11 research outputs found

    The hierarchy structures based on the dendrogram analysis for the WE-IL (A) and the WE-IT (B) conditions, respectively.

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    <p>The x-axis: leaf number, with each leaf representing a cluster of BAs. The y-axis represents leaf distance calculated using average linkage clustering based on correlation distance. The orange color indicates group A, the blue color indicates group B, the pink color indicates group C, and the green color indicates group D.</p

    Results from the dendrogram analysis for the WE task; four groups of sources were found to be common to the WE-IL and the WE-IT conditions in the upper alpha band.

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    <p>Results from the dendrogram analysis for the WE task; four groups of sources were found to be common to the WE-IL and the WE-IT conditions in the upper alpha band.</p

    The hierarchy structures based on the dendrogram analysis for the NE-IL (A) and the NE-IT (B) conditions, respectively.

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    <p>The x-axis: leaf number, with each leaf representing a cluster of BAs. The y-axis represents leaf distance calculated using average linkage clustering based on correlation distance. The orange color indicates group A, the blue color indicates group B, the pink color indicates group C, and the green color indicates group D.</p

    The difference in the intra- and inter-group connectivity among sub-networks in the upper alpha band between the WE-IL and the WE-IT conditions.

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    <p>*p1and p2 are corrected p-values after multiple comparisons permutation test for c1 and c2 between the IL and IT conditions, respectively</p><p>The sources of groups A, B, C, D are depicted in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0116522#pone.0116522.g005" target="_blank">Fig. 5</a>.</p><p>The difference in the intra- and inter-group connectivity among sub-networks in the upper alpha band between the WE-IL and the WE-IT conditions.</p

    The descriptive steps of analysis from input EEG raw signal to the output network.

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    <p>The ‘EEG-signal’ segment dealt with band-pass filtering (1–30Hz) as well as artifact (EOG & EMG) removal of raw EEG data (output ‘clean’ EEG data); the ‘EEG inverse calculation for ROI’ mainly mapped the ‘clean’ EEG into source space on centroid voxel that is most representative of the 84 ROIs to retrieve source time series; the pair-wise connectivity was calculated based on the 84 ROI’s time series into a 84×84 matrix, and then a group-wise connectivity matrix underwent dendrogram analysis that clusters 84 nodes into groups of sources, among which 4 common networks for the IL and IT conditions were identified and mapped onto a generic cortex model.</p

    The four common sub-networks (functional clusters) for the WE-IL and the WE-IT conditions.

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    <p>(A)-(D) are hypothetical networks for executing higher-order function, comprehension/memory processing, and speech perception, respectively. The dotted circle indicates a medial surface source, while the solid circle indicates a lateral surface source. The label for each anatomical region includes the Brodmann area name and the laterality information.</p

    The difference in the intra- and inter-group connectivity among sub-networks in the upper alpha band between the NE-IL and the NE-IT conditions.

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    <p>*p1and p2 are corrected p-values after multiple comparisons permutation test for c1 and c2 between the IL and IT conditions, respectively</p><p>The sources of groups A, B, C, and D are depicted in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0116522#pone.0116522.g006" target="_blank">Fig. 6</a>.</p><p>The difference in the intra- and inter-group connectivity among sub-networks in the upper alpha band between the NE-IL and the NE-IT conditions.</p

    Source level clustering coefficients increase in the upper alpha band in the NE-IL relative to the NE-IT condition (after multiple comparison permutation tests with corrected p<0.05).

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    <p>Source level clustering coefficients increase in the upper alpha band in the NE-IL relative to the NE-IT condition (after multiple comparison permutation tests with corrected p<0.05).</p

    The four common sub-networks (functional clusters) for the NE-IL and the NE-IT conditions.

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    <p>(A)-(D) are hypothetical networks for executing higher-order function, comprehension/memory processing, and speech perception, respectively. The dotted circle indicates a medial surface source, while the solid circle indicates a lateral surface source. The label for each anatomical region includes the Brodmann area name and the laterality information.</p

    The WE and NE task for both the IL and IT conditions share the same schematic procedures.

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    <p>(I) fixation phase; (II) attending to the auditory question; (III) answering phase; (IV) mentalization phase; and (V) feedback phase, with differences in the visual images accompanying the auditory feedback for the two tasks to match the specific contexts, i.e. WE/NE.</p