3 research outputs found

    The use of podcast in disseminating agricultural technology innovation: A SWOT analysis

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    Downloadable audio files called podcasts have become popular within many areas of communication. Agricultural technology and innovation disseminators may wish to deliver their work to a larger audience but may not know how. The present study aims to explore the use of podcast series as a media for disseminating agricultural technology innovation and demonstrate the sustainability, and acceptance level of this dissemination platform. The agricultural technology innovation produced by Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture were used as an input in creating a weekly series of agricultural and technology review podcasts. Based on the analysis of the SWOT approach, the right strategy in developing podcasts in the future is a weakness and opportunity strategy, where podcasts are a new thing that has several weaknesses as well as opportunities to be developed


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    Tourism activities are not only to spend free time and vacation to relieve fatigue, but also increase knowledge and gain educational insight outside public schools. Efforts to meet these interests then formed a recreation area in which there is an element of edutourism. Edutourism is a mixture of tourism and educational activities. One of the places that provides educational tours is the Agro Innovation Park or commonly called Tagrinov. Tagrinov must revive sensations and experiences that can generate interest in revisiting tourists after being satisfied by previous visits, because the experience felt by tourists is one of the considerations for visitors when choosing tourism activities, therefore the measurement of experience can be measured by Experiential Marketing which includes components Sense, Feel, Think, Act, RelateKegiatan pariwisata bukan hanya untuk menghabiskan waktu luang dan berlibur menghilangkan penat, namun juga menambah pengetahuan serta mendapat wawasan pendidikan di luar sekolah umum. Upaya untuk memenuhi minat tersebut maka dibentuklah tempat rekreasi yang didalamnya terdapat unsur eduwisata. Eduwisata ialah campuran antara kegiatan wisata dan pendidikan. Salah satu tempat yang menyediakan wisata edukasi ialah Taman Agro Inovasi atau biasa disebut Tagrinov. Tagrinov harus membangkitkan kembali sensasi serta pengalaman yang dapat memunculkan minat berkunjung ulang wisatawan setelah merasa puas oleh kunjungan sebelumnya, karena pengalaman yang dirasakan oleh wisatawan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan pengunjung saat memilih kegiatan wisata maka dari itu pengukuran pengalaman dapat diukur dengan Experiental Marketing yang didalamnya terdapat komponen Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate

    Assessing virtual and on-site technical trainings during the first year of covid-19 pandemic

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    In 2020, Covid-19 pandemic firstly hit many countries including Indonesia. Since then, the methods on disseminating the agricultural technology have evolved accordingly. This paper assessed nine series of virtual and on-site technical trainings (or the so-called Bimtek in this paper) carried out from February to November 2020 in nine sub-districts from five provinces. Zoom application was used to deliver the materials during virtual Bimtek. Whilst, on-site training applied such methods: meeting in the classroom and field visit to practice the technology. The participants were diverse, among others: farmers and millennial farmers, extension officers, lecturers, college students and community (551 in total). The nature of participants depended on the type of Bimtek. Results showed that both Bimtek had the range of value between 70-85% in term of materials to meet the needs, materials to be applied, motivation and technical assistance from resource person. However, the percentage of knowledge change in virtual was higher than that in on-site Bimtek. Initial assessment showed that participants had good knowledge in remembering the technology, even some had also applied the technology in their farming practice. Thus, both Bimtek could improve farmers’ knowledge, from which the intention to change the farming practice could be persuaded