445 research outputs found

    Balance Performance of Professional Footballers with Long-term Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Injury

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    Lower limb musculoskeletal injury (LLMI) is a common occurrence in athletes. Balance impairments have been implicated as contributory to poor balance performance following LLMI. It is usually expected that once the initial rehabilitation period is over, subsequent recovery should continue until the pre-injury state is reached. Some studies on certain physically-active individuals and amateur athletes have reported that this is usually not the case. This study therefore investigated balance performance (BPf) in professional footballers with longterm LLMI, the effect of limb dominance on BPf and comparison of BPf in injured footballers with their uninjured counterparts. A sample of 115 professional footballers – 104 males and 11 females, participated in the study and they consisted of two groups - injured group of participants (IGP) and uninjured group of participants (UGP). Balance performance (BPf) was assessed using the Stork balance stand test. The time in seconds for which the participant is able to stand on the ball of the foot of one leg is indicative of the BPf for that lower limb. The results indicated that poor balance performance was observed in the injured limb compared to the uninjured limb in IGP (P=0.000). BPf was poorer in the dominant limb of IGP compared with the dominant limb of UGP (P= 0.000). Time lapse since injury did not have any effect on BPf (P=0.868). It was concluded that balance problems persist in professional footballers with LLMI irrespective of time lapse since injury. Keywords: footballers, lower limb, injuries, balance, dominanc

    On The Comparative Analysis Of Beta And Kumaraswamy Priors Using Stigmatized Attributes

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    Hussain et al 2011 compared bayes estimator of population proportion of a stigmatized attribute with the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) but this paper compares two priors: beta and kumaraswamy in the Bayesian analysis using various values of n, x, p1 and p2 and it was observed that across the sample sizes considered over different values of  x’s, p1 and p2 using R package software for simulation, the mean square error and bias of the Kumaraswamy prior are smaller than that of Beta prior when the proportion of stigmatized attribute increases from 0.1 to 0.4 Keyword: Prior, Beta, kumaraswamy, Stigmatized, Attribut

    Development of Manually Operated Orange Peeling Device for Domestic Use

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    Orange a very rich source of vitamin C is a perishable fruit that can only be stored unpreserved for few days before its biological degeneration. When processed to juice, the chemical preservatives that are usually added coupled with the contaminations by its back skin fluid instantly change its natural flavor. This has made many consumers to still prefer freshly peeled fruit to its processed juice. As a solution to laborious hand peeling process that is highly prone to injury due to the sharp tools used several devices have been developed for its peeling. Each of these has its own technical, economic and other shortcomings. This work designed and fabricated a manual orange peeling device with a capability of processing oranges for a domestic family household. The device incorporated a rotary handle through which power was introduced into the system, power screw, spur gear train mounted on a base and cutting blade that performed the peeling function. The fabricated device was operated and assessed to have a peeling efficiency of 97%, generated 2.6% over peeled and damaged oranges and a capacity to peel about 140 oranges per hour as compared to hand peeling that can produce 32 peeled oranges per hour. It is robust, simple to operate and maintain, had good aesthetics and light weight of 619g due to transparent light but strong plastics used to construct the frame and base. Keywords: Orange, peeling, device, household, juice

    Anticipated Change in the Nigerian Capital Market and Its Implication on Economic Growth

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    This paper examines the Anticipated Change in the Nigerian Capital Market and its implications on Economic Growth. Data were collected through secondary source and analyzed using multiple regression and descriptive method of statistical analysis. The study reveals that market capitalization, value of stocks and interest rate has significant impact on the GDP. The paper recommends that government should step up investor’s confidence and activities in the capital markets so that it could contribute significantly to economic growth hence, national development. Keywords: Market Capitalization, Economic Growth, Capital Market, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Structural Adjustment Programme, Gross Domestic Produc

    Use of sequential estimation of regressions and effects on regressions to solve large multitrait test-day models

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    An alternative algorithm for the solution of random regression models for analysis of test-day yield was developed to allow use of those models with extremely large data sets such as the US database for dairy records. Equations were solved in two iterative steps: 1) estimation or update of regression coefficients based on test-day yields for a given lactation and 2) estimation of fixed and random effects on those coefficients. Solutions were shown to be theoretically equivalent to traditional solutions for this class of random regression models. In addition to the relative simplicity of the proposed method, it allows several other techniques to be applied in the second step: 1) a canonical transformation to simplify computations (uncorrelated regressions) that could make use of recent advances in solution algorithms that allow missing values, 2) a transformation to limit the number of regressions and to create variates with biological meanings such as lactation yield or persistency, 3) more complicated (co)variance structures than those usually considered in random regression models (e.g., additional random effects such as the interaction of herd and sire), and 4) accommodation of data from 305-d records when no test-day records are available. In a test computation with 176,495 test-day yields for milk, fat, and protein from 22,943 first-lactation Holstein cows, a canonical transformation was applied, and the biological variates of 305-d yield and persistency were estimated. After five rounds of iteration with a sequential solution scheme for the two-step algorithm, maximum relative differences from previous genetic solutions were 0.98 for 305-d yield and >0.99 for persistency

    Resource Use Efficiency In Poultry Egg Production In Maiduguri And Environs Of Borno State, Nigeria

