902 research outputs found

    Digilego for Peripartum Depression: A Novel Patient-Facing Digital Health Instantiation

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    Digital health technologies offer unique opportunities to improve health outcomes for mental health conditions such as peripartum depression (PPD), a disorder that affects approximately 10-15% of women in the U.S. every year. In this paper, we present the adaption of a digital technology development framework, Digilego, in the context of PPD. Methods include mapping of the Behavior Intervention Technology (BIT) model and the Patient Engagement Framework (PEF) to translate patient needs captured through focus groups. This informs formative development and implementation of digital health features for optimal patient engagement in PPD screening and management. Results show an array ofPPD-specific Digilego blocks ( My Diary , Mom Talk , My Care , Library , How am I doing today? ). Initial evaluation results from comparative market analysis indicate that our proposed platform offers advantageous technology aspects. Limitations and future work in areas of interdisciplinary care coordination and patient engagement optimization are discussed

    The role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between self-concealment and disordered eating symptoms

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    The present cross-sectional study investigated whether psychological flexibility mediates the association between self-concealment and disordered eating (DE) symptoms among non-clinical college students. Data of 209 male and female participants (nfemale = 165), aged 18-22 years old, were used for analyses. Self-concealment was found to be positively associated with DE symptoms (i.e., general eating disorder symptoms and eating disorder-related cognitions) and negatively associated with psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility was inversely associated with DE symptoms. Finally, psychological flexibility was found to mediate the association between self-concealment and DE symptoms after accounting for gender, ethnic background, and body mass index (BMI)

    Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Alexithymia, and Social Phobia Are Associated With Disordered Eating in Male and Female Undergraduate Athletes

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Investigations of disordered eating in the athlete population tend to focus on females and the influence of sport level. This leaves unanswered whether, and how, team interdependence (i.e., whether the competition is engaged with one person or as a team) may differentially impact male athletes. In the present study, we recruited a sample of non-athletes, individual athletes, and team athletes and examined the interaction of gender and teammate interdependence on established psychosocial risk factors for disordered eating, including social phobia, alexithymia, and emotion regulation. Although we identified a significant main effect of gender, there was no main effect of team type, nor was there a significant interaction of gender and team type. Using descriptive discriminant analysis, these variables significantly discriminated between genders. Women were defined by higher scores than men on drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, and emotion recognition and men were defined by relatively higher scores on emotion dysregulation and binge eating. When we combined all athletes and compared them with non-athletes, a significant interaction of gender and athlete status emerged such that female athletes, compared to male athletes and women non-athletes, were defined by higher scores on drive for thinness, emotion dysregulation, and binge eating. Conversely, male athletes, compared to female athletes, were defined by greater difficulty identifying feelings and body dissatisfaction. Non-athletes were not well defined by the discriminant function. These results highlight that emotional processes convey risk of eating disorders in men and women, particularly in athletes, and these risk factors are not uniform.5T32MH016434-405K12HD08584

    AFLP/SSR mapping of resistance genes to Alectra vogelii in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata l. Walp)

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    The parasite weed Alectra vogelii (Benth) causes significant yield reduction of cowpea in Africa. To find and map the resistance gene to A. vogelii in cowpea, a F2 population from a cross involving a resistant parent IT81D-994 and a susceptible TVX3236 was screened. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in combination with Single Sequence Repeat (SSR) analysis was used to identify markers that may be linked to the gene Rav3 conferring resistance to A. vogelii in the cowpea cultivar IT81D-994. The analysis of F2 individuals scored for resistance showedthat a single dominant gene conditioned A. vogelii resistance in IT81D-994 with a probability of 30 to 50%. Sixty-six AFLP/SSR markers were identified. Using MAPMAKER, four linkage groups were found. The first group showed 33 markers linked to the susceptible gene. The closest identified marker was 21.4 centimorgans away from the susceptible gene. The primer combination that showed the closest linkage was 809ACG8 (E-ACG 8 + UBC-809). The second group indicated 4 markers linked together while the third and the fourth groups showed 2 markers linkedtogether respectively. No markers were found linked to the resistance gene Rav3 conferring the resistance in the cultivated cowpea cultivar IT81D-994.La plante parasite Alectra vogelii (Benth) provoque une réduction significative du rendement de niébé en Afrique. Pour repérer et cartographier le gène de résistance à A. vogelii, une population F2 issue d’un croisement impliquant le cultivar résistant IT81D-994 et le cultivar sensible TVX3236 a été criblée. La technique Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) en combinaison avec des Séquences Simples Répétés (SSR) a été utilisée pour identifier les marqueurs qui seraient liés au gène Rav3 qui confère la résistance à A. vogelii chez le cultivar de niébé IT81D- 994. L’analyse des individus F2 montrant une résistance indique qu’un seul gène dominant conditionne la résistance à A. vogelii chez IT81D-994 avec une probabilité de 30 à 50 %. Soixante six marqueurs AFLP/SSR ont été identifiés. A l’aide de MAPMAKER, 4 groupes de liaison ont été trouvés. Le premier groupe montre 33 marqueurs liés au gène sensible. Le marqueur le plus proche identifié est à 21.4 centimorgans du gène sensible. La combinaison d’amorces ayant des liaisons les plus proches était 809ACG8 (E-ACG 8 + UBC-809). Le secondgroupe montre 4 marqueurs liés ensemble tandis que le troisième et le quatrième groupe montrent 2 marqueurs liés entre eux respectivement. Aucun marqueur n’a été trouvé lié au gène Rav3 qui confère la résistance au cultivar de niébé cultivé IT81D-994.Key words: Parasite, weeds, legumes, molecular marker

