16 research outputs found

    Комплексное обследование и лечение пациента с инфарктом миокарда IV типа с использованием высокочувствительного экспресс-теста на тропонин І

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    Исследование уровней сердечного тропонина служит «золотым стандартом» для диагностики острого коронарного синдрома и инфаркта миокарда. Цель исследования — оценить возможность сокращения времени диагностики острого поражения миокарда за счет использования экспресс-теста на тропонин І производства ООО «Виробнича фірма Сіместа». Для сравнения разницы в динамике результатов экспресс-тестов на тропонин І разными методиками приведен клинический случай пациента с острым инфарктом миокарда. Использование высокочувствительного теста на тропонин І производства ООО «Виробнича фірма Сіместа» может быть перспективным в качестве метода ранней диагностики инфаркта миокарда для уменьшение времени до проведения процедуры реваскуляризации.The measurement of cardiac troponin levels is a gold standard of the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction. Qualitative tests of troponins begin to implement in clinical practices in Ukraine. Unfortunately there is a lack of standardization of monoclonal antibodies on which the quantitative determination of troponins are based, item the tests of different manufacturers have various absolute values of concentration, sensitivity, specificity and significant levels for diagnosis. Furthermore, immune enzyme analyzers of different manufacturers are used in a clinic. Such situation complicates the clinician’s decision for earlier diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and estimation of time-dependent dynamics of the troponin levels. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of reducing the time of diagnosis of acute myocardial injury by using the express test for troponin І produced by LLC “Virobnicha firma Simesta”, Ukraine. To compare the differences in time-dependent dynamics of two differ express tests of the troponin І, the clinical case of the patient with acute myocardial infarction of the IV type is demonstrated. The using of Troponin I high-sensitivity rapid assay produced by LLC "Virobnicha firma Simesta", Ukraine, may have some perspectives as a method of earlier diagnosis of myocardial infarction to reduce the time prior to revascularization procedure

    A Young Drosophila Duplicate Gene Plays Essential Roles in Spermatogenesis by Regulating Several Y-Linked Male Fertility Genes

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    Gene duplication is supposed to be the major source for genetic innovations. However, how a new duplicate gene acquires functions by integrating into a pathway and results in adaptively important phenotypes has remained largely unknown. Here, we investigated the biological roles and the underlying molecular mechanism of the young kep1 gene family in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup to understand the origin and evolution of new genes with new functions. Sequence and expression analysis demonstrates that one of the new duplicates, nsr (novel spermatogenesis regulator), exhibits positive selection signals and novel subcellular localization pattern. Targeted mutagenesis and whole-transcriptome sequencing analysis provide evidence that nsr is required for male reproduction associated with sperm individualization, coiling, and structural integrity of the sperm axoneme via regulation of several Y chromosome fertility genes post-transcriptionally. The absence of nsr-like expression pattern and the presence of the corresponding cis-regulatory elements of the parental gene kep1 in the pre-duplication species Drosophila yakuba indicate that kep1 might not be ancestrally required for male functions and that nsr possibly has experienced the neofunctionalization process, facilitated by changes of trans-regulatory repertories. These findings not only present a comprehensive picture about the evolution of a new duplicate gene but also show that recently originated duplicate genes can acquire multiple biological roles and establish novel functional pathways by regulating essential genes

    Clonal Relationships among Shigella Serotypes Suggested by Cryptic Flagellin Gene Polymorphism

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    The presence of cryptic fliC alleles in the genomes of 120 strains representative of the four Shigella species was investigated. One fragment was obtained by PCR amplification of fliC, with a size varying from 1.2 to 3.2 kbp, depending on the species or serotype. After digestion with endonuclease HhaI, the number of fragments in patterns varied from three to nine, with sizes of between 115 and 1,020 bp. Patterns sharing most of their bands were grouped to constitute an F type. A total of 17 different F types were obtained from all strains included in this study. A unique pattern was observed for each the following serotypes: Shigella dysenteriae 1, 2, 8, and 10 and S. boydii 7, 13, 15, 16, and 17. On the contrary, S. dysenteriae serotype 13 and S. sonnei biotype e were each subdivided into two different F types. S. flexneri serotypes 3a and X could be distinguished from the cluster containing S. flexneri serotypes 1 to 5 and Y. S. flexneri serotype 6 clustered with S. boydii serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, and 18 and S. dysenteriae serotypes 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12. Two other clusters were outlined: one comprising S. dysenteriae serotypes 3, 12, 13 (strain CDC598-77), 14, and 15 and the other one joining S. boydii serotypes 5 and 9. None of the 17 fliC patterns was found in the fliC HhaI pattern database previously described for Escherichia coli. Overall, this work supports the hypothesis that Shigella evolved from different ancestral strains of E. coli. Moreover, the method outlined here is a promising tool for the identification of some clinically important Shigella strains as well as for confirmation of atypical isolates as Shigella spp