490 research outputs found

    Distribution Consistency based Self-Training for Graph Neural Networks with Sparse Labels

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    Few-shot node classification poses a significant challenge for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) due to insufficient supervision and potential distribution shifts between labeled and unlabeled nodes. Self-training has emerged as a widely popular framework to leverage the abundance of unlabeled data, which expands the training set by assigning pseudo-labels to selected unlabeled nodes. Efforts have been made to develop various selection strategies based on confidence, information gain, etc. However, none of these methods takes into account the distribution shift between the training and testing node sets. The pseudo-labeling step may amplify this shift and even introduce new ones, hindering the effectiveness of self-training. Therefore, in this work, we explore the potential of explicitly bridging the distribution shift between the expanded training set and test set during self-training. To this end, we propose a novel Distribution-Consistent Graph Self-Training (DC-GST) framework to identify pseudo-labeled nodes that are both informative and capable of redeeming the distribution discrepancy and formulate it as a differentiable optimization task. A distribution-shift-aware edge predictor is further adopted to augment the graph and increase the model's generalizability in assigning pseudo labels. We evaluate our proposed method on four publicly available benchmark datasets and extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted by WSDM 202

    Low-Confidence Samples Mining for Semi-supervised Object Detection

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    Reliable pseudo-labels from unlabeled data play a key role in semi-supervised object detection (SSOD). However, the state-of-the-art SSOD methods all rely on pseudo-labels with high confidence, which ignore valuable pseudo-labels with lower confidence. Additionally, the insufficient excavation for unlabeled data results in an excessively low recall rate thus hurting the network training. In this paper, we propose a novel Low-confidence Samples Mining (LSM) method to utilize low-confidence pseudo-labels efficiently. Specifically, we develop an additional pseudo information mining (PIM) branch on account of low-resolution feature maps to extract reliable large-area instances, the IoUs of which are higher than small-area ones. Owing to the complementary predictions between PIM and the main branch, we further design self-distillation (SD) to compensate for both in a mutually-learning manner. Meanwhile, the extensibility of the above approaches enables our LSM to apply to Faster-RCNN and Deformable-DETR respectively. On the MS-COCO benchmark, our method achieves 3.54% mAP improvement over state-of-the-art methods under 5% labeling ratios

    Faithful and Consistent Graph Neural Network Explanations with Rationale Alignment

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    Uncovering rationales behind predictions of graph neural networks (GNNs) has received increasing attention over recent years. Instance-level GNN explanation aims to discover critical input elements, like nodes or edges, that the target GNN relies upon for making predictions. %These identified sub-structures can provide interpretations of GNN's behavior. Though various algorithms are proposed, most of them formalize this task by searching the minimal subgraph which can preserve original predictions. However, an inductive bias is deep-rooted in this framework: several subgraphs can result in the same or similar outputs as the original graphs. Consequently, they have the danger of providing spurious explanations and failing to provide consistent explanations. Applying them to explain weakly-performed GNNs would further amplify these issues. To address this problem, we theoretically examine the predictions of GNNs from the causality perspective. Two typical reasons for spurious explanations are identified: confounding effect of latent variables like distribution shift, and causal factors distinct from the original input. Observing that both confounding effects and diverse causal rationales are encoded in internal representations, \tianxiang{we propose a new explanation framework with an auxiliary alignment loss, which is theoretically proven to be optimizing a more faithful explanation objective intrinsically. Concretely for this alignment loss, a set of different perspectives are explored: anchor-based alignment, distributional alignment based on Gaussian mixture models, mutual-information-based alignment, etc. A comprehensive study is conducted both on the effectiveness of this new framework in terms of explanation faithfulness/consistency and on the advantages of these variants.Comment: TIST2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2205.1373

    DenoSent: A Denoising Objective for Self-Supervised Sentence Representation Learning

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    Contrastive-learning-based methods have dominated sentence representation learning. These methods regularize the representation space by pulling similar sentence representations closer and pushing away the dissimilar ones and have been proven effective in various NLP tasks, e.g., semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks. However, it is challenging for these methods to learn fine-grained semantics as they only learn from the inter-sentence perspective, i.e., their supervision signal comes from the relationship between data samples. In this work, we propose a novel denoising objective that inherits from another perspective, i.e., the intra-sentence perspective. By introducing both discrete and continuous noise, we generate noisy sentences and then train our model to restore them to their original form. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that this approach delivers competitive results on both semantic textual similarity (STS) and a wide range of transfer tasks, standing up well in comparison to contrastive-learning-based methods. Notably, the proposed intra-sentence denoising objective complements existing inter-sentence contrastive methodologies and can be integrated with them to further enhance performance. Our code is available at https://github.com/xinghaow99/DenoSent.Comment: AAAI 202

