29 research outputs found

    Electrokinetic Study of Adsorption Layers on Different Surfaces

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    In the first part the results of investigating interdependences of parameters of the electroosmotic displacement process (ED) and properties of adsorption layers of SAS have been considered. ED- process, connected with flow of two immiscible liquids (»water« and »oil«), filling the pores of diaphragm. Direct current is superimposed on the water-containing part. The complex investigations have been undertaken of the influence of SAS nature and concentration on the displacement kinetics, oil output, wetting angle, surface tension and the filtration velocity of oil with added SAS through the diaphragms, the SAS-layers in which were formed beforehand. In accordance with the results it follow that the character of dependences, in which the effectivenes is reflected, is very sensible to the change of adsorption layer properties, to their stability, the velocity of destruction, the values of the primary and residual wetting degree. In the second part the modifying action of ionic surfactants using 2 types of interfaces: oxides (quartz) and ion-exchange membrane have been considered and compared. The adsorpiton of positive (CTA+) and negative (DS-) surfactant ions at the quartz-aqueous solution interface, non-Langmuir type adsorption isotherm, a change in the sign of ~ -potential of quartz in CTAB solutions and surface conductivity in IEP are obse.rved. Ion- exchange membranes in surfactant solutions exhibit a selective adsorption (only surfactant counterions are sorbed), sorption isotherms are of the Langmuir-type and as result of sorption of surfactant counterions the ion-exchange membranes lose its high permselectivity


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    82 patients were examined with the tibia fractures. Osteosynthesis with the help of plates was executed by 40 patients, osteosynthesis with the help of hinges with blocking was executed by 42 patients. The methods of duplex scanning of vessels and reovazografic inspection were used for studying of the blood circulation in tibia. Researches were conducted on the 5th and the 10th days in 1, 2, 3 and 4 months after the operation. It was established that the surgical treatment of the tibia fractures without any difference in using various methods of the broken fragments fixation in the early postoperative period (first 10 days) leads to a decrease in the level of arterial blood flow as a result of the vessels hypotonia. The absence of postoperative immobilization and early loading lead to the more rapid restoration of the initial indices of hemodynamics. Blood flow changes are least expressed and more rapidly restored during the closed reposition osteosynthesis with the help of hinges. The reaction of the vascular system of periosteum in the process of the regeneration of the tibia tissues does not depend on the method of the surgical treatment.Обследовано 82 человека с переломами костей голени. 40 пациентам выполнялся остеосинтез пластинами, 42 - остеосинтез стержнями с блокированием. Для изучения кровообращения голеней применялись дуплексное сканирование сосудов и реовазографическое обследование. Исследования проводились на 5-е и 10-е сутки, через 1, 2, 3 и 4 месяца после операции. Установлено, что оперативное лечение переломов костей голени вне зависимости от метода фиксации отломков в раннем послеоперационном периоде (первые 10 дней) приводит к снижению уровня артериального кровотока вследствие гипотонии сосудов. Отсутствие послеоперационной иммобилизации и ранняя нагрузка приводят к более быстрому восстановлению исходных показателей гемодинамики. Изменения кровотока наименее выражены и более быстро восстанавливаются при закрытой репозиции остеосинтезе стержнями. Реакция сосудистой системы надкостницы в процессе регенерации тканей голени не зависит от способа оперативного лечения

    4-Ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-5(4H)-oxazolone in reactions with various heterocyclic amines

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    The analysis of the literature data has showed that there is no information on the behavior in 5(4H)-oxazolones with amines under the conditions of a sealed vessel reactor, which makes it possible to obtain heterocyclic systems with diff erent amines. We have developed and presented an easy, fast, reliable and innovative method for the preparation of a new series of compounds with synthetic and biological potential, based on the interaction of 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-5(4H)-oxazolone and heterocyclic amines with diff erent ring sizes and sets heteroatoms using a sealed vessel reactor. Based on the results obtained, it has been found that the transformation proceeds by the mechanism of nucleophilic addition of Michael. The scheme of the conducted interaction has been discussed. Initially, the amino group of the amine used is attacked at the exocyclic C=C bond of the initial substrate, ethoxymethylenexazolone, proceeding with the elimination of a well-leaving ethoxy group in the form of an ethanol molecule, which leads to the fi nal 4-hetarylaminomethylidene derivatives of oxazol-5(4H)-one. In the course of the work, it has been found that the use of a sealed vessel reactor makes it possible to reduce the time of transformations, to achieve an increase in selectivity and yields of target products compared to the usual type of activation of the reaction mixture, such as boiling in ethanol. It has been shown that not only the type of activation, but also the nature of the solvent used aff ects the rate of the reaction. It has been found that under these conditions the transfor mation proceeds with the preservation of the oxazol-5(4Н)-one ring. Control over the course of reactions, determination of individuality and identifi cation of the obtained compounds have been carried out by TLC, elemental analysis, IR-, NMR spectroscopy

    Electroosmosis in layered porous systems

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    <i>One-Pot</i> Synthesis, <i>E-/Z</i>-Equilibrium in Solution of 3-Hetarylaminomethylidenefuran-2(3<i>H</i>)-ones and the Way to Selective Synthesis of the <i>E</i>-Enamines

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    We describe a method to synthesize a new class of hetarylaminomethylidene derivatives of furan-2(3H)-ones. The method uses 5-(4-chlorophenyl)furan-2(3H)-one, triethyl orthoformate, and heterocyclic amines with different ring sizes and heteroatoms under refluxing in absolute isopropyl alcohol. The obtained enamines exist in an equilibrium of E- and Z-isomers, whose configurations relative to the double exocyclic C=C bond were confirmed with a set of NMR spectroscopy data. The E-/Z-equilibrium of the synthesized compounds is affected by the configuration of the intermediate, the volume of its substituents, the site of enolate attack, the presence of intramolecular interactions of amino components, the time of the transformation, the order of mixing of the initial reagents, and the use of polar solvents in the NMR experiment. The advantages of the method are that the reaction time is short, the product yield is high, and product purification is easy

    Specific adsorption of barbituric acid on ferric(III) and nickel(II) oxides

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    The dependence of NiO and Fe2O3 ζ-potential was investigated in the barbituric acid solutions (10−4 mol/l) as a function of pH by microelectrophoresis method. Shifting of pHIEP (the isoelectric point or IER) towards the acid zone for NiO and Fe2O3 in the solutions of barbituric acid (BA) in comparison with HCl shows the presence of the specific adsorption of the anion forms of BA. The complexation process of Ni(II) and Fe(III) ions with BA in the solution and on the surface of their oxides was examined by methods of conductometry and spectrophotometry. It was determined that nickel (II) and ferric (III) ions form complexes with BA both in solution and on the surface of their oxides


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    82 patients were examined with the tibia fractures. Osteosynthesis with the help of plates was executed by 40 patients, osteosynthesis with the help of hinges with blocking was executed by 42 patients. The methods of duplex scanning of vessels and reovazografic inspection were used for studying of the blood circulation in tibia. Researches were conducted on the 5th and the 10th days in 1, 2, 3 and 4 months after the operation. It was established that the surgical treatment of the tibia fractures without any difference in using various methods of the broken fragments fixation in the early postoperative period (first 10 days) leads to a decrease in the level of arterial blood flow as a result of the vessels hypotonia. The absence of postoperative immobilization and early loading lead to the more rapid restoration of the initial indices of hemodynamics. Blood flow changes are least expressed and more rapidly restored during the closed reposition osteosynthesis with the help of hinges. The reaction of the vascular system of periosteum in the process of the regeneration of the tibia tissues does not depend on the method of the surgical treatment