9 research outputs found


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    This paper is concerned with the H∞ filtering problem for networked systems with bounded measurement missing. A switched linear system model is proposed to describe the considered filtering error system. A sufficient condition is derived for the filtering error system to be exponentially stable and achieve a prescribed H∞ filtering performance level. The obtained condition establishes quantitative relations among the H∞ performance level and two parameters characterizing the measurement missing, namely, the measurement missing rate bound and the maximal number of consecutive measurement missing. A convex optimization problem is presented to design the linear H∞ filters. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed results

    A Lifetime Optimization Algorithm Limited by Data Transmission Delay and Hops for Mobile Sink-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    To improve the lifetime of mobile sink-based wireless sensor networks and considering that data transmission delay and hops are limited in actual system, a lifetime optimization algorithm limited by data transmission delay and hops (LOA_DH) for mobile sink-based wireless sensor networks is proposed. In LOA_DH, some constraints are analyzed, and an optimization model is proposed. Maximum capacity path routing algorithm is used to calculate the energy consumption of communication. Improved genetic algorithm which modifies individuals to meet all constraints is used to solve the optimization model. The optimal solution of sink node’s sojourn grid centers and sojourn times which maximizes network lifetime is obtained. Simulation results show that, in three node distribution scenes, LOA_DH can find the movement solution of sink node which covers all sensor nodes. Compared with MCP_RAND, MCP_GMRE, and EASR, the solution improves network lifetime and reduces average amount of node discarded data and average energy consumption of nodes

    Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink Nodes

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    In order to maximize network lifetime and balance energy consumption when sink nodes can move, maximizing lifetime of wireless sensor networks with mobile sink nodes (MLMS) is researched. The movement path selection method of sink nodes is proposed. Modified subtractive clustering method, k-means method, and nearest neighbor interpolation method are used to obtain the movement paths. The lifetime optimization model is established under flow constraint, energy consumption constraint, link transmission constraint, and other constraints. The model is solved from the perspective of static and mobile data gathering of sink nodes. Subgradient method is used to solve the lifetime optimization model when one sink node stays at one anchor location. Geometric method is used to evaluate the amount of gathering data when sink nodes are moving. Finally, all sensor nodes transmit data according to the optimal data transmission scheme. Sink nodes gather the data along the shortest movement paths. Simulation results show that MLMS can prolong network lifetime, balance node energy consumption, and reduce data gathering latency under appropriate parameters. Under certain conditions, it outperforms Ratio_w, TPGF, RCC, and GRND

    Analysis of Motion of Dynamic Scenes in Microscopy Images: Formalization, Criteria and Results

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    In this paper, we formalize the problem of the motion analysis of dynamic objects and scenes based on the algorithms and methods developed by the authors for analysis of the cell population behavior. Cell population is considered as a system of dynamic objects and motion is analyzed by using concept of an integral optical flow. On the base of the main types of motion, the key points of cell movement in the population are identified and stages of cell development and interaction are described. The formalization of operations on dynamic objects has been completed

    FAWPA: A FAW Attack Protection Algorithm Based on the Behavior of Blockchain Miners

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    Blockchain has become one of the key techniques for the security of the industrial internet. However, the blockchain is vulnerable to FAW (Fork after Withholding) attacks. To protect the industrial internet from FAW attacks, this paper proposes a novel FAW attack protection algorithm (FAWPA) based on the behavior of blockchain miners. Firstly, FAWPA performs miner data preprocessing based on the behavior of the miners. Then, FAWPA proposes a behavioral reward and punishment mechanism and a credit scoring model to obtain cumulative credit value with the processed data. Moreover, we propose a miner’s credit classification mechanism based on fuzzy C-means (FCM), which combines the improved Aquila optimizer (AO) with strong solving ability. That is, FAWPA combines the miner’s accumulated credit value and multiple attack features as the basis for classification, and optimizes cluster center selection by simulating Aquila’s predation behavior. It can improve the solution update mechanism in different optimization stages. FAWPA can realize the rapid classification of miners’ credit levels by improving the speed of identifying malicious miners. To evaluate the protective effect of the target mining pool, FAWPA finally establishes a mining pool and miner revenue model under FAW attack. The simulation results show that FAWPA can thoroughly and efficiently detect malicious miners in the target mining pool. FAWPA also improves the recall rate and precision rate of malicious miner detection, and it improves the cumulative revenue of the target mining pool. The proposed algorithm performs better than ND, RSCM, AWRS, and ICRDS

    A Novel Data-Driven Evaluation Framework for Fork after Withholding Attack in Blockchain Systems

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    In the blockchain system, mining pools are popular for miners to work collectively and obtain more revenue. Nowadays, there are consensus attacks that threaten the efficiency and security of mining pools. As a new type of consensus attack, the Fork After Withholding (FAW) attack can cause huge economic losses to mining pools. Currently, there are a few evaluation tools for FAW attacks, but it is still difficult to evaluate the FAW attack protection capability of target mining pools. To address the above problem, this paper proposes a novel evaluation framework for FAW attack protection of the target mining pools in blockchain systems. In this framework, we establish the revenue model for mining pools, including honest consensus revenue, block withholding revenue, successful fork revenue, and consensus cost. We also establish the revenue functions of target mining pools and other mining pools, respectively. In particular, we propose an efficient computing power allocation optimization algorithm (CPAOA) for FAW attacks against multiple target mining pools. We propose a model-solving algorithm based on improved Aquila optimization by improving the selection mechanism in different optimization stages, which can increase the convergence speed of the model solution and help find the optimal solution in computing power allocation. Furthermore, to greatly reduce the possibility of falling into local optimal solutions, we propose a solution update mechanism that combines the idea of scout bees in an artificial bee colony optimization algorithm and the constraint of allocating computing power. The experimental results show that the framework can effectively evaluate the revenue of various mining pools. CPAOA can quickly and accurately allocate the computing power of FAW attacks according to the computing power of the target mining pool. Thus, the proposed evaluation framework can effectively help evaluate the FAW attack protection capability of multiple target mining pools and ensure the security of the blockchain system

    Data Uploading and Exchange Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks in the City Traffic Environment

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    Mobile sensor networks (MSN) in the city environment have dynamic topology and large amounts of data. In order to overcome the problem of data uploading and exchange, data uploading and exchange algorithm (DUEA) is proposed. In DUEA, the three-tier network architecture composed of vehicle nodes, relay nodes and sink nodes is considered. The link estimator, routing engine, and forwarding engine are modified based on CTP (collection tree protocol). In the link estimator, beacon packet is simplified. In the routing engine, the numbers of elements in the send queue of neighbor nodes, and link quality are weighed. The new calculation formulae of ETX value and selection method of father node are proposed. In the forwarding engine, different snooping methods are used for two types of data named general data and warning data. Simulation results show that compared with CTP, DUEA increases data throughput and transmission rate and reduces energy consumption of packet transmission when data is uploaded. DUEA also reduces average transmission delay when data is exchanged. Physical test results show that DUEA achieves desired effect in the testbed. DUEA is effective and feasible and outperforms CTP in the city traffic environment