    Domain Adaptive Person Search via GAN-based Scene Synthesis for Cross-scene Videos

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    Person search has recently been a challenging task in the computer vision domain, which aims to search specific pedestrians from real cameras.Nevertheless, most surveillance videos comprise only a handful of images of each pedestrian, which often feature identical backgrounds and clothing. Hence, it is difficult to learn more discriminative features for person search in real scenes. To tackle this challenge, we draw on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to synthesize data from surveillance videos. GAN has thrived in computer vision problems because it produces high-quality images efficiently. We merely alter the popular Fast R-CNN model, which is capable of processing videos and yielding accurate detection outcomes. In order to appropriately relieve the pressure brought by the two-stage model, we design an Assisted-Identity Query Module (AIDQ) to provide positive images for the behind part. Besides, the proposed novel GAN-based Scene Synthesis model that can synthesize high-quality cross-id person images for person search tasks. In order to facilitate the feature learning of the GAN-based Scene Synthesis model, we adopt an online learning strategy that collaboratively learns the synthesized images and original images. Extensive experiments on two widely used person search benchmarks, CUHK-SYSU and PRW, have shown that our method has achieved great performance, and the extensive ablation study further justifies our GAN-synthetic data can effectively increase the variability of the datasets and be more realistic

    An innovative timber-steel hybrid beam consisting of glulam mechanically reinforced by means of steel rod: Analytical and preliminary numerical investigations

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    Abstract There is an increasing interest in large-dimensional timber structural elements within the construction sector in order to fulfil the combined demand of sustainability, open spaces and architectural flexibility. Current timber technology allows for efficient production of long-size beams, but many problems are related to their overall high costs due to difficulties in transportation, manufacturing on site and handling during the mounting phase. Hence, the aim of this work is to propose and study an innovative timber-steel hybrid structural element composed of shorter pieces of beams connected and reinforced by means of a system consisting of steel shear keys and steel rods. The small timber elements and steel devices can be prefabricated with low costs and easily assembled into large elements at the construction sites. The proposed system can also be used for retrofitting of existing timber members when it is necessary to increase their strength, stiffness and ductility. The structural behavior of the proposed system was therefore studied both as a connection and as a retrofitting technique, which were analyzed via two types of hybrid beams, one with a splice at mid-span and one without, separately. A simple glulam beam with the same geometrical characteristics of the two hybrid structures was also investigated for the comparison of the structural behavior. The analytical results show that the hybrid beams with and without splice have both obtained significant increasement in the stiffness, strength and ductility. The numerical analyses are limited in the elastic stage due to the elastic mechanical properties assigned to the structural components. The numerical results show good agreement with the analytical ones for each type of beam in terms of the stiffness in the elastic stage. Finally, the influence of the parameters such as the distance between shear keys, slip modulus of shear keys and diameter of rod, on the structural behavior of hybrid beams is discussed in this paper

    A Survey on Visual Mamba

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    State space models (SSM) with selection mechanisms and hardware-aware architectures, namely Mamba, have recently shown significant potential in long-sequence modeling. Since the complexity of transformers’ self-attention mechanism is quadratic with image size, as well as increasing computational demands, researchers are currently exploring how to adapt Mamba for computer vision tasks. This paper is the first comprehensive survey that aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Mamba models within the domain of computer vision. It begins by exploring the foundational concepts contributing to Mamba’s success, including the SSM framework, selection mechanisms, and hardware-aware design. Then, we review these vision Mamba models by categorizing them into foundational models and those enhanced with techniques including convolution, recurrence, and attention to improve their sophistication. Furthermore, we investigate the widespread applications of Mamba in vision tasks, which include their use as a backbone in various levels of vision processing. This encompasses general visual tasks, medical visual tasks (e.g., 2D/3D segmentation, classification, image registration, etc.), and remote sensing visual tasks. In particular, we introduce general visual tasks from two levels: high/mid-level vision (e.g., object detection, segmentation, video classification, etc.) and low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image restoration, visual generation, etc.). We hope this endeavor will spark additional interest within the community to address current challenges and further apply Mamba models in computer vision