207 research outputs found

    Manifestation of one- and two-body currents in longitudinal and transverse response functions of the 12C nucleus at q = 300 MeV/c

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    The experimental values of longitudinal and transverse response functions of the 12C nucleus have been obtained at the 3-momentum transfer q = 300 MeV/c. The data are compared with the calculations made with due regard to the dynamics of all the nucleons constituting the 12C nucleus, and also, to the contributions of both the one-body currents only, and their combination with two-body currents.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Saturation of Coulomb sum rules in the 6^Li case

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    The Coulomb sums S_L(q) of the 6^Li nucleus have been obtained from electron scattering measurements at 3-momentum transfers q = 1.125 - 1.625 fm^{-1}. It is found that at q > 1.35 fm^{-1} the Coulomb sum of the nucleus becomes saturated: S_L(q) = 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Cross-sections for the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na{^{27}\!\rm{Al}}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} multiparticle reaction at EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 40 ÷\div 95 MeV

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    The bremsstrahlung flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and the cross-sections per equivalent photon σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle were measured for the photonuclear multiparticle reaction 27 ⁣Al(γ,x;x=3He+pd+2pn)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x}; \textit{x} = {^{3}\rm{He}} + pd + 2pn)^{24}\rm{Na} at bremsstrahlung end-point energies ranging from 40 MeV to 95 MeV. The experiments were performed using the beam from the NSC KIPT electron linear accelerator LUE-40 with the use of the γ\gamma-activation technique. The bremsstrahlung quantum flux was calculated with the program GEANT4 and, in addition, was monitored by means of the 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo^{100}\rm{Mo}(\gamma,n)^{99}\rm{Mo} reaction. The cross-sections σ(E)\sigma(E) were computed using the TALYS1.9 code with the default options. The measured average cross-sections σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle have appeared to be higher by factors of 2.0 to 2.4 than the theoretical results. The experimental results have been found to be in good agreement with the data of other laboratories. Consideration is given to special features of calculation of σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle for the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} reaction, with occurrence of three 27 ⁣Al^{27}\!\rm{Al} photodisintegration channels. The paper also discusses the possibility of using the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} reaction for monitoring the bremsstrahlung γ\gamma-quantum flux in the photon energy region above 30 MeV.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    The Coulomb sum of 7Li

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    The experimental values of longitudinal response function of the 7Li nucleus have been obtained and these results have been used as the basis to find the Coulomb sum values at momentum transfers ranging from 0.55 to 1.625 fm-1. The obtained experimental Coulomb sum values have been used to determine the total Coulomb energy of the 7Li nucleus. The result of the comparison of the Coulomb energy for the 7Li nucleus with the Coulomb energies for the 6Li and 4He nuclei a) is consistent with the paradox (revealed in the elastic electron scattering experiment) that the 7Li rms charge radius is smaller than the one of the 6Li nucleus; b) leads to the conclusion that, within the framework of the two-cluster model of the 7Li nucleus (α + t), the size of the α-cluster should be larger than the one of the 4He nucleus

    Складові криміналістичної характеристики умисного випуску на ринок України небезпечної продукції (ст.227 КК України)

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    Тімченко І. С. Складові криміналістичної характеристики умисного випуску на ринок України небезпечної продукції (ст.227 КК України) / І. С. Тімченко // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку держави та права в умовах євроінтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 р., м. Одеса) : у 2 т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2016. - С. 640-643

    Photonuclear reactions cross-sections at energies up to 100 MeV for different experimental setups

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    In experiments on the electron linac LUE-40 of RDC "Accelerator" NSC KIPT, the flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)exp\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{exp}} of photonuclear reactions 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo{^{100}\rm{Mo}}(\gamma,n)^{99}\rm{Mo}, 27Al(γ,x)24Na{^{27}\rm{Al}}(\gamma,x)^{24}\rm{Na}, 93Nb(γ,n)92mNb{^{93}\rm{Nb}}(\gamma,n)^{92m}\rm{Nb}, 93Nb(γ,3n)90Nb{^{93}\rm{Nb}}(\gamma,3n)^{90}\rm{Nb}, and 181Ta(γ,n)180gTa{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,n)^{180g}\rm{Ta} were measured using the γ\gamma-activation technique. The theoretical flux-average cross-sections σ(Eγmax)th\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{th}} were computed using the partial cross-section σ(E)\sigma(E) values from the TALYS1.9-1.95 codes and bremsstrahlung γ\gamma-flux calculated using GEANT4.9.2. Two different experimental setups were used in the experiments: an aluminum electron absorber and a deflecting magnet to clean the bremsstrahlung γ\gamma-flux from electrons. A comparison of the flux-average cross-sections measured for two experimental setups was performed. The possibility of using the reactions 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo{^{100}\rm{Mo}}(\gamma,n)^{99}\rm{Mo}, 27Al(γ,x)24Na{^{27}\rm{Al}}(\gamma,x)^{24}\rm{Na}, 93Nb(γ,n)92mNb{^{93}\rm{Nb}}(\gamma,n)^{92m}\rm{Nb}, 93Nb(γ,3n)90Nb{^{93}\rm{Nb}}(\gamma,3n)^{90}\rm{Nb}, and 181Ta(γ,n)180gTa{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,n)^{180g}\rm{Ta} as monitors of the bremsstrahlung γ\gamma-flux for the energy range 30-100 MeV was investigated.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Magnetic system for cleaning the gamma beam at the LUE-40 electron linac output

