3 research outputs found
A one-year study of foodborne illnesses in the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden.
Surveillance was enhanced and a retrospective interview study performed in 1998-99 to determine incidence, causes, and costs of foodborne illnesses in Uppsala, Sweden. Sixty-eight percent of the detected foodborne illness incidents were single cases, and 32% were outbreaks. Most (85%) of the incidents came to the attention of the municipal authorities through telephone calls from affected persons. Calicivirus, Campylobacter spp., and Staphyloccocus aureus were the most common etiological agents; meat, meat products, and mixed dishes were the most implicated food categories. The incidence of foodborne illness was estimated to be 38 cases per 1,000 inhabitants per year. The estimated average costs per illness were 2,164 Swedish Krona (SEK) (57) to the patient. The annual cost of foodborne illnesses in Sweden was estimated to be 1,082 million SEK ($123 million)
Prevalência e fatores associados à respiração oral em escolares participantes do projeto Santo Amaro-Recife,2005 Prevalence and factors related to mouth breathing in school children at the Santo Amaro project-Recife,2005
OBJETIVO: Determinar prevalência de crianças portadoras de respiração oral inscritas no Projeto Santo Amaro/ ESEF/ UPE e verificar as principais alterações faciais e comportamentais associadas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Amostra de 150 crianças de 8 a 10 anos. Dados coletados mediante aplicação de questionário e exames clínicos. Para o diagnóstico da respiração foram feitos dois testes. Teste 1, observado no espelho, vapor decorrente da respiração, e teste 2, a permanência de água na boca com os lábios em contato pelo tempo de 3 minutos. RESULTADOS: Prevalência de respiração oral foi de 53,3%. Não se comprovou diferença significante entre gênero, faixa etária, tipo de respiração. As alterações faciais da respiração oral foram: selamento labial inadequado (58,8% x 5,7%), olhos caídos (40,0% x 1,4%), palato ogival (38,8% x 2,9%), mordida aberta anterior (60,0% x 30,0%), lábios hipotônicos (23,8% x 0,0%) e olheiras (97,5% x 77,1%). CONCLUSÃO: Prevalência de respiração oral elevada sem diferença estatística entre os gêneros, faixa etária e tipo de respiração oral. Não houve associação entre características comportamentais e o tipo de respiração. Houve diferença significante entre as características físicas e o padrão de respiração.<br>AIM: To determine the prevalence of mouth breathing children at the santo amaro project/ esef/ upe, and study their main facial and behavior alterations. STUDY DESIGN: transversal study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: there were 150 children in the sample, with ages ranging from 8 to 10 years. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and clinical examinations. As for their breathing assessment, two tests were carried out: test 1- breath steam against a mirror; and test 2 -water remains in the mouth with lips closed for 3 minutes. RESULTS: mouth breathing prevalence was of 53.3%. There was no significant difference between gender, age and type of breathing. Facial alterations were:incomplete lip closure ( 58.8% X 5,7%), fallen eyes ( 40.0% X 1.4%), High palate ( 38.8% X 2.9%), Anterior open bite ( 60.0% Versus 30.0%), Hypotonic lips ( 3.8% X 0.0%), Circles under the eyes (97.5% Versus 77.1%). CONCLUSION: high mouth breathing prevalence without significant statistical difference between genders,age and type of mouth breathing. There was no association between behavior characteristics and type of breathing. There were significant differences between physical traits and breathing pattern