11 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different water change frequency on the growth of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Fingerlings with initial mean weights of 7.02 ± 0.05g were stocked (50 fish each) in fifteen concrete tanks (2x2x2m) and were conditioned under five different treatments of water renewal, namely: TRT1 (no water change), TRT2 (water renewed daily), TRT3 (water renewed after four days), TRT4 (water renewed after eight days) and TRT5 (water renewed after fourteen days). After 56 days of feeding, results revealed best growth performance of fingerlings in tanks with water renewal frequency of TRT3 and TRT4. Similarly, survival was higher in these frequencies compared to the others; the control treatment, however, had the least performance for all parameters measured. It is therefore recommended that water renewal should be done once between four and eight days to enhance growth of African catfish fingerlings reared in a static system.Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj različitih frekvencija promjene vode na rast afričkog soma, Clarius gariepinus. Mlađ s početnim srednjim težinama od 7,02 ± 0,05 g je bila smještena (po 50 riba u svaki) u petnaest betonskih spremnika (2x2x2 m) koji su tretirani s pet različitih tretmana obnavljanja vode i to: TRT1 (bez promjene vode), TRT2 (dnevna promjena vode), TRT3 (voda se obnavljala nakon četiri dana), TRT4 (voda se obnavljala nakon osam dana) i TRT5 (voda se obnavljala nakon četrnaest dana). Nakon 56 dana hranjenja, najbolje rezultate rasta je pokazala mlađ u spremnicima s frekvencijom obnavljanja vode od TRT3 i TRT4. Slično tome, preživljavanje je bilo više u tim frekvencijama u usporedbi s ostalima. Međutim, kontrolni tretman je imao najmanji učinak za sve mjerene parametre. Stoga se preporučuje da se radi obnova vode nakon četiri do osam dana kako bi se poboljšalo rast mlađi afričkih somova uzgojenih u statičkom sustavu


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    U ovom radu istraživana je brzina rasta mlađi Clarius gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) uzgajanih u bijelim, zelenim, plavim, crnim i crvenim bazenima. Svaka boja testirana je na triplikatu 1 m3 bazenu s početnom gustoćom mlađi od 100 jedinki po bazenu (1,07 g). Ribe su dnevno hranjene komercijalnom hranom na 5% tjelesne težine tijekom osam tjedana. Težina ribe je mjerena svaka 2 tjedna kako bi se prilagodila stopa ishrane. Boja bazena imala je značajan utjecaj (P <0,05) na ukupne performanse mlađi. Uzgoj u crnim bazenima rezultirao je većim dnevnim unosom hrane (0,44 g) i boljom performansom rasta u usporedbi s drugim bojama bazena, dok je najslabiji rast zabilježen u plavim i zelenim bazenima. Kretanje proteina i masti kroz osam tjedana imalo je sličan trend kao i rast. Također, testovi glukoze u serumu za koju se smatra da je pokazatelj stresa pokazali su veću razinu u svijetloj pozadini bazena. Na postotak preživljavanja boja bazena nije utjecala. Zaključeno je da su bazeni tamne boje, poput crne ili crvene, bolji u odnosu na svijetlo obojene bazene za uzgoj mlađi afričkog soma.The performance of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fingerlings reared in white, green, blue, black and red coloured tanks was investigated. Each colour was tested in triplicate 1 m3 tanks with an initial stocking density of 100 fingerlings per tank (1.07 g). Fish were fed a commercial diet at 5% body weight per day for eight weeks. Fish weights were sampled every 2 weeks to adjust feeding rates. Tank colour had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the overall performance of the fingerlings. Rearing in black tanks resulted in a higher daily feed intake (0.44 g) and better growth performance when compared to other tank colours, while the poorest performance was observed in blue and green tanks. Carcass protein and fat content at 8 weeks revealed a trend similar to that observed for growth. Also, serum glucose tests showed higher levels in light background tanks and were thought to be an indication of stress. Survival was not affected by tank colour. It was concluded that dark-coloured tanks such as black or red were better in comparison to light-coloured tanks for the rearing of African catfish fingerlings