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    The bremsstrahlung of accelerated electrons passing through a converter is used to study multiparticle photo-nuclear reactions. The results of calculations, numerical modeling, design, and testing of a special magnetic cleaning system to obtain a "pure" beam of bremsstrahlung quanta when studying the cross-sections of such reactions at the LUE-40 linac are presented. The system is based on commercially available permanent magnets of rectangular cross-sections. The maximum on-axis field is 0.9 T, which provides sufficient separation of the electron beam and gamma rays at a distance of more than 90 mm from the magnet.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Isomeric pair 95m,gNb{^{95\rm m,g}\rm{Nb}} in photonuclear reactions on nat^{\rm nat}Mo at end-point bremsstrahlung energy of 35-95 MeV

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    The natMo(γ,xnp)95m,g{^{\rm nat}\rm{Mo}}(\gamma,x\rm np)^{95\rm m,g}Nb photonuclear reaction was studied using the electron beam from the NSC KIPT linear accelerator LUE-40. Experiment was performed using the activation and off-line γ\gamma-ray spectrometric technique. The experimental isomeric yield ratio d(Eγmax)=Ym(Eγmax)/Yg(Eγmax)d(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) = Y_{\rm m}(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) / Y_{\rm g}(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) was determined for the reaction products 95m,gNb^{95\rm m,g}\rm{Nb} at the end-point bremsstrahlung energy EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} range of 35-95 MeV. The obtained values of d(Eγmax)d(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) are in satisfactory agreement with the results of other authors and extend the range of previously known data. The theoretical values of the yields Ym,g(Eγmax)Y_{\rm m,g}(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) and the isomeric yield ratio d(Eγmax)d(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) for the isomeric pair 95m,gNb^{95\rm m,g}\rm{Nb} from the natMo(γ,xnp){^{\rm nat}\rm{Mo}}(\gamma,x\rm np) reaction were calculated using the partial cross-sections σ(E)\sigma(E) from the TALYS1.95 code for six different level density models LDLD. The comparison showed a noticeable excess (more than 3.85 times) of the experimental isomeric yield ratio over all theoretical estimates. At the investigated range of EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} the theoretical dependence of d(Eγmax)d(E_{\rm{\gamma max}}) on energy was confirmed - the isomeric yield ratio smoothly decreases with increasing energy.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl


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    The article proposes multivariate approach to assessing the environmental hazard category of watersides and water area of navigable Dnieper-Bug estuary channel. It`s made in order to solve problems of increasing environmental safety of industrial zones functioning of Mykolaiv region. The formed factors of the category of the estuary water area evaluation are presented. The algorithm and logical framework of formation process of hazard categories on the example of Commercial Sea Port district and map-scheme with visualization results of zoning the estuary channel are also presented here. The suggested approach allows reducing the average estimation error and forming a preliminary plan for distribution of material resources for activities ensuring environmental safety.Запропоновано багатофакторний підхід до оцінки категорії екологічної небезпеки прибережних районів та акваторії суднохідного Дніпро-Бузького лиманного каналу для вирішення задач підвищення екологічної безпеки функціонування промислової зони Миколаївської області. Наведено сформовані фактори оцінки категорії небезпеки акваторії лиману, алгоритм та логіко-структурну схему процесу формування категорій небезпеки на прикладі району морського торгового порту, карту-схему з візуалізацією результатів районування лиманного каналу. Запропонований підхід дає змогу зменшити середню похибку оцінки та сформувати попередній план розподілу матеріальних ресурсів на заходи з забезпечення екологічної безпеки