7 research outputs found

    Classification of "fabrics hairiness"

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    katedra: KTM; přílohy: 1 DVD ROM; rozsah: 44 s., 15 s. obr. přílohVlastnosti povrchu patří mezi charakteristiky, pomocí kterých se hodnotí kvalita plošných textilií. Cílem této diplomové práce je: Prostudovat stávající stav poznání z hlediska hodnocení chlupatosti tkanin a navrhnout metodiku hodnocení této vlastnosti. Dále provést dílčí hodnocení chlupatosti tkanin u vybraných tkanin s cílem ověřit navrženou metodiku. Teoreticko-rešeršní část se zabývá popisem dostupných metod pro hodnocení chlupatosti plošných textilií a definováním základních vlastností přízí a tkanin, které mají podstatný vliv na chlupatost plošných textilií. V experimentu je posuzována chlupatost tkanin v různých stádiích úprav. Tento experiment byl realizován pomocí obrazové analýzy NIS Elements a systému RCM.The properties of surface belong among the features whereby the quality of surface textiles is evaluated. The aims of this diploma thesis are to study the current state of knowledge in the field of fabrics hairiness and also to suggest an assessment methodology of this property. Moreover, in this thesis a component assessment of hairiness of selected textiles will be; performed with the aim of the verification of the suggested methodology. Theoretical part of the thesis deals both with the description of available methods of hairiness assessment of surface textiles and with definition of basic properties of yarns and fabrics which have significant influence on the hairiness of surface textiles. Experimental section of the thesis evaluates the fabrics hairiness in various stages of adjustment. This experiment was carried out by means of pictorial analysis NIS Elements and RCM system

    Classification of fabrics hairiness

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    Technological process of design basic collars and necks at unlined clothes

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    katedra: KOD; přílohy: 10 límců, 8 výstřihů, 1 kapuce, 1 CD s videoukázkou, 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 49 s., 75 s. obr. přílohTato bakalářská práce se skládá z pěti částí. První část se zabývá rozdělením límců a výstřihů z hlediska technologického vypracování. Druhá část je zaměřena na přehled používaných podkladových materiálů při technologickém zpracování oděvů. Třetí část analyzuje možnosti zpracování popisu technologického postupu s vybráním nejvhodnějšího technologického postupu pro tvorbu studijních materiálů. Čtvrtá část je zaměřena na vypracování technologického postupu k základním typům límců a výstřihů formou výukových listů s vyhotoveným vzorníkem. Pátá část se zabývá videoukázkou technologického postupu jako doplnění ke čtvrté části.This bachelor work consists of five parts. The first part deals with the parting of collars and necks in term of technological design. The second part is amed on the survey of used bottom materials at technological processing of clothes. The third part analyses possibilities of processing description of technological progress with selection of optimal technological progress for the production of educational materials. The fourth part is aimed for the elaboration of technological progress to basic types of collars and necks with the form of tutorial leafs with the given sampler. The fifth part deals with the video - demonstration of the technological progress like completion to the fourth part

    Climate-fit.city Online Analytical Platform Needs

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    Urban areas are very vulnerable to the impacts of climate changes, because of the high concentration of people, infrastructure, and economic activity, but also because cities tend to exacerbate climate extremes such as heat waves and flash floods. This article focuses on project Pan-European Urban Climate Service - PUCS Grant Agreement Number: 730004, Service Name: Climate-fit.city. Climate-fit.city translated the best available scientific urban climate data into relevant information for public and private end-users operating in cities across a range of different sectors. The service will quantify the impacts of climate (change) on a range of urban sectors and propose relevant solutions to customers. For Czech republic the main topic is urban planning. The sectoral service on urban planning is focused on the (cor)relation between urban climate (heat) and urban land use structure and development. The first step of the project was to define the needs and expectations for an aplication of online analytical platform (one of the project products). The platform will also allow dedicated tailored scenario analysis based on climate change modelling and varying urban land use datasets. In three pilot areas, Prague, Ostrava and Hodonín, administration responsible for urban planning and strategical planning defined the needs and expectations. In this article will be described in more detail why these three pilot cities were involved and how different expectations and needs representatives have for these three areas

    Design and verification of a simple approach to brownfields categorization

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    Brownfields have been the subject of research, evaluation, categorization and, of course, redevelopment for many years. The ABC(D) model (an assessment tool to identify different types of sites in terms of their potential) by the Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network (CABERNET) has been mentioned in many publications. The aim of the assessment method presented in this article is to use the basic essence of the categories in the ABC(D) model and to use our own very simple criteria. Our criteria are the result of many years of experience in the creation and management of the brownfield database. In 2017, the development potential of selected brownfields in the database of the Moravian-Silesian region (Czech Republic) was evaluated using our proposed procedure (three objective and one subjective criterion). In 2020, verification of the categories in regard to how correctly or incorrectly they were proposed was carried out. The results from this verification, including reasons for the accompanying inaccuracies, are a part of this article. We verified that the very simple evaluation procedure we proposed is functional and can be applied by database administrators continuously without the need to create complex datasets and statistical evaluations.Web of Science1320art. no. 1120

    Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Spaces in the Context of the Sense of Danger That Citizens May Feel

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    Cities are facing the challenges of climate change. The application of nature-based solutions (NBS) to the urban structure is often mentioned in climate change adaptation strategies. In an effort to ensure the greatest possible well-being of citizens in the form of environmentally positive elements, the opinions of citizens are forgotten. This paper presents the results of research focusing on the feelings of unsafety associated with the application of NBS elements directly into the urban structure. In two pilot areas (Ostrava (CZ) and the part of Upper Silesian agglomeration (PL)) the feelings of the inhabitants and the possible feeling of fear or danger in the application of NBS were investigated. In Ostrava, a questionnaire survey was conducted in relation to specific elements of the NBS without discussion of specific locations. In the Upper Silesian agglomeration, residents’ feelings about specific NBS were surveyed at specific locations using guided interviews. Both approaches resulted in the identification of elements of concern. Respondents who discussed a specific location had a better understanding of the urban context and worried less. The two approaches demonstrated the need to communicate with residents before finalizing the design of a particular public space and the desirability of discussing site-specific issues with citizens