26 research outputs found

    The location of the “Stein” (upper black triangle) and “Leiste” (lower black triangle) vineyard areas used in this study.

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    <p>The location of the “Stein” (upper black triangle) and “Leiste” (lower black triangle) vineyard areas used in this study.</p

    Relationships between must sugar content (°Oe) and mean April to August temperature (°C).

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    <p>1864–1905 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0069015#pone.0069015-Eifler1" target="_blank">[24]</a> (black solid circles) and 1962–2010 (annual vintage records) (dark grey solid rhombs). Regression lines superimposed.</p

    Time series of mean must sugar content (°Oe) (left y-axis), originating from Eifler [24] (black solid circles) and recent annual vintage records (dark grey solid rhombs).

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    <p>Vertical bars connect minimum and maximum must sugar content for each year. Mean April to August temperature are plotted against the right y-axis (dotted line in light grey). Regression lines superimposed.</p

    Summary data for yield (hl/ha) and must sugar content (°Oe).

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    <p>Summary data for yield (hl/ha) and must sugar content (°Oe).</p

    Data sources for yield (hl/l) and must sugar content (°Oe) records, identifying the wineries, areas and time periods.

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    <p>Data sources for yield (hl/l) and must sugar content (°Oe) records, identifying the wineries, areas and time periods.</p

    Time series of mean yield (hl/ha), originating from Eifler[24], [54] and Weigand [25] (black solid circles), from Bayerisches Staatsministerum für Ernährung [26] (light grey solid triangles) and annual vintage records (dark grey solid rhombs).

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    <p>Mean April to August temperature are plotted against the right y-axis (dotted line in light grey). Regression lines superimposed. Dotted horizontal line indicates yield limitation (90 hl/ha) in force since 1989.</p

    Multiple regression model summaries and regression coefficients of the significant climate variables and when year added (if significant improvement to model).

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    <p>Multiple regression model summaries and regression coefficients of the significant climate variables and when year added (if significant improvement to model).</p

    Multiple regression model summaries and regression coefficients of the significant climate variables for period 3/3S (1962–2010) when local sunshine and precipitation were considered as variables in addition to national temperature models in Table 2.

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    <p>Multiple regression model summaries and regression coefficients of the significant climate variables for period 3/3S (1962–2010) when local sunshine and precipitation were considered as variables in addition to national temperature models in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0069015#pone-0069015-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>.</p

    The relationship between standard deviation (SD) of first arrival dates and mean first arrival date (shown as day of the year, 1 =  Jan 1 etc.) for 18 species recorded at rural sites (solid symbols) and urban sites (open symbols) in Western Poland.

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    <p>The relationship between standard deviation (SD) of first arrival dates and mean first arrival date (shown as day of the year, 1 =  Jan 1 etc.) for 18 species recorded at rural sites (solid symbols) and urban sites (open symbols) in Western Poland.</p