21 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal inhomogeneity of total column NO2 in a polluted urban area inferred from TROPOMI and Pandora intercomparisons

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    The spatiotemporal inhomogeneity of the total column NO2 amounts (TCN) in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA), Korea, was quantitatively assessed through year-round (October 2019-May 2021) TROPOMI and ground-based Pandora measurements. The average TCN over the SMA was comparable to that of major Chinese megacities, being consistently high (> 0.8 DU; Dobson Unit) during the daytime (10-17 local standard time). The autocorrelation scores of the Pandorameasured TCNs demonstrated high temporal variability attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity of NO2 emissions within the SMA and near-surface advection. Accordingly, the adequate temporal collocation range for Pandora measurements for the intercomparison with the satellite sensors was considered to be +/- 5 min to avoid significant uncertainty from the temporal variability (RMSE < 0.1 DU, R-2 > 0.96). TROPOMI showed better agreement with conventionally collocated Pandora measurements (0.73 < R-2 < 0.76, 26-29% negative bias) than the other two satellite sensors (OMI and OMPS) attributed to its highest spatial resolution. The application of the wind-based collocation revealed that the TROPOMI showed a greater negative bias on the upwind side, which was less affected by anthropogenic emissions from the urban area, than the downwind side, and the increasing distance of the TROPOMI pixel from Pandora was the most critical factor deteriorating the intercomparison scores. The FRESCO-S TROPOMI cloud algorithm update to FRESCO-wide yielded a general increase in TROPOMI TCN, especially in the partially cloudy pixels, leaving only 11% (downwind) and 29% (upwind) negative bias from coincident Pandora measurements. Furthermore, the wind-based collocation method revealed the spatial distribution pattern of NOX (NO + NO2) emissions in the SMA, with significant emission sources in the northeastern and southeastern sides of the ground-based Pandora site in Seoul

    Intercomparison of ozone measurements with Brewer and Pandora instruments at Izaña

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    Presentación realizada en: ATMOZ workshop at 11th RBCC-E, celebrado en El Arenosillo, Huelva, el 1 de junio de 2017.This work has been supported by the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) within the joint research project ENV59 “Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone” (ATMOZ). The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union

    Sky radiance at a coastline and effects of land and ocean reflectivities

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    Abstract. We present a unique case study of the spectral sky radiance distribution above a coastline. Results are shown from a measurement campaign in Italy involving three diode array spectroradiometers which are compared to 3-D model simulations from the Monte Carlo model MYSTIC. On the coast, the surrounding is split into two regions, a diffusely reflecting land surface and a water surface which features a highly anisotropic reflectance function. The reflectivities and hence the resulting radiances are a nontrivial function of solar zenith and azimuth angle and wavelength. We show that for low solar zenith angles (SZA) around noon, the higher land albedo causes the sky radiance at 20° above the horizon to increase by 50 % in the near infrared at 850 nm for viewing directions towards the land with respect to the ocean. Comparing morning and afternoon radiances highlights the effect of the ocean’s sun glint at high SZA which contributes around 10 % to the measured radiance ratios. The model simulations generally agree with the measurements to better than 10 %. We investigate the individual effects of model input parameters representing land and ocean albedo and aerosols. Different land and ocean BRDFs do not generally improve the model agreement. However, consideration of the uncertainties in the diurnal variation of aerosol optical depth can explain the remaining discrepancies between measurements and model. We further investigate the anisotropy effect of the ocean BRDF which is featured in the zenith radiances. Again, the uncertainty of the aerosol loading is dominant and obscures the modelled sun glint effect of 7 % at 650 nm. Finally, we show that the effect on the zenith radiance is restricted to a few kilometres from the coast line by model simulations along a perpendicular transect and by comparing the radiances at the coast to those measured at a site 15 km inland. Our findings are relevant to, for example, ground based remote sensing of aerosol characteristics since a common technique is based on sky radiance measurements along the solar almucantar. </jats:p

    Aerosol Field Influence on the Retrieval of the Ozone Vertical Column Densities from Pandora 2S Measurements

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    Total ozone and other trace gases are measured and reported regularly due to the increased interest started with the ozone hole discovery but the new satellites dedicated to worldwide observations of these species need both short-and long-term well calibrated ground based observation for validation procedures. The ESA/NASA Pandora network established a sophisticated, automatic calibration procedure that utilizes a variety of narrow-line and broadband emission lamps with temperature control for their UV-Vis-NIR spectroradiometers. In this study, we describe additional calibration efforts for ozone retrievals. In this paper we explore the local aerosol field influence on the retrieval of the ozone spectra from PANDORA 2S measurements using collocated lidar and sunphotometer measurements and proposed a methodology to be implemented in the calibration procedure of the instruments

    High urban NOx triggers a substantial chemical downward flux of ozone

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    Nitrogen oxides (NOx) play a central role in catalyzing tropospheric ozone formation. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has recently reemerged as a key target for air pollution control measures, and observational evidence points toward a limited understanding of ozone in high-NOx environments. A complete understanding of the mechanisms controlling the rapid atmospheric cycling between ozone (O3)–nitric oxide (NO)–NO2 in high-NOx regimes at the surface is therefore paramount but remains challenging because of competing dynamical and chemical effects. Here, we present long-term eddy covariance measurements of O3, NO, and NO2, over an urban area, that allow disentangling important physical and chemical processes. When generalized, our findings suggest that the depositional O3 flux near the surface in urban environments is negligible compared to the flux caused by chemical conversion of O3. This leads to an underestimation of the Leighton ratio and is a key process for modulating urban NO2 mixing ratios. As a consequence, primary NO2 emissions have been significantly overestimated

