12 research outputs found

    Modeled surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I 84 hours after the beginning of emission.

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    <p>Top: 21 UTC, 20 October 2011; bottom: 21 UTC, 3 November 2011; left: RAPTOR model results; right: HYSPLIT model results. Blue dot: source location (Budapest). Red dots: detection sites (Dubna and Stockholm).</p

    WRF-HYSPLIT model results.

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    <p>Surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I at 0 UTC, 5 November 2011 modeled with the HYSPLIT model [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0172312#pone.0172312.ref010" target="_blank">10</a>] using the WRF meteorological data. The locations of Prague and Budapest are marked. Northward transport was caused by higher level winds.</p

    The contradiction between dispersion and trajectory results can be explained with the large vertical wind shear.

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    <p>Top: surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I at 0 and 6 UTC, 5 November 2011; bottom: 24-hour trajectories started from 40 m height hourly between 9–15 UTC, 4 November 2011. The locations of Prague and Budapest are marked. Modeled with the HYSPLIT model [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0172312#pone.0172312.ref010" target="_blank">10</a>] using the GFS meteorological data.</p

    HYSPLIT model results for 25 October 2011.

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    <p>Left: surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I at 0 UTC, 25 October 2011; right: 24-hour trajectories started hourly between 9–15 UTC, 24 November 2011. The locations of Prague and Budapest are marked. Simulated with the HYSPLIT model [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0172312#pone.0172312.ref010" target="_blank">10</a>] using the GFS meteorological data.</p

    Visible satellite image at 12 UTC, 4 November 2011.

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    <p>Fog and stratus clouds covering the Czech Republic indicates the presence of a strong low-level inversion. Wind below the inversion layer (950 hPa, white arrows) differs significantly from the wind above the inversion layer (850 hPa, orange arrows). Red dots show the locations of Prague and Budapest. Data obtained from EUMETSAT and GFS.</p

    Reported detection in Prague on 4–5 November was correctly predicted only by the WRF-Chem model.

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    <p>Modeled surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I at 0 UTC, 5 November 2011 with a Lagrangian (RAPTOR) and an online integrated Eulerian model (WRF-Chem) using the WRF meteorological data. The cities of Prague and Budapest are outlined.</p

    Surface wind observations at the time of the release, 12 UTC, 4 November 2011.

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    <p>Surface wind transporting the plume from Budapest to Prague is well observable. Data obtained from SYNOP reports of the National Weather Services of Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.</p

    Reported detection in Prague on 24–25 October was correctly predicted by the models.

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    <p>Modeled surface concentration of <sup>131</sup>I at 0 UTC, 25 October 2011 with a Lagrangian (RAPTOR) and an online integrated Eulerian model (WRF-Chem) using the WRF meteorological data. The cities of Prague and Budapest are outlined.</p

    DataSheet1_Optimisation of the chemical oxidation reduction process (CORD) on surrogate stainless steel in regards to its efficiency and secondary wastes.ZIP

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    Nuclear Power is a decarbonated technology of electrical energy generation. Using nuclear energy as a power source is currently considered as the best option in the fight against climate change. But the radioactive waste generated from nuclear power plants and their related facilities are matter of concern. Though the high level and intermediate level activity wastes are contained in small volumes (≤10%), significant volumes of lower activity wastes are generated. Metallic wastes are a major component of these radioactive wastes with about 500,000 tons expected in France alone, including 130,000 tons from steam generators. Majority of these metals are made of Stainless steel 316 alloy or Inconel 600. Under the effect of the primary circuit thermal-hydraulic constraints and irradiation, these the resulting corrosion products may be activated when close to the fuel, and be transported throughout the circuit. These products can be deposited on the surface of other metal components, causing contamination of the latter. The contamination can be adsorbed on the surface but can also diffuse in the oxide layers and sub-surface. The oxide layer is composed of an inner layer of Cr oxide under a layer of Ni and Fe oxide. Chemical decontamination is preferred due to the possibility of decontamination of difficult geometries and tube bends. In order to decontaminate these materials, it is important to dissolve the oxide layers chemically and a few micrometers of base metal where it could have diffused. An existing chemical method used to treat these materials is studied in this article, Chemical Oxidation Reduction Decontamination (CORD). Surrogate steel samples were prepared using high temperature induction heating and water vapour after sample preparation and cleaning. The oxide layer was characterised before treatment of the samples in the batch method at different concentrations and its effects are observed on the dissolution of the oxide layers. A protocol is being developed for the treatment of secondary waste effluents by multi-stage precipitation with a goal to reduce the total waste volumes and thus the volumes of ion exchange resins that would otherwise be needed.</p

    DataSheet1_Optimisation of the chemical oxidation reduction process (CORD) on surrogate stainless steel in regards to its efficiency and secondary wastes.pdf

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    Nuclear Power is a decarbonated technology of electrical energy generation. Using nuclear energy as a power source is currently considered as the best option in the fight against climate change. But the radioactive waste generated from nuclear power plants and their related facilities are matter of concern. Though the high level and intermediate level activity wastes are contained in small volumes (≤10%), significant volumes of lower activity wastes are generated. Metallic wastes are a major component of these radioactive wastes with about 500,000 tons expected in France alone, including 130,000 tons from steam generators. Majority of these metals are made of Stainless steel 316 alloy or Inconel 600. Under the effect of the primary circuit thermal-hydraulic constraints and irradiation, these the resulting corrosion products may be activated when close to the fuel, and be transported throughout the circuit. These products can be deposited on the surface of other metal components, causing contamination of the latter. The contamination can be adsorbed on the surface but can also diffuse in the oxide layers and sub-surface. The oxide layer is composed of an inner layer of Cr oxide under a layer of Ni and Fe oxide. Chemical decontamination is preferred due to the possibility of decontamination of difficult geometries and tube bends. In order to decontaminate these materials, it is important to dissolve the oxide layers chemically and a few micrometers of base metal where it could have diffused. An existing chemical method used to treat these materials is studied in this article, Chemical Oxidation Reduction Decontamination (CORD). Surrogate steel samples were prepared using high temperature induction heating and water vapour after sample preparation and cleaning. The oxide layer was characterised before treatment of the samples in the batch method at different concentrations and its effects are observed on the dissolution of the oxide layers. A protocol is being developed for the treatment of secondary waste effluents by multi-stage precipitation with a goal to reduce the total waste volumes and thus the volumes of ion exchange resins that would otherwise be needed.</p