13 research outputs found

    Aspects of experimental hepatocarcinogenesisPart V. ultrastructural morphology of early hepatocellular carcinomas

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    A study has been made of 6 hepatocellular nodules which arose in the cirrhotic livers of rats fed p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (p-DAB). Four of the nodules which were composed of well-differentiated liver cells were non-invasive, but 2, although Indistinguishable from the 4 in other respects, showed limited signs of infiltiation of adjacent parenchyma. With tho electron microscope, the liver cells comprising the nodules were found to be fairly well differentiated and contained normal microbodies, desmosomes and bile canaliculi. It was concluded that the 6 nodules represented early, well-differentiated carcinomas, although 4 were in a non-invasive stage.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, -1335 (1974)

    Aspects of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis

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    This article describes the light and electron microscopic features of 4 well-differentiated hyperplastic nodules which arose in the cirrhotic livers of rats fed p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (p-DAB). The cells of which they were composed were similar in most respects to those described in Part I of this series. An increase in free cytoplasmic ribosomes, prominence of the Golgi apparatus in the perinuclear area, microfilament bundles and abnormal microbodies were the most notable features observed. It is concluded that the 4 nodules and the 3 microscopic foci described in Part I may represent different stages of the same proliferative process. The possible precancerous significance of the nodules remains to be established.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1290 (1974)

    Aspects of experimental hepatocarcinogenesisPart III. Iron overload and hepatocarcinogenesis

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    In order to investigate the possible influence of iron overload in the liver on the carcinogenic action of p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (p-DAB), a group of 40 rats was fed 4% ferric citrate in maize until the livers became quite markedly siderotic. p-DAB was then fed to the animals. No difference was observed between the experimental and control groups with regard to the final number of liver tumours which were produced. In the siderotic animals the fibrous tissue septa were occasionally broader than is usually the case in the controls and a prominent bile ductal response was sometimes evoked. It is concluded that iron overload does not significantly influence the action of a fairly potent carcinogen such as p-DAB.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1293 (1974)

    Symptomatic porphyria

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    A study has been made of 7 alcoholic and 2 non-alcoholic patients with symptomatic porphyria. Siderosis (mild or absent in most cases), focal fatty change and lipofuscin pigmentation were noted on light microscopy while ultrastructural study revealed that focal cellular lysis was unexpectedly common. Unidentified cytoplasmic inclusions (possibly porphyrins) were present in 3 cases. It was concluded that increased synthesis and storage of porphyrins in the liver could lead to some cytoplasmic damage, but that alcoholic excess probably accounts for the majority of the hepatocellular abnormalities.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1803 (1974)

    Endomyocardial fibrosis at autopsy in Cape Town

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    The pathology of 3 cases of endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) encountered at autopsy in Cape Town is described. The first case of EMF in a non-White permanent resident of South Africa is documented. The macroscopic features allow distinction between EMF and the usual form of idiopathic cardiomyopathy seen in Cape Town. There is a small potential reservoir of patients in Cape Town with typical EMF, but the presence of a coexistent (valvular) lesion may lead to such hearts being ignored in studies of idiopathic cardiomyopathy.S. Afr. Med. J. 48, 1363 (1974)

    Angiofollicular hyperplasia of an abdominal lymph node

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    Aspects of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis

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    This article, the first of a series of 5, describes the light and electron microscopical features of early foci of parenchymaI cell hyperplasia which developed in the livers of rats fed the carcinogen p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (butter yellow). The cells in the foci possessed increased numbers of free cytoplasmic ribosomes, prominent perinuclear Golgi bodies and bundles of microfilaments. These features suggested that the cells were not merely regenerative in nature but represented a definite carcinogen-induced proliferative response.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 698 (1974)

    Case presentation at a clinico-pathological conference

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    Case presentation at a clinico-pathological conference

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