    The Dawn of Geostationary Air Quality Monitoring: Case Studies from Seoul and Los Angeles

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    With the near-future launch of geostationary pollution monitoring satellite instruments over North America, East Asia, and Europe, the air quality community is preparing for an integrated global atmospheric composition observing system at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. One of the ways that NASA has supported this community preparation is through demonstration of future space-borne capabilities using the Geostationary Trace gas and Aerosol Sensor Optimization (GeoTASO) airborne instrument. This paper integrates repeated high-resolution maps from GeoTASO, ground-based Pandora spectrometers, and low Earth orbit measurements from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), for case studies over two metropolitan areas: Seoul, South Korea on June 9, 2016 and Los Angeles, California on June 27, 2017. This dataset provides a unique opportunity to illustrate how geostationary air quality monitoring platforms and ground-based remote sensing networks will close the current spatiotemporal observation gap. GeoTASO observes large differences in diurnal behavior between these urban areas, with NO2 accumulating within the Seoul Metropolitan Area through the day but NO2 peaking in the morning and decreasing throughout the afternoon in the Los Angeles Basin. In both areas, the earliest morning maps exhibit spatial patterns similar to emission source areas (e.g., urbanized valleys, roadways, major airports). These spatial patterns change later in the day due to boundary layer dynamics, horizontal transport, and chemistry. The nominal resolution of GeoTASO is finer than will be obtained from geostationary platforms, but when NO2 data over Los Angeles are up-scaled to the expected resolution of TEMPO, spatial features discussed are conserved. Pandora instruments installed in both metropolitan areas capture the diurnal patterns observed by GeoTASO, continuously and over longer time periods, and will play a critical role in validation of the next generation of satellite measurement. These case studies demonstrate that different regions can have diverse diurnal patterns and that day-to-day variability due to meteorology or anthropogenic patterns such as weekday/weekend variations in emissions is large. Low Earth orbit measurements, despite their inability to capture the diurnal patterns at fine spatial resolution, will be essential for intercalibrating the geostationary radiances and cross-validating the geostationary retrievals in an integrated global observing system

    Spatiotemporal inhomogeneity of total column NO2 in a polluted urban area inferred from TROPOMI and Pandora intercomparisons

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor &amp; Francis Group.The spatiotemporal inhomogeneity of the total column NO2 amounts (TCN) in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA), Korea, was quantitatively assessed through year-round (October 2019–May 2021) TROPOMI and ground-based Pandora measurements. The average TCN over the SMA was comparable to that of major Chinese megacities, being consistently high (&gt; 0.8 DU; Dobson Unit) during the daytime (10–17 local standard time). The autocorrelation scores of the Pandora-measured TCNs demonstrated high temporal variability attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity of NO2 emissions within the SMA and near-surface advection. Accordingly, the adequate temporal collocation range for Pandora measurements for the intercomparison with the satellite sensors was considered to be ± 5 min to avoid significant uncertainty from the temporal variability (RMSE &lt; 0.1 DU, R2 &gt; 0.96). TROPOMI showed better agreement with conventionally collocated Pandora measurements (0.73 &lt; R2 &lt; 0.76, 26–29% negative bias) than the other two satellite sensors (OMI and OMPS) attributed to its highest spatial resolution. The application of the wind-based collocation revealed that the TROPOMI showed a greater negative bias on the upwind side, which was less affected by anthropogenic emissions from the urban area, than the downwind side, and the increasing distance of the TROPOMI pixel from Pandora was the most critical factor deteriorating the intercomparison scores. The FRESCO-S TROPOMI cloud algorithm update to FRESCO-wide yielded a general increase in TROPOMI TCN, especially in the partially cloudy pixels, leaving only 11% (downwind) and 29% (upwind) negative bias from coincident Pandora measurements. Furthermore, the wind-based collocation method revealed the spatial distribution pattern of NOX (NO + NO2) emissions in the SMA, with significant emission sources in the northeastern and southeastern sides of the ground-based Pandora site in Seoul.N

    Assessment of the quality of tropomi high-spatial-resolution no2 data products in the greater toronto area

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    The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) aboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite (launched on 13 October 2017) is a nadir-viewing spectrometer measuring reflected sunlight in the ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared spectral ranges. The measured spectra are used to retrieve total columns of trace gases, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2). For ground validation of these satellite measurements, Pandora spectrometers, which retrieve high-quality NO2 total columns via direct-sun measurements, are widely used. In this study, Pandora NO2 measurements made at three sites located in or north of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) are used to evaluate the TROPOMI NO2 data products, including a standard Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) tropospheric and stratospheric NO2 data product and a TROPOMI research data product developed by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) using a high-resolution regional air quality forecast model (in the air mass factor calculation). It is found that these current TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 data products (standard and ECCC) met the TROPOMI design bias requirement (NO2 emissions, which can be used to evaluate regional air quality changes. The TROPOMI ECCC NO2 research data product shows improved agreement with Pandora measurements compared to the TROPOMI standard tropospheric NO2 data product (e.g., lower multiplicative bias at the suburban and urban sites by about 10&thinsp;%), demonstrating benefits from the high-resolution regional air quality forecast model