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage conditions on the quality of feed and the aftermath effect of feeding fish with such feeds. Three commercial diets used for this study included Coppens®, Multifeed® and Vital feed®. Feed was stored either by opening the bag to the atmosphere (WO), the bag opened with neck tied using a rubber ring to prevent exposure to the atmosphere (OT) or sealed (SC) until the start of the feeding trials. The feed was stored under these conditions for six months. Nutrient analyses revealed significant changes in feeds held under the WO condition when compared with other storage conditions. Nutritive changes also varied with commercial feed type. Mould infestation of the feed was noticeable more in the WO condition of storage compared to the SC condition. After feeding C. gariepinus for fifty-six days, lesions were observed on fish fed mouldy feed held under the WO condition, which led to mass mortalities. Growth performance was higher in all fish fed SC stored feed, and for those fed Coppens® and Multifeed® under OT storage conditions. It is advised that storage of fish feeds up to six months should be undertaken with considerable care and attention.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja na kakvoću hrane i posljedica učinka hranidbe ribe s takvom hranom. Tri komercijalna hranjiva su korištena u ovom istraživanju su: Coppens®, Multifeed® i Vital feed ®. Hrana je uskladištena: otvaranjem vreća u atmosferu (WO), otvaranjem vreća vezanih gumenim prstenom kako bi se spriječilo izlaganje atmosferi (OT) ili hermetički zatvorene vreće (SC) do početka hranjenja. Hrana je pohranjena u tim uvjetima tijekom šest mjeseci. Analiza hranjiva pokazala je značajne promjene u hrani koja se održava u WO stanju u usporedbi s drugim uvjetima skladištenja. Nutritivne promjene također su varirale s vrstom komercijalne hrane. Pojava plijesni na hrani je bila primjetno viša u WO uvjetima čuvanja u odnosu na SC uvijete. Nakon hranjenja C. gariepinus tijekom pedeset i šest dana, uočene su lezije na ribi koja je hranjena pljesnivom hranom, koja se skladištila pod WO uvjetima, što je dovelo do masovnih uginuća. Karakteristike rasta su bile veće kod svih riba hranjenih u SC uvjetima pohranjene hrane, kao i za one hranjene Coppens® i Multifeed® pod uvjetima COT skladištenja. Preporučljivo je da se skladištenju riblje hrane do šest mjeseci treba posvetiti znatnu brigu i pažnju


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    U ovom radu istraživana je brzina rasta mlađi Clarius gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) uzgajanih u bijelim, zelenim, plavim, crnim i crvenim bazenima. Svaka boja testirana je na triplikatu 1 m3 bazenu s početnom gustoćom mlađi od 100 jedinki po bazenu (1,07 g). Ribe su dnevno hranjene komercijalnom hranom na 5% tjelesne težine tijekom osam tjedana. Težina ribe je mjerena svaka 2 tjedna kako bi se prilagodila stopa ishrane. Boja bazena imala je značajan utjecaj (P <0,05) na ukupne performanse mlađi. Uzgoj u crnim bazenima rezultirao je većim dnevnim unosom hrane (0,44 g) i boljom performansom rasta u usporedbi s drugim bojama bazena, dok je najslabiji rast zabilježen u plavim i zelenim bazenima. Kretanje proteina i masti kroz osam tjedana imalo je sličan trend kao i rast. Također, testovi glukoze u serumu za koju se smatra da je pokazatelj stresa pokazali su veću razinu u svijetloj pozadini bazena. Na postotak preživljavanja boja bazena nije utjecala. Zaključeno je da su bazeni tamne boje, poput crne ili crvene, bolji u odnosu na svijetlo obojene bazene za uzgoj mlađi afričkog soma.The performance of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fingerlings reared in white, green, blue, black and red coloured tanks was investigated. Each colour was tested in triplicate 1 m3 tanks with an initial stocking density of 100 fingerlings per tank (1.07 g). Fish were fed a commercial diet at 5% body weight per day for eight weeks. Fish weights were sampled every 2 weeks to adjust feeding rates. Tank colour had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the overall performance of the fingerlings. Rearing in black tanks resulted in a higher daily feed intake (0.44 g) and better growth performance when compared to other tank colours, while the poorest performance was observed in blue and green tanks. Carcass protein and fat content at 8 weeks revealed a trend similar to that observed for growth. Also, serum glucose tests showed higher levels in light background tanks and were thought to be an indication of stress. Survival was not affected by tank colour. It was concluded that dark-coloured tanks such as black or red were better in comparison to light-coloured tanks for the rearing of African catfish fingerlings

