33 research outputs found

    Power interruption experiments on ICP and MIP

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    Steep plasma gradients studied with spatially resolved Thomson scattering measurements

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    Plasmas created by the microwave torch Torche à Injection Axiale (TIA), which are around 2 mm in diameter and 15 mm long, are investigated. In these plasmas large gradients are present so that the edge is supposed to play an important role. Using global Thomson scattering measurements, in which global refers to the fact that the size of the laser beam is approximately equal to the diameter of the plasma, the electron densities and temperatures were determined. However, these results lead to discrepancies in the particle balance: the production of free electrons is much larger than the classical losses due to recombination, convection and diffusion. Radially resolved Thomson scattering measurements show the plasma has a hollow structure. Although this enhances the losses due to diffusion, still a large discrepancy remains between production and destruction of free electrons in the argon plasmas. Probably some molecular processes are significant as well. A good candidate is the charge transfer between argon ions and nitrogen molecules, since mixing with the surrounding air has a large impact on the plasma

    Characterisation of plasmas produced by the "torche à injection axiale"

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    Two different kinds of plasmas created by the microwave driven Torche a' Injection Axiale (TIA) are investigated: one with helium and the other with argon as the main gas. By using abs. line intensity measurements, the densities of the excited states are detd. Applying the ideal gas law gives the ground state d. It is found that both plasmas are ionizing and that the excitation temps. range from 3000 to 11,000 K. The electron temp. and the electron d. are detd. using Thomson scattering. In the plasma with helium as the main gas, av. densities between 0.64 and 5.1 x 1020 m-3 and temps. around 25,000 K are found. In an argon plasma, the electron temp. is lower and the electron d. is higher: 17,000 K and around 1021 m-3 resp. Radial profiles of the electron d., obtained by focusing the laser beam, appear to have a donut-like shape. [on SciFinder (R)

    Langmuir probe measurements in an expanding magnetized plasma

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    Langmuir probe measurements were performed in magnetized expanding plasmas of different compns. Under the assumption that a function fitted to results in argon is valid in other plasmas, it is possible to study the influence of the magnetic field in nitrogen and hydrogen plasmas. The electron d. in nitrogen can be increased by a factor of 10 by the application of a magnetic field of 4.5 mT. In hydrogen the d. can be increased by a factor of 100 by a magnetic field of 20 mT. The dominant ionic species in the magnetized nitrogen and hydrogen plasmas is the at. ion (N+ and H+, resp.). [on SciFinder (R)

    Design of a continuous gas analyser based on MIP-AES for the on-line monitoring of metallic compounds in flue gases

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    Microwave induced plasma torches for on-line combustion gas analysis

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    Combustion gases were monitored directly above the combustion process, where hazardous elements are still present in high concentrations. As an alternative, microwave induced plasmas produced by the TIA (from "Torche Injection Axiale") and the MPT (from "Microwave Plasma Torch") were evaluated and their analytical performances compared. Plasmas have a relatively high electron density and temperature and seem to have overcome the large sensitivity to water vapor, being characteristic for many other MIPs

    Adaptive noise cancellation on inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy

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    Plasma characterization of an atmospheric microwave plasma torch using diode laser absorption studies of the argon 4s/sup 3/P/sub 2/ state

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    Diode laser absorption experiments have been performed on atmospheric microwave induced argon plasmas produced by the `Torche a Injection Axiale' in order to study the 4s/sup 3/P/sub 2/ metastable densities and deduce plasma properties. It is found that the density is maximal in the active plasma zone (~1.5*10/sup 18/m/sup -3/) and rapidly decreases in the recombining plasma zone. In strongly ionizing atmospheric plasmas the 4s population can be used to estimate the electron temperature. The obtained value (1.3 eV) is considerably lower than the temperature found with Thomson scattering in a previous study (~2.0 eV). The very strong scattering of the laser spot on the plasma in the expansion zone just above the nozzle suggests that in this region the plasma is filamentary. Above this zone lateral measurements have been Abel-inverted. Hollow profiles, like those determined for the electron density in previous studies, have not been observed for the 4s distribution. It is found that the plasma zone with high 4s density is extended further downstream with increasing gas flow whereas the introduction of typically a few per cent of CO/sub 2/ already results in a significant quenching of the metastables. The width of the absorption profile varies from typically 10 GHz in the active zone, where Van der Waals broadening is dominant, to 4 GHz in the recombining zone, where Doppler broadening becomes significant. The position of the central absorption frequency is found to be dependent on among other things the position in the plasma. If this shift is attributed to the Stark effect it is obtained that the maximum electron density is within (2-4)*10/sup 21/m/sup -3/. Since this latter value is rather high, it must be concluded that the Van der Waals effect induces a shift as well. The width and shift have been used to study trends in plasma properties (i.e. gas temperature and electron density) as a function of various parameters (i.e. position in the plasma, gas flow and gas composition). The observed tendencies are in agreement with findings in previous studie