55 research outputs found

    Case report, psychotherapeutic procedure with a breast cancer patient

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    The aim of this case report is to emphasize the importance of psychotherapeutic procedure in treatment of cancer patients. This patient sought psychotherapeutic help for headache. Two months later her husband suffered a heart attack and joined a family therapy. After six months, the patient was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer. The oncologist prescribed only chemotherapy. However, at the same time, the patient started individual psychotherapy. Hypnotic trance as well as problem visualization was used during psychotherapy.Cilj ovog izvješća o slučaju je naglasiti važnost psihoterapijskog postupka u liječenju bolesnika s karcinomom. Ova je pacijentica potražila psihoterapijsku pomoć zbog glavobolja. Dva mjeseca kasnije, njezin suprug je pretrpio srčani udar i uključio se u obiteljsku terapiju. Nakon šest mjeseci, pacijentici je dijagnosticiran maligni karcinom dojke. Onkolog je propisao samo kemoterapiju. Međutim, pacijentica je istodobno započela individualnu psihoterapiju. Tijekom psihoterapije, koristi se hipnoterapija te hipnotički trans kao i metoda vizualizacije problema

    Značajke osobnosti alkoholičara počinitelja i nepočinitelja kaznenih djela

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    The research was based on some personality traits of alcoholics such as specific ego qualities, special qualities of psychopathological and sociopathological characteristics of alcoholic offenders according to the type of criminal offence and non-offenders. The research was carried out in prison and hospital system during 2002/2003 in Popovača. Two groups of examinees were included. The experimental group (E) (N=96) included the persons convicted for homicide (N1=32), traffic offences (N2=32) and offences against property (N3=32). The control group (K) (N4=64) included the alcoholics undergoing hospital treatment at the Alcoholism Department of Neuropsychiatric hospital “Dr. Ivan Barbot” in Popovača. The research results indicated that the homicide offenders exhibited lower ego during the latent phase and all together stronger ego than non-offenders. There were no evident differences in the examined psychopathological variables among alcoholic offenders except that the offenders against property displayed more aggression than the homicide offenders. Among criminal offenders, the alcoholics exhibited most sociopathological characteristics and the traffic offenders and offenders against property the least. The criminal offenders exhibited more sociopathological characteristics than alcoholic non-offenders. The homicide and traffic offenders and non-offenders differed the most in the family problem variable – the alcoholics in their current families

    Experience with Hysterical Paralysis of the Legs in Abstaining Alcoholic

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    A 39-year-old patient, a tailor, married with two children, who had abstained from alcohol for some time, was brought to neurological clinic with paralysis of legs. Paralysis had set in during a phone conversation. He lived about 30 miles from the hospital and his colleagues carried him from work to the car and then to the neurological clinic. A neurologist sent the patient from her clinic for psychotherapeutic intervention. The intervention, in a spontaneous hypnotic trance lasted for a few minutes and was successful. The patient could walk again and has not relapsed since nor had a paralysis of legs anymore, but he has occasionally felt a pressure in his chest. He was abstinent for 20 years. Alcoholics who continue abstinence, even for years, often experience difficulties that they do not know how to deal with, so they react in different ways. Psychotherapeutic treatment in abstinence can affect the quality of life. Experts in the field of alcoholism should assess the situation and include the abstaining patients in better programs that will contribute to a better quality of life

    Ubojstvo i naknadna katatonija udružena s velikom arahnoidnom cistom: prikaz slučaja

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    The existence of a focal brain lesion that might be the crucial cause for the development of diverse psychiatric phenomena and certain characteristics of personality is often a controversial issue. The patient was a 29-year-old male when he killed his father with a single knock with the blunt side of an axe. Subsequently to the act, the patient developed a 10-month-long catatonic stupor during which he experienced intensive fear, delusions, and affective symptoms. He was an emotionally blunted person with no medical record and without prior history of aggressive behavior. Magnetic resonance image revealed a large, right-sided arachnoid cyst that was associated with right temporal and frontal lobe hypoplasia and bilateral changes of perfusion in peri-insular regions. The treatment with clozapine and diazepam showed to be therapeutic. This could be the second case of homicide committed by a person with arachnoid cyst and without past history of aggression, and the second description of an adult patient with cyst who developed catatonic stupor. This is the first description of long-lasting organic catatonic stupor treated with clozapine and diazepam. Relevant literature is reviewed and some controversial issues are discussed.Razvoj različitih psihijatrijskih sindroma ili promjena značajka osobnosti može biti povezana sa žarišnim ozljedama mozga, ali je ujedno i proturječno pitanje. Bolesnik, inače osoba bez osobitosti u ranijoj medicinskoj dokumentaciji i bez ranijih iskazivanja fizičke agresije, imao je 29 godina kada je ubio oca jednim udarcem sjekire. Nakon djela razvio je dugotrajni, desetomjesečni katatoni stupor tijekom kojeg je doživljavao intenzivni strah, sumanutosti i afektivne simptome. Pretraga glave magnetskom rezonancom otkrila je veliku desnostranu arahnoidnu cistu povezanu s hipoplazijom desnog temporalnog i frontalnog režnja te bilateralnim promjenama u perfuziji periinzularnih regija. Liječenje klozapinom i diazepamom pokazalo se učinkovitim. Ovo je vjerojatno drugi prikaz bolesnika s arahnoidnom cistom koji je počinio ubojstvo, a da prethodno nije pokazivao agresivno ponašanje te drugi prikaz bolesnika s cistom koji je razvio katatoni stupor. Radi se također o prvom opisu uspješnog liječenja dugotrajnog katatonog stupora kombinacijom klozapina i diazepama. Slučaj je poslužio za prikaz relevantne literature i raspravu o proturječnim pitanjima

    Criminal Offences of Neglect and Abuse of Children and Minors in Practice of the Municipal Court in Rijeka

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    U raduje istraživana praksa Općinskog suda u Rijeci, kroz četiri godine, od 2003. do 2006. godine. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve pravomoćne presude u tom razdoblju za kazneno djelo zapuštanja i zlostavljanja djece ili maloljetne osobe (čl. 213. KZ-a\u27). Dobiven je ukupni broj počinitelja i neke karakteristike počinitelja, te ukupan broj žrtava, njihova dob i spol. Obrađivani podaci obuhvatili su neke karakteristike visine izrečenih kazni, izdvojena su kaznena djela počinjena u stjecaju i ona počinjena u sudioništvu. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju na porast broja počinjenih kaznenih djela (opisan u čl. 213. KZ-a), presuda, počinitelja i žrtava što nam govori o ozbiljnosti problema i potrebi za sinergijskim djelovanjem u rješavanju problema.This paper focuses on the research of court reports of the Municipal court in Rijeka in time period from 2003 to 2006. The research covers ali validjudgements issued in the given period concerning offences of neglecting and abusing children or under-aged persons. We have obtained the total number of perpetrators, certain characteristics of perpetrators, total number of victims and the victims\u27 age and sex. The processed data included common characteristics of the set penalties while the offences made coincidentallv and those committed together with an accomplice have been put aside. This paper points to the increase in the number of judgements concerning child abuse as well as perpetrators and victims which shows the graveness of this issue and calls for joint action which is needed to resolve it