    Gut Microbiota and Innate Immune Response of Macrobrachium vollenhovenii Infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas hydrophila Fed Diets Supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus

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    The use of antibiotics as disease control agents has become contentious due to rise in drug-resistant bacteria such as Psuedomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas hydrophilla. Studies have shown antibacterial potentials of some probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophillus as promising alternative. Therefore, effects of diets fortified with Lactobacillus acidophillus on gut ecology and health status of African River prawn, Macrobranchium vollenhovenii were investigated. Prawns fed diets fortified with Lactobacillus acidophillus were challenged with Psuedomonas aeruginosa (1 × 107 cfu/mL) and Aeromonas hydrophilla (5 × 105 cfu/mL) using bath method for 14 days. Total viable and total enterobacteriaceae counts were determined on plate count agar and McConkey agar, respectively. Haemolymph (mL), total haemocyte count (cells/mL), catalase (mg/g protein), superoxide dismutase (mg/g protein, respiratory burst activity (μmoles) and survival rate (%) were evaluated using standard procedures. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA at p = 0.05. Results revealed that Marobranchium vollenhovenii-fed supplemented diets had reduced bacteria load, gut flora dominated by beneficial bacteria, enhanced immune system and protection against Aeromonas hydrophila at 103 cfu/mL inclusion level and could be used as immunodulation against Aeromonas infection


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    U radu je istraživana učinkovitost rasta, iskoristivost hranjivih tvari i zdravstveno stanje šarana Cyprinus carpio hranjenih različitim razinama brašna listova moringe Moringa oleifera kao hranidbene zamjenice za sojino brašno. Izrađeno je šest izo-dušičnih hranidbenih smjesa s postotnom zamjenom sirovih proteina od 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% i 50% brašnom listova moringe. Mlađ šarana (n=360; W=8.12±0.21 g) su razdijeljeni u 18 hapasa (1m3) te su hranjeni hranidbenim smjesama u omjeru od 5% ukupne mase tijela ribe. Rezultati su ukazali kako riba hranjena smjesom s razinom zamjene sirovog proteina od 30% ima značajno bolju završnu masu, prirast, specifičnu stopu rasta, omjer proteinske učinkovitosti i omjer pretvorbe hrane, dok su stope preživljavanja nisu bile značajno različite. Također, značajno su poboljšane hematološke, biokemijske i imunološke reakcije riba hranjene smjesama s zamjenom Moringa oleifera. Rezultati upućuju i na to da je viša razina zamjene moringom moguća, ali je i mogući utjecaj na rast ribe i ekonomsku isplativost. Brašno lišća moringe Moringa oleifera može biti korišten za zamjenu 30% sirovog proteina sojinog brašna u hranidbi mlađi šarana Cyprinus carpio.The growth performance, nutrient utilization and health status of Cyprinus carpio fed various levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a replacement for soybean meal was investigated. Six isonitrogenous diets were formulated with Moringa oleifera leaf meal at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50% crude protein replacement. The diets were fed to the fish at 5% body weight to 360 Cyprinus carpio juveniles (8.12±0.21 g) allotted to 18 happas (1 m3) in a completely randomized design for 12 weeks. The results revealed that crude protein replacement levels of 30% had significantly better final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and feed conversion ratio, while survival rates were not significantly different. Also, haematological, biochemical and immune responses of the fish fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal fortified diets were significantly improved. The results further suggest that higher inclusion replacement is possible but opined that, for growth and economic consideration, Moringa oleifera leaf meal could be used to replace 30% crude protein of soybean in the diet of Cyprinus carpio juveniles

