567 research outputs found

    Characterization of Power Absorption Response of Periodic 3D Structures to Partially Coherent Fields

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    In many applications of absorbing structures it is important to understand their spatial response to incident fields, for example in thermal solar panels, bolometric imaging and controlling radiative heat transfer. In practice, the illuminating field often originates from thermal sources and is only spatially partially coherent when reaching the absorbing device. In this paper, we present a method to fully characterize the way a structure can absorb such partially coherent fields. The method is presented for any 3D material and accounts for the partial coherence and partial polarization of the incident light. This characterization can be achieved numerically using simulation results or experimentally using the Energy Absorption Interferometry (EAI) that has been described previously in the literature. The absorbing structure is characterized through a set of absorbing functions, onto which any partially coherent field can be projected. This set is compact for any structure of finite extent and the absorbing function discrete for periodic structures

    Modal characterization of thermal emitters using the Method of Moments

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    Electromagnetic sources relying on spontaneous emission are difficult to characterize without a proper framework due to the partial spatial coherence of the emitted fields. In this paper, we propose to characterize emitters of any shape through their natural emitting modes, i.e. a set of coherent modes that add up incoherently. The resulting framework is very intuitive since any emitter is regarded as a multimode antenna with zero correlation between modes. Moreover, for any finite emitter, the modes form a compact set that can be truncated. Each significant mode corresponds to one independent degree of freedom through which the emitter radiates power. The proposed formalism is implemented using the Method of Moments (MoM) and applied to a lossy sphere and a lossy ellipsoid. It is shown that electrically small structures can be characterized with a small number of modes, and that this number grows as the structure becomes electrically large.Comment: To be presented in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2020

    Stability and rheology of dilute TiO2-water nanofluids

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    The apparent wall slip (AWS) effect, accompanying the flow of colloidal dispersions in confined geometries, can be an important factor for the applications of nanofluids in heat transfer and microfluidics. In this study, a series of dilute TiO2 aqueous dispersions were prepared and tested for the possible presence of the AWS effect by means of a novel viscometric technique. The nanofluids, prepared from TiO2 rutile or anatase nanopowders by ultrasonic dispersing in water, were stabilized by adjusting the pH to the maximum zeta potential. The resulting stable nanofluid samples were dilute, below 0.7 vol.%. All the samples manifest Newtonian behavior with the fluidities almost unaffected by the presence of the dispersed phase. No case of important slip contribution was detected: the Navier slip coefficient of approximately 2 mm Pa-1 s-1 would affect the apparent fluidity data in a 100-μm gap by less than 1%

    L’édition des textes astronomiques grecs et byzantins

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    I. Première conférence Cette leçon avait pour thème les différents états dans lesquels un texte scientifique peut apparaître dans les manuscrits. À l’aide d’exemples, nous avons montré qu’un commentaire scientifique peut se rencontrer sous les formes suivantes : a) Les notes prises au cours d’un enseignement oral. Ce cas a été illustré par le commentaire marginal qui se trouve dans les marges du Petit Commentaire de Théon dans le Paris. gr. 2394. L’histoire de ce manuscrit, copié en 1733 dan..

    Резюме Негативное влияние на здоровье сидячего образа жизни

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, Conferința știinţifico-practică naţionale cu participare internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale prevenirii și controlului bolilor netransmisibile” Chișinău, 18-20 iunie 2015Sedentary behavior is associated with deleterious health outcomes, which differ from those that can be attributed to a lack of moderate to vigorous physical activity.This paper provides an overview of this emerging fi eld, research and highlights the ways in which it differs from physiology. Defi nitions of key terms associated with the fi eld of sedentary physiology and a review of the self-report and objective methods for assessing sedentary behavior are provided. Proposed mechanisms of sedentary physiology are examined, and how they differ from those linking physical activity and health are highlighted. Evidence relating to associations of sedentary behaviors with major health outcomes and the population prevalence and correlates of sedentary behaviors are reviewed. Recommendations for future research are proposed. Сидячий образ жизни связан с вредными последствиями для здоровья населения, которые можно отнести к недостатку умеренной физической активности. Эта статья представляет собой обзор этой новой области исследования и освещает способы устранения данных факторов, которые перечислены в физиологии человека. Перечислены определения ключевых терминов, самооценки и объективных методов оценки сидячего образа жизни. Выделены механизмы, предложенные для физической активности и здоровья. Рассматриваются свидетельства об ассоциациях со здоровьем и результатами малоподвижного образа жизни населения. Предложены рекомендации для будущих исследований

