4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Quantum Terhadap Kecerdasan Sosio-emosional Dan Prestasi Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Di Banyuning

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    This research aims to investigate the effect of quantum teaching model on socio-emotional intelligence and natural science learning achievement in primary school in Banyuning. This is a quasi-experimental research with pre-test post-test control group design. Sample in this research is fifth grade primary school students in Banyuning, which is determined using random sampling technique. Research data were collected with test to measure natural science achievement and using questionnaire to measure socio-emotional intelligence. The result shows that quantum teaching model affected socio-emotional intelligence and achievement in natural science in fifth grade primary school students in Banyuning significantly. Specifically, the results are (1) there's a significant difference in socio-emotional intelligence between group who followed quantum teaching model with group who followed conventional teaching (F = 336,936 p<0,05); (2) there's a significant difference in natural science achievement between group who followed quantum teaching model with group who followed conventional teaching (F = 17,774 p<0,05); (3) there's a significant difference in socio-emotional intelligence and achievement in natural science simultaneously between group who followed quantum teaching model with group who followed conventional teaching (F = 180,801 p<0,05)

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Berbantuan Lks Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Kimia Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Berprestasi

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    The study was aimed to analyze the effect of cooperative learning model of type student team achievement divisions assisted by student worksheet to comprehension chemistry concept understanding in term of achievement motivation. The research is the design of non-equivalent post test only control group design by ANOVA test with two tiles. Population are students of class X in SMA Negeri 2 Negara totaled 273 people divided into 7 classes and a sample of 234 people were divided into 6 classes. The results are: 1) there are differences in the value of understanding chemistry concepts that students taught with cooperative learning model student teams achievement divisions aided student worksheets, cooperative student teams achievement divisions without student worksheets, and direct instructional model in the group of students who have high achievement motivation with a group of students who have low achievement motivation, (2) there were interaction between learning model and learning achievement motivation on the chemistry concept understandin

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Ditinjau Dari Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Di SD 1 Banjar Anyar Tabanan

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    This research aims at acknowledging the influence of problem besed learning toward student's achievement in science being observed from student's interest of elementary school student's. This research is an experiment one with post test only control group design.The population is all students grade four of elementary academic year 2012/2013.The sample being used in this research is random sampling in gradual step. The result of the research pointed that: (1) there is a difference in student's achievement in science from the students who joined problem based learning and those who joined conventional learning (2) the student's achievement in science between students who joined problem based learning and students who joined conventional learning toward student's interests and (3)There is a positive and sinificant contribution between student's interest and their achievement for grade four elementary school of SD 1 Banjar Anyar Tabana