13 research outputs found

    Aktivitás okozta csontelváltozások: a honfoglalás kori íjászsírok problémakörének újabb megközelítése

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    Activity-induced skeletal markers: A new way to approach the problem of archery-related graves in the Hungarian Conquest Period. In the recent decades the studies of activity-related skeletal markers provided important information on the reconstruction of past life, but there are lots of questions yet. In this paper we give the preliminary results of our bioarchaeological investigation focused on the Hungarian Conquest Period populations’ activity-related skeletal markers. According to the archaeological sources the bow was the common weapon of the Hungarians, so our base question is whether the anthropological data do support this. The material of our investigation is the “archers” and unarmed adult males from the 10th century cemetery of Sárrétudvari-Hízóföld. We analysed macroscopically the muscular attachments of the affected bones of the shooting process – the scapulas, humeruses, radiuses and ulnas. We perceived hypertrophies on wide scale of muscles, and some of them appearing in high frequency shows similarity with the muscles involved in archery. We can say that the archaeological and anthropological data certify each other concerned the dominant activity of the “archer” group in the series