretical and practical significance of comorbidity in BA, diagnostic and treatment programs in pediatric patients suffering from BA and comorbid diseases are substantiated. © 2021, Pediatria Ltd.. All rights reserved