25 research outputs found

    Quantitative bounds for the U4U^4-inverse theorem over low characteristic finite fields

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    This paper gives the first quantitative bounds for the inverse theorem for the Gowers U4U^4-norm over Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n when p=2,3p=2,3. We build upon earlier work of Gowers and Mili\'cevi\'c who solved the corresponding problem for pβ‰₯5p\geq 5. Our proof has two main steps: symmetrization and integration of low-characteristic trilinear forms. We are able to solve the integration problem for all kk-linear forms, but the symmetrization problem we are only able to solve for trilinear forms. We pose several open problems about symmetrization of low-characteristic kk-linear forms whose resolution, combined with recent work of Gowers and Mili\'cevi\'c, would give quantitative bounds for the inverse theorem for the Gowers Uk+1U^{k+1}-norm over Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n for all k,pk,p.Comment: 17 page

    Hypergraph expanders of all uniformities from Cayley graphs

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    Hypergraph expanders are hypergraphs with surprising, non-intuitive expansion properties. In a recent paper, the first author gave a simple construction, which can be randomized, of 33-uniform hypergraph expanders with polylogarithmic degree. We generalize this construction, giving a simple construction of rr-uniform hypergraph expanders for all rβ‰₯3r \geq 3.Comment: 32 page

    Bounding sequence extremal functions with formations

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    An (r,s)(r, s)-formation is a concatenation of ss permutations of rr letters. If uu is a sequence with rr distinct letters, then let Ex(u,n)\mathit{Ex}(u, n) be the maximum length of any rr-sparse sequence with nn distinct letters which has no subsequence isomorphic to uu. For every sequence uu define fw(u)\mathit{fw}(u), the formation width of uu, to be the minimum ss for which there exists rr such that there is a subsequence isomorphic to uu in every (r,s)(r, s)-formation. We use fw(u)\mathit{fw}(u) to prove upper bounds on Ex(u,n)\mathit{Ex}(u, n) for sequences uu such that uu contains an alternation with the same formation width as uu. We generalize Nivasch's bounds on Ex((ab)t,n)\mathit{Ex}((ab)^{t}, n) by showing that fw((12…l)t)=2tβˆ’1\mathit{fw}((12 \ldots l)^{t})=2t-1 and Ex((12…l)t,n)=n21(tβˆ’2)!Ξ±(n)tβˆ’2Β±O(Ξ±(n)tβˆ’3)\mathit{Ex}((12\ldots l)^{t}, n) =n2^{\frac{1}{(t-2)!}\alpha(n)^{t-2}\pm O(\alpha(n)^{t-3})} for every lβ‰₯2l \geq 2 and tβ‰₯3t\geq 3, such that Ξ±(n)\alpha(n) denotes the inverse Ackermann function. Upper bounds on Ex((12…l)t,n)\mathit{Ex}((12 \ldots l)^{t} , n) have been used in other papers to bound the maximum number of edges in kk-quasiplanar graphs on nn vertices with no pair of edges intersecting in more than O(1)O(1) points. If uu is any sequence of the form avavβ€²aa v a v' a such that aa is a letter, vv is a nonempty sequence excluding aa with no repeated letters and vβ€²v' is obtained from vv by only moving the first letter of vv to another place in vv, then we show that fw(u)=4\mathit{fw}(u)=4 and Ex(u,n)=Θ(nΞ±(n))\mathit{Ex}(u, n) =\Theta(n\alpha(n)). Furthermore we prove that fw(abc(acb)t)=2t+1\mathit{fw}(abc(acb)^{t})=2t+1 and Ex(abc(acb)t,n)=n21(tβˆ’1)!Ξ±(n)tβˆ’1Β±O(Ξ±(n)tβˆ’2)\mathit{Ex}(abc(acb)^{t}, n) = n2^{\frac{1}{(t-1)!}\alpha(n)^{t-1}\pm O(\alpha(n)^{t-2})} for every tβ‰₯2t\geq 2.Comment: 25 page

    Uniform sets with few progressions via colorings

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    Ruzsa asked whether there exist Fourier-uniform subsets of Z/NZ\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z with density Ξ±\alpha and 4-term arithmetic progression (4-APs) density at most Ξ±C\alpha^C, for arbitrarily large CC. Gowers constructed Fourier uniform sets with density Ξ±\alpha and 4-AP density at most Ξ±4+c\alpha^{4+c} for some small constant c>0c>0. We show that an affirmative answer to Ruzsa's question would follow from the existence of an No(1)N^{o(1)}-coloring of [N][N] without symmetrically colored 4-APs. For a broad and natural class of constructions of Fourier-uniform subsets of Z/NZ\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z, we show that Ruzsa's question is equivalent to our arithmetic Ramsey question. We prove analogous results for all even-length APs. For each odd kβ‰₯5k\geq 5, we show that there exist Ukβˆ’2U^{k-2}-uniform subsets of Z/NZ\mathbb Z/N\mathbb Z with density Ξ±\alpha and kk-AP density at most Ξ±cklog⁑(1/Ξ±)\alpha^{c_k \log(1/\alpha)}. We also prove generalizations to arbitrary one-dimensional patterns.Comment: 20 page

    Triangle Ramsey numbers of complete graphs

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    A graph is HH-Ramsey if every two-coloring of its edges contains a monochromatic copy of HH. Define the FF-Ramsey number of HH, denoted by rF(H)r_F(H), to be the minimum number of copies of FF in a graph which is HH-Ramsey. This generalizes the Ramsey number and size Ramsey number of a graph. Addressing a question of Spiro, we prove that rK3(Kt)=(r(Kt)3)r_{K_3}(K_t)=\binom{r(K_t)}{3} for all sufficiently large tt. We do so through a result on graph coloring: there exists an absolute constant KK such that every rr-chromatic graph where every edge is contained in at least KK triangles must contain at least (r3)\binom{r}{3} triangles in total.Comment: 14 page

    Induced arithmetic removal: complexity 1 patterns over finite fields

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    We prove an arithmetic analog of the induced graph removal lemma for complexity 1 patterns over finite fields. Informally speaking, we show that given a fixed collection of rr-colored complexity 1 arithmetic patterns over Fq\mathbb F_q, every coloring ϕ ⁣:Fqnβˆ–{0}β†’[r]\phi \colon \mathbb F_q^n \setminus\{0\} \to [r] with o(1)o(1) density of every such pattern can be recolored on an o(1)o(1)-fraction of the space so that no such pattern remains.Comment: 22 page