389 research outputs found

    Stimulus competition by inhibitory interference

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    When two stimuli are present in the receptive field of a V4 neuron, the firing rate response is between the weakest and strongest response elicited by each of the stimuli alone (Reynolds et al, 1999, Journal of Neuroscience 19:1736-1753). When attention is directed towards the stimulus eliciting the strongest response (the preferred stimulus), the response to the pair is increased, whereas the response decreases when attention is directed to the other stimulus (the poor stimulus). These experimental results were reproduced in a model of a V4 neuron under the assumption that attention modulates the activity of local interneuron networks. The V4 model neuron received stimulus-specific asynchronous excitation from V2 and synchronous inhibitory inputs from two local interneuron networks in V4. Each interneuron network was driven by stimulus-specific excitatory inputs from V2 and was modulated by a projection from the frontal eye fields. Stimulus competition was present because of a delay in arrival time of synchronous volleys from each interneuron network. For small delays, the firing rate was close to the rate elicited by the preferred stimulus alone, whereas for larger delays it approached the firing rate of the poor stimulus. When either stimulus was presented alone the neuron's response was not altered by the change in delay. The model suggests that top-down attention biases the competition between V2 columns for control of V4 neurons by changing the relative timing of inhibition rather than by changes in the degree of synchrony of interneuron networks. The mechanism proposed here for attentional modulation of firing rate - gain modulation by inhibitory interference - is likely to have more general applicability to cortical information processing.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Anisotropy induced Feshbach resonances in a quantum dipolar gas of magnetic atoms

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    We explore the anisotropic nature of Feshbach resonances in the collision between ultracold magnetic submerged-shell dysprosium atoms, which can only occur due to couplings to rotating bound states. This is in contrast to well-studied alkali-metal atom collisions, where most Feshbach resonances are hyperfine induced and due to rotation-less bound states. Our novel first-principle coupled-channel calculation of the collisions between open-4f-shell spin-polarized bosonic dysprosium reveals a striking correlation between the anisotropy due to magnetic dipole-dipole and electrostatic interactions and the Feshbach spectrum as a function of an external magnetic field. Over a 20 mT magnetic field range we predict about a dozen Feshbach resonances and show that the resonance locations are exquisitely sensitive to the dysprosium isotope.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Feshbach spectroscopy and analysis of the interaction potentials of ultracold sodium

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    We have studied magnetic Feshbach resonances in an ultracold sample of Na prepared in the absolute hyperfine ground state. We report on the observation of three s-, eight d-, and three g-wave Feshbach resonances, including a more precise determination of two known s-wave resonances, and one s-wave resonance at a magnetic field exceeding 200mT. Using a coupled-channels calculation we have improved the sodium ground-state potentials by taking into account these new experimental data, and derived values for the scattering lengths. In addition, a description of the molecular states leading to the Feshbach resonances in terms of the asymptotic-bound-state model is presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Collisional cooling of ultra-cold atom ensembles using Feshbach resonances

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    We propose a new type of cooling mechanism for ultra-cold fermionic atom ensembles, which capitalizes on the energy dependence of inelastic collisions in the presence of a Feshbach resonance. We first discuss the case of a single magnetic resonance, and find that the final temperature and the cooling rate is limited by the width of the resonance. A concrete example, based on a p-wave resonance of 40^{40}K, is given. We then improve upon this setup by using both a very sharp optical or radio-frequency induced resonance and a very broad magnetic resonance and show that one can improve upon temperatures reached with current technologies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanisms for Phase Shifting in Cortical Networks and their Role in Communication through Coherence

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    In the primate visual cortex, the phase of spikes relative to oscillations in the local field potential (LFP) in the gamma frequency range (30–80 Hz) can be shifted by stimulus features such as orientation and thus the phase may carry information about stimulus identity. According to the principle of communication through coherence (CTC), the relative LFP phase between the LFPs in the sending and receiving circuits affects the effectiveness of the transmission. CTC predicts that phase shifting can be used for stimulus selection. We review and investigate phase shifting in models of periodically driven single neurons and compare it with phase shifting in models of cortical networks. In a single neuron, as the driving current is increased, the spike phase varies systematically while the firing rate remains constant. In a network model of reciprocally connected excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) cells phase shifting occurs in response to both injection of constant depolarizing currents and to brief pulses to I cells. These simple models provide an account for phase-shifting observed experimentally and suggest a mechanism for implementing CTC. We discuss how this hypothesis can be tested experimentally using optogenetic techniques

    Multichannel quantum-defect theory for slow atomic collisions

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    We present a multichannel quantum-defect theory for slow atomic collisions that takes advantages of the analytic solutions for the long-range potential, and both the energy and the angular-momentum insensitivities of the short-range parameters. The theory provides an accurate and complete account of scattering processes, including shape and Feshbach resonances, in terms of a few parameters such as the singlet and the triplet scattering lengths. As an example, results for 23^{23}Na-23^{23}Na scattering are presented and compared close-coupling calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of numerical methods for the calculation of cold atom collisions

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    Three different numerical techniques for solving a coupled channel Schroedinger equation are compared. This benchmark equation, which describes the collision between two ultracold atoms, consists of two channels, each containing the same diagonal Lennard-Jones potential, one of positive and the other of negative energy. The coupling potential is of an exponential form. The methods are i) a recently developed spectral type integral equation method based on Chebyshev expansions, ii) a finite element expansion, and iii) a combination of an improved Numerov finite difference method and a Gordon method. The computing time and the accuracy of the resulting phase shift is found to be comparable for methods i) and ii), achieving an accuracy of ten significant figures with a double precision calculation. Method iii) achieves seven significant figures. The scattering length and effective range are also obtained.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Comput. Phys. documentstyle [thmsa,sw20aip]{article} in .te
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