    Use of art activities in institutions working with children with behavioral and emotional disorders

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    Katedra speciální pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Bar Code Implemamtation to Production Process of Small Factory

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    Cílem mojí diplomové práce je studium a implementace čárového kódu do SMT montážního procesu. Tato práce se skládá ze dnou hlavních částí. První pojednává o typech čárových kódů, technologiích čtení a mapuje výrobní proces ve firmě zabývající se montáží PCB. Druhá část je tvořena teoretickým návrhem a fyzickou realizací monitorovacího systému pro kontrolu materiálového toku. Čárový kód je implementován do tohoto systému. Praktická část této práce je testována ve firmě zabývající se zakázkovou výrobou PCB – SMT a THT.Target of my diploma thesis is barcode study and implementation to SMT assembly processes. This thesis contains two main parts. The first one is devoted to basic types of barcodes, reading technologies and industrial process mapping in PCB assembly. The second part is devoted to theoretical proposal and physical realization of system for materials flow monitoring. Barcode is contained in this system. Practical part of this thesis is tested in a company realizing contract manufacturing in PCB assembly - SMT and THT.

    Non-genomic mechanisms of estrogens

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    Introducere. Cercetările recente au constatat că hormonii estrogeni influențează receptorii estrogenici, localizați într-o gamă variată de organe și țesuturi, cu dezvoltarea efectelor clasice prin mecanism genomic, precum și efecte rapide prin mecanisme non-genomice. Scopul lucrării. Elucidarea mecanismelor non-genomice ale estrogenilor. Material și metode. Au fost selectate și analizate publicații din ultimii 5 ani, din revistele de specialitate, utilizând bazele de date PubMed. Rezultate. S-a constatat că estrogenii au determinat modificări indirecte ale expresiei genelor prin cascadele proteinkinazei (calea fosfolipazei C / proteinkinazei C; cascada Ras/Raf/MAPK; cascada fosfatidil inozitol 3 kinazei / Akt kinazei; calea de semnalizare AMPc / proteinkinaza A), precum și au contribuit la activarea dependentă de estrogen a adenililciclazei și a receptorului factorului de creștere epidermic. Concomitent, s-a estimat și mecanismul de fosforilare a reziduurilor specifice (serină și tirozină) în receptorii înșiși sau asocierea lor cu coreglatori, care necesită acțiunea moleculelor de reglare, necesare pentru fosforilare (protein kinaza A și proteinkinaza C; componentele cascadei de fosforilare MAPK; citokinele inflamatorii (IL-2); moleculele de adeziune celulară (heregulina); reglatorii ciclului celular; factorii de creștere a peptidelor (insulina, factorul insulinic de creștere -1, factorul de creștere transformator beta etc.). Concluzii. Mecanismele non-genomice ale estrogenilor pot implica activarea mecanismelor de transducție a semnalului cu producerea de mesageri secundari intracelulari, reglarea AMPc și activarea proteinkinazei, precum și activarea receptorului estrogenic independent de ligand.Background. Recent research has found that estrogen hormones influence estrogen receptors located in a wide range of organs and tissues with the development of classic effects through genomic mechanisms, as well as rapid effects through non-genomic mechanisms. Objective of the study. Elucidation of non-genomic mechanisms of estrogens. Material and methods. Publications from the last 5 years, from specialized journals, were selected and analyzed using PubMed databases. Results. It was found that estrogens caused indirect changes in gene expression through protein-kinase cascades (phospholipase C / protein kinase C pathway; Ras/Raf/MAPK cascade; phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase / Akt kinase cascade; cAMP / protein kinase A signaling pathway), as well as contributed to estrogen-dependent activation of adenylyl cyclase and epidermal growth factor receptor. At the same time, the mechanism of phosphorylation of specific residues (serine and tyrosine) in the receptors themselves or their association with co-regulators, which require the action of regulatory molecules necessary for phosphorylation (protein kinase A and protein kinase C; MAPK phosphorylation cascade components; inflammatory cytokines (IL-2); cell adhesion molecules (heregulin); cell cycle regulators; peptide growth factors (insulin, insulin-stimulating factor-1, transforming growth factor beta, etc.). Conclusion. Non-genomic mechanisms of estrogens may involve activation of signal transduction mechanisms with production of intracellular second messengers, cAMP regulation and protein kinase activation, as well as ligand-independent estrogen receptor activation