    Nutritional profile of toasted canavalia ensiformis seed and its potetial as partially replacement for soybean in the diet of clarias gariepinus

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    The nutritional value of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) in animal feeds have been limited by the presence of antinutritional factors. This study investigates the efficacy of toasting as a processing method in improving the nutritional value and the utilization of C. ensiformis seeds in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. Result obtained reveals that the proximate composition of toasted C. ensiformis seed was not significant affected when compared to the raw seed. However, many essential amino acids were significantly reduced by toasting. Of all phytonutrient isolated in the seed, lectin and canavaline were not markedly reduced with toasting. Fingerlings of C. gariepinus fed diets (35%CP) formulate by substituting soybeans (inclusion at 38.19%) with C. ensiformis at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% revealed significant reduction in growth as the substitution levels increased. It was concluded that toasting alone is not an effective method for improving utilization of C. ensiformis in the diet of African catfish. Research on other processing methods or are recommende

    The effect of water renewal on growth of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different water change frequency on the growth of African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Fingerlings with initial mean weights of 7.02 ± 0.05g were stocked (50 fish each) in fifteen concrete tanks (2×2×2m) and were conditioned under five different treatments of water renewal, namely: TRT1 (no water change), TRT2 (water renewed daily), TRT3 (water renewed after four days), TRT4 (water renewed after eight days) and TRT5 (water renewed after fourteen days). After 56 days of feeding, results revealed best growth performance of fingerlings in tanks with water renewal frequency of TRT3 and TRT4. Similarly, survival was higher in these frequencies compared to the others; the control treatment, however, had the least performance for all parameters measured. It is therefore recommended that water renewal should be done once between four and eight days to enhance growth of African catfish fingerlings reared in a static system

    Effects of Tank Background Colour on Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Fingerlings

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    The performance of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fingerlings reared in white, green, blue, black and red coloured tanks was investigated. Each colour was tested in triplicate 1 m3 tanks with an initial stocking density of 100 fingerlings per tank (1.07 g). Fish were fed a commercial diet at 5% body weight per day for eight weeks. Fish weights were sampled every 2 weeks to adjust feeding rates. Tank colour had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the overall performance of the fingerlings. Rearing in black tanks resulted in a higher daily feed intake (0.44 g) and better growth performance when compared to other tank colours, while the poorest performance was observed in blue and green tanks. Carcass protein and fat content at 8 weeks revealed a trend similar to that observed for growth. Also, serum glucose tests showed higher levels in light background tanks and were thought to be an indication of stress. Survival was not affected by tank colour. It was concluded that dark-coloured tanks such as black or red were better in comparison to light-coloured tanks for the rearing of African catfish fingerling

    Effects of Dietary Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal as a Replacement for Soybean Meal on Growth, Body Composition and Health Status in Cyprinus carpio Juveniles

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    The growth performance, nutrient utilization and health status of Cyprinus carpio fed various levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a replacement for soybean meal was investigated. Six isonitrogenous diets were formulated with Moringa oleifera leaf meal at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50% crude protein replacement. The diets were fed to the fish at 5% body weight to 360 Cyprinus carpio juveniles (8.12±0.21 g) allotted to 18 happas (1 m3) in a completely randomized design for 12 weeks. The results revealed that crude protein replacement levels of 30% had significantly better final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and feed conversion ratio, while survival rates were not significantly different. Also, haematological, biochemical and immune responses of the fish fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal fortified diets were significantly improved. The results further suggest that higher inclusion replacement is possible but opined that, for growth and economic consideration, Moringa oleifera leaf meal could be used to replace 30% crude protein of soybean in the diet of Cyprinus carpio juveniles