6 research outputs found

    Penelitian Nyali Di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak, Jawa Barat, Indonesia [Research on Gall in Mount Gede Pangrango and Mount Halimun Salak National Parks, West Java, Indonesia]

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    Research on gall (including field and laboratory observations and field collecting) have been conducted in the Mounts Gede Pangrano (MGPNP) and Halimun Salak National Parks (MHSNP). This research focused on gall shapes, host plant species, and parts of the host plants infected by galls. The result showed that there were 169 gall numbers in MGNP and 127 numbers in MHSNP have been collected. Distribution of plant species infected by the galls were rather same in the both conservation areas. In MHSNP seven families mostly infected by galls: Araceae, 4 species of 5 gall numbers collection in the family (=4/5), Elaeocarpaceae (5/5), Euphorbiaceae (7/9), Lauraceae (8/11), Moraceae (6/7), Melastomataceae (4/4) and Rubiaceae (9/12). In MGPNP the composition is only fairly different: Araliaceae (4/6),Euphorbiaceae (8/13), Lauraceae (9/12), Melastomataceae (5/6), Moraceae (13/22), Myrtaceae (9/11) and Rubiaceae (6/13). At least 23 gall shapes were found in both locations. The most common shape of galls found in MGNP was irregular, while in MHSNP was globular.Galls were mostly (90%) collected from leaf including peduncles and leaf venations. The other parts included twigs, branches, stems, flowers,and fruits. The most common insect found investing galls (i.e. insect gallers) was the midges (54.4%) followed by mites (18.5%), psyllids (11.1%), thrips (6.3%), coccids (1.9%), and aleurodes (1.9%)

    Keanekaragaman Dan Penyebaran Gall Di Kebun Raya Bogor

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    In order to know the habitat preference gradation for gall-forming insects from the border to the middle of the habitat or more precise the edge effect on the galling existence and the expansion ability of local gall to infect on non indigenous species, observation of all plant life collections block by block in the Bogor Botanic Garden were done. Host plant and galling insect species composition differed quite characteristically between the edge and the interior of paths, but did not for galling insect richness. Insect gall richness was expressed as the ratio between insect gall and host plant richness (gall per plant ratio) and in the same time a weak relationship of insect species–area was found. Our results suggest that the number of galling insects per individual plant is not affected by the size of the patch. Despite these results, the natural forest patches are found in this region seem well suited for long-term studies addressing species–area relationships

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Potensi Ancaman Tumbuhan Asing Invasif Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-salak, Jawa Barat [Species Composition and Threat Potential of Invasive Plants Species in Gunung Halimun-salak National Park, West Java]

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    A study on species composition and threat potential of invasive plant species was conducted in the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park,Cidahu Resort, West Java. We developed two plots of different altitudes. The result showed that there were four invasive alien species possessing potential threat to the ecosystem and native species in the National Park, i.e. Piper aduncum (Piperaceae, with an Important Value of 20,70); Calliandra calothyrsus (Mimosaceae, IV = 9,11), Austroeupatorium inulaefolium (Asteraceae, IV = 18,77), and Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) as shrub. The threats of invasive plants happen in open forest area and could occur from the residential or public places

    Catatan Jenis-jenis Tumbuhan Asing Dan Invasif Di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-pangrango, Jawa Barat [Notes on Alien and Invasive Species in Gunung Gede-pangrango National Park, West Java]

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    Menurut International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN )Species Asing Invasif merupakan jenis-jenis tumbuhan asing yang berkembang dan menyebar di luar habitat aslinya, sehingga mengancam ekosistem, habitat, atau jenis yang lain. Species Asing Invasif dapat berasal dari habitat yang berada di luar pulau, kepulauan, benua ataupun negara aslinya. Lebih lanjut The Invasive Sepscies Advisory Committee (ISAC) menegaskan bahwa gangguan terhadap suatu ekosistem akibat masuknya Species Asing Invasif dapat menimbulkan kerugian-kerugian ekonomi, kerusakan lingkungan dan juga gangguan kesehatan manusia