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    Poultry enterprise is significant to Borno State and the Nigerian economy as whole because it provides a good source of animal protein in form of meat and eggs. The study estimated resources use efficiency in poultry egg production in Maiduguri and Environs of Borno State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: examine the socio-economic characteristic of poultry farmers; examine the poultry egg production system practiced by farmers; and estimate the efficiency of resource used in poultry egg production. Purposive sampling technique was employed for the study. Ten (10) wards were purposively selected out of the existing fifteen (15) wards in the area. These are areas where poultry egg producers are predominantly found. From each of the ten (10) wards, five (5) poultry egg producers were randomly selected, giving a total sample size of fifty (50) respondents for the study. Data were obtained with the aid of structured questionnaire administered to fifty (50) poultry egg producers. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression model were used as analytical technique. The finding shows that majority (82%) of the respondents were male, 68% were married, 62% were within the age group of 31-35 years, while 42% had between 11-20 persons in their households in the study area. The result also indicates that 46% of the respondents had secondary education, 58% of the respondent had between N51, 000- N100, 000, while 52% of the respondents had flock sizes ranging from 101-200. The finding shows that 26% of the respondent practised free range system, about 40% practised battery cage system while, 34% practised deep litter system of poultry production in the study area. The total sum of the elasticties of poultry egg production of the resources was 1.748. The finding also reveals that the ratios of the MVP to the MFC were less than unity (1) for all the inputs. It was recommended among others that: poultry egg producers should reduce the quantities of farm inputs such as family labour, hired labour, flock size, feed, depreciating cost of equipment and operating expenses to ensure increase in poultry egg production; and extension agents in the state should be properly trained and provided with all necessary technological packages required to teach and guide farmers on improved poultry egg production. Keywords: Resource Use,  Efficiency, Poultry Egg, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeri

    Micro Financing and Entrepreneurial Development in Nigeria; The Mediating Role of Marketing

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    Micro finance bank that is popularly known as bank for the poor is basically established to alleviate poverty and also to serve as a platform for promoting entrepreneurial development. The question is; to what extent has it been able to fulfil its basic functions in Nigeria? The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the extent to which micro financing has contributed to entrepreneurial development and also to find out the extent to which marketing techniques have be employed for effective and efficient delivery of their services. Copies of questionnaire were distributed purposively to only those that applied for or came to access credit facilities that were physically found in the banking hall in that particular week of study. The study is limited to the customers of ten micro finance banks located in Ojo LGA of lagos state, Nigeria. Three hypotheses were developed and were subjected to descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. It was discovered that micro finance bank has been able to contribute significantly to the entrepreneurial development in Nigeria. Descriptive statistics show that some marketing techniques have not been fully employed by micro finance banks. The study makes useful policy recommendations which these banks will find beneficial if faithfully implemente

    Analysis of Marketing Channel and Market Structure of Dried Fish in Maiduguri Metropolis of Borno State, Nigeria

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    The study examined channel and market structure of dried fish in Maiduguri Metropolis of Borno State, Nigeria. Data were obtained using structured questionnaire. Three (3) major dried fish markets were purposely selected out of the seven (7) markets in the study area to reflect areas where dried fish sellers are predominantly found. A total of 100 respondents from the three (3) markets were randomly selected for the study. Descriptive statistics, Ginni coefficient, least square simple regression and budgetary techniques were used as analytical tools. The result reveals that marketing channel is divided into wholesalers and retailers of fresh and processed fish (dried fish). The finding also indicates that the values of Ginni coefficient were (0.5478) and (0.5252) for wholesalers and retailers, respectively. And the dried fish market had non competitive behaviour with monopolistic nature. The finding also reveals that (82%) of the marketers engaged in marketing Grade C dried fish products. The result of economies of scale reveals that the coefficient of wholesalers was (-0.005) while that of retailers was (-0.741) and are all negative but, statistically significant at 1% and 5%, respectively. It was recommended that local dried fish marketers should be organized into cooperative groups and government should provide adequate infrastructural facilities such as good road net work and market facilities. Keywords: Marketing channel, Market Structure, Dried fish, Borno State, Nigeria

    A Review of Optimization Approach to Power Flow Tracing in a Deregulated Power System

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    Power Flow Tracing (PFT) is known to be the best method in the allocation of charges to users of transmission systems, generators and loads, in a deregulated environment. The optimization approach to PFT produced better results than other methods because it considers the physical power flow results and electrical constraints of the system. A brief review of the optimal power flow concept, PFT techniques, and the deterministic and non-deterministic optimization methods applied to PFT are presented. The paper also highlighted the future trends of hybrid optimization approach to PFT. It is recommended that more research work should be directed on the hybrid optimization methods to solve PFT problems

    Experimental Assessment of Cellular Mobile Performance along the Railway Corridor

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    With the ongoing rehabilitation of the railway transportation sector in Nigeria, improvement in the quality and reliability of the services deliverable becomes crucial. Reliable railway communication infrastructure guarantees effective operation and also ensures connectivity for security, safety, maintenance and passenger communication. This work describes today’s network scenario by assessing current cellular performance as it affects a passenger’s experience along the railway corridor. A drive test was conducted on the 6th of July, 2014 between 12:58pm and 07:14pm along the railroad linking Oshogbo and Lagos, Nigeria. The measurement setup consists of four TEMS Mobile Sony Ericsson W995 phones, a Personal Computer, a GPS receiver, and a power bank. The measurement was useful in the assessment of coverage, capacity and Quality of Service (QoS) of four mobile radio networks namely: Airtel, Globacom, Etisalat and MTN in the GSM 900 MHz and 1800 bands. Results reveal that no single mobile network service operator consistently serviced the train throughout the 6-hour trip. Also, the results obtained from the drive test represents a true picture of mobile network condition and can be useful in decision making in several areas - from planning and design through optimization and maintenance of the system, with the goal of maximizing quality, capacity and coverage for all mobile networks for improved service delivery on our railway infrastructure
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