    Internalization of Appearance Ideals and Not Religiosity Indirectly Impacts the Relationship Between Acculturation and Disordered Eating Risk in South and Southeastern Asian Women Living in the United States

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    Objective: Studies that examine disordered eating in samples of Asian individuals living in the United States frequently combine all individuals of Asian descent into a single group, which can obscure important differences between groups and their experiences of acculturation. The goal of the present study was to establish the relation of acculturation, internalization of appearance ideals, and religiosity as predicting body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in women of South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) descent. Method: Women of SSEA descent (N = 112) aged 18–51 years (M = 23.10, SD = 6.4) completed a battery of questionnaires that inquire about these variables. A path analysis was conducted with acculturation serving as the independent (exogenous) variable, religiosity and internalization of the thin ideal as mediators, and body dissatisfaction and disordered eating as dependent (endogenous) variables. Results: Direct paths from acculturation to both body dissatisfaction and disordered eating were not significant. Thin ideal internalization completely accounted for the path from acculturation to both endogenous variables; whereas, religiosity did not significantly account for any indirect effect. Discussion: For SSEA women, internalization of appearance ideals is a potentially greater risk factor for disordered eating than acculturation or religiosity. As this was an atemporal mediation analysis, more work needs to be done exploring predictors of internalization in this population and how that may impact the development of disordered eating

    Internalization of appearance ideals and not religiosity indirectly impacts the relationship between acculturation and disordered eating risk in South and Southeast Asian women living in the United States

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    Objective: Studies that examine disordered eating in samples of Asian individuals living in the United States frequently combine all individuals of Asian descent into a single group, which can obscure important differences between groups and their experiences of acculturation. The goal of the present study was to establish the relation of acculturation, internalization of appearance ideals, and religiosity as predicting body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in women of South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) descent. Method: Women of SSEA descent ( Results: Direct paths from acculturation to both body dissatisfaction and disordered eating were not significant. Thin ideal internalization completely accounted for the path from acculturation to both endogenous variables; whereas, religiosity did not significantly account for any indirect effect. Discussion: For SSEA women, internalization of appearance ideals is a potentially greater risk factor for disordered eating than acculturation or religiosity. As this was an atemporal mediation analysis, more work needs to be done exploring predictors of internalization in this population and how that may impact the development of disordered eating

    Are the Male Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Muscularity scales reliable and valid instruments?

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    The Drive for Muscularity Scale and Male Body Dissatisfaction Scale were developed for use with men and correspond to measures of drive for thinness and body dissatisfaction in women. The psychometric properties of these measures were evaluated in a sample of 655 Italian men, who completed other 11 measures also. Both scales demonstrated excellent internal consistency and temporal stability as well as criterion-related and concurrent validity. Both measures distinguished between men with high and low levels of disordered eating. Confirmatory factor analysis replicated the unidimensional factor structure of both scales. Directions for future research are discussed

    Internalization of Appearance Ideals and Not Religiosity Indirectly Impacts the Relationship Between Acculturation and Disordered Eating Risk in South and Southeast Asian Women Living in the United States

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    Objective: Studies that examine disordered eating in samples of Asian individuals living in the United States frequently combine all individuals of Asian descent into a single group, which can obscure important differences between groups and their experiences of acculturation. The goal of the present study was to establish the relation of acculturation, internalization of appearance ideals, and religiosity as predicting body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in women of South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) descent. Method: Women of SSEA descent (N = 112) aged 18–51 years (M = 23.10, SD = 6.4) completed a battery of questionnaires that inquire about these variables. A path analysis was conducted with acculturation serving as the independent (exogenous) variable, religiosity and internalization of the thin ideal as mediators, and body dissatisfaction and disordered eating as dependent (endogenous) variables. Results: Direct paths from acculturation to both body dissatisfaction and disordered eating were not significant. Thin ideal internalization completely accounted for the path from acculturation to both endogenous variables; whereas, religiosity did not significantly account for any indirect effect. Discussion: For SSEA women, internalization of appearance ideals is a potentially greater risk factor for disordered eating than acculturation or religiosity. As this was an atemporal mediation analysis, more work needs to be done exploring predictors of internalization in this population and how that may impact the development